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True Love Does Exist

Updated on September 3, 2020
True love at it's finest. 38 years
True love at it's finest. 38 years | Source
True Love
True Love
True love.
True love. | Source
True love
True love | Source
True Love
True Love | Source

True love is more than a description; it’s an abundance of overpowering emotions you feel towards another. It’s a feeling that only a person who feels it can describe it. If you’re lucky enough to find and share this with another human being; consider yourself blessed. The world we are living in today doesn’t emphasize much on loving another.

Your partner could possibly be your next door neighbor, your childhood or high school sweetheart. No one knows who it will be. You will know the feeling when it strikes you. It’s at that time you; just know. Once the two of you have found each other what’s the next step? That varies for every couple. While you have many couples follow the tradition of dating, marrying, family etc. Some others find ways to abstract from the traditional relationship. A few couples live together, break up, get back together, have several children and still remain in love with one another. Is this true love? Who are we to judge if it works for them and they feel that it is; more power to them. There is clearly something in the relationship that brings them together.

There are several different types of relationships that work for each individual. The best friend you’ve known since a young age; turns out to be the love of your life. The friend of your brother/cousin you fell deeply in love with. Or the person you met when you prayed deeply for true love. Yes, it sounds corny & unbelievable to some but yes it does happen.

Whatever the scenario is true love does exist. Whenever & however the two of you were brought into each other’s path is irrelevant. It’s what happens afterwards that matters. The two of you will know because that feeling you begin to experience is like no other. The two of you become inseparable. You become as a team. You’re always thinking of the other in every way helpful. Your heart cares for them more than for yourself. You have so much in common that it somewhat frightens you. The both of you are so in tune with one another that you think the same thoughts. This happens because you know so much of how the other feels and thinks about everything. The connection you have with each other is something only the two of you understand, appreciate and love.

This is the love you have always wanted & deserved. It doesn’t mean that either party is obsessed with the other. This means there is a high devotion of respect, honesty and love that you can’t imagine yourself deserving of anything less.

“True Love” is when you put the other before you. It’s holding their hair back while they’re sick. It’s being by their side through good times and bad times. It is supporting one another in every way possible. It’s giving each other respect and trust to also have their independence as a person; other than being your partner. It’s sharing intimacy on a level that no other could ever achieve. It’s picking up the pieces when the other feels shattered. It’s finishing each other’s sentences. It’s believing in their dreams. It’s crying with them when they hurt. It’s singing for joy when they’re ecstatic. It’s thinking of them when they are away. It’s feeling that adrenaline rush in your body when you see them. It’s laughing with each other when at times you want to throw a shoe at them. It’s sharing the last piece of pie with them. It’s sharing each other’s deepest secrets, fears and wishes. It’s making final arrangements together. It’s being by their bedside when their final moment has arrived. It’s everything the two of you have experienced together and fight for till the end. It’s 25, 38, 15, 10, 7 years of marriage. It’s a love that you know deep in your heart no other can replace. It’s accepting them for who they are; the person that loves you the same way you love them.

If and when you’ve been lucky enough to share this with another; treasure it, respect it, appreciate it, and protect it. This is the kind of love that comes once in a lifetime. This is “TRUE LOVE”….

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Lynn


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