Two Old Friends Meet For Coffee
Two Old Friends
Two old friends meet for Coffee
Johnnie Fowler and Marion Frye graduated high school together and were the best of friends. Side by side they attended the same school, same grade. They were next door neighbors and fought and played together like brothers. Johnnie joined the air force and made it a career. Marion went to University and opened a law office in the small town where they grew up. Ever now and then they would hear about each other through relatives and friends, but over the years had lost contact with each other.
Johnnie came to town for a holiday with his family, and made it a priority to call his old friend Marion.
“Hello Marion,” Johnnie here.
“Johnnie! Hey man, what a surprise! Where are you? How are you?”
“I’m here, in town. Thought we might meet at Maggie’s Café and chat a while. Love to see you."
“Sure Johnnie.” I’m free today at 2 O’clock, is that O.K.?”
Coffee at Maggie's Cafe
Old times
A hearty hand shake, a familiar warm feeling and the two sat down at the same sunny table as 30 years ago and ordered a cup of coffee. At this stage of their life, the mirror is not merciful and both took notice of physical changes time had etched. They talked of career choices and family and opened their wallets to show pictures of kids and grand kids, reminiscing memories of their childhood way past the third cup of coffee.
Do you remember this? Do you remember that? The conversation did not lull, and they laughed and talked until the sun was no longer shinning on their table.
“Promise me, next time you come to town, Johnnie, call in advance, I’d like to have you come over for dinner and meet the family, or better than that, bring your family and let’s just paint the town and get reacquainted. It’s been a pleasure seeing you again.”
They parted with a hearty hug, and a slap on the back, and went their separate ways. Both paused and glanced back. They waved, each realizing the clock of time was ticking. Remembering the joys of Spring, the bountiful Summers, and now the reflective Fall, apprehensive of the approaching Winter. Tick, tick, tick, tick.