When Love Has Gone.
Your love has gone, do you feel alone, are you prepared to make the first move. This question and more, are raging through your mind when an intimate relationship is over. If you are prepared to make the first move, then you really have to apply logic to your actions.
It is easy to say I know, but you must remain in control of your situation. Do not chase your ex, do not plead or beg. Maintain your self respect, you have to remain strong. Allow your strategy to take over. Disappear from the scene, it might be difficult but do it. Talk to mutual friends but do not see them, this way your absence will be more noticeable.
Mention a new interest.
After perhaps two weeks mention that you might have a new romantic interest but only that you might. By now you will be a focal point of conversation within your group, or circle of friends. If your ex is still interested in you and embers of love still remain, they will contact you in some way. If they do not then please move on, if your ex isn't bothered. It is time to go.
If you are contacted remain in control say that you would like to see them 'for a catch up' without being too blunt, this indicates that you don't consider your meeting to be a 'date' When you meet be totally upbeat in your attitude, look them in the eye and be extremely interested in their conversation. Try to be the person you were when you met. They will feel flattered by this approach and might well open up in there own conversation regarding your break up. Do not be argumentive or unkind, remember they too might well be hurting just like you. It might be that your ex tells you of their regret of past actions. Should this happen remember why you are there, you are trying to rekindle your relationship, so listen and be thoughtful in your replies.
Your self respect is important. Keep it.
If after this meeting you are still not reconciled, maintain your dignity, show some self respect and leave it there. As time passes you will be glad you did.
You might ask how I am qualified to give advice on this subject, when Pauline and I have been married for over forty years. Well over those years we have been lucky enough to employ some amazing young people. We have seen many a tear shed by so many over relationships with boyfriends, girlfriends and yes, wives and husbands too. We are in touch with many of them even today and still some of them drop by for a chat over a cup of tea.
When love has gone
© 2012 Graham Lee