Online Bible Verses - 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Saved from what??
“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
How come anyone has to die, let alone one guy in particular so that everyone else can be saved? Saved from what, and has any kind of saving taken place when we all die anyhow?
Let’s take a real quick walk through scripture and see if we can begin to form an answer. When is death first mentioned? Who was the first guy to die? Pretty sure both answers come from Genesis. God’s original creation saw no death. Nothing died. Bugs, other animals and people did not die. It was not God’s intent for things and people to die. He designed us to live. Perfection. Problem with perfection, it is infinitely perfect. It thus can be compromised and corrupted completely by the slightest imbalance. But what could make that which was originally perfect corrupt? The need for a relationship. God wanted a relationship with His created and prospective children, which would be perfect in no way unless those children were given free will, the ability to voluntarily enter into the relationship. And that was the hook which allowed for a major problem. At some point, God’s created decided they wanted to do things their way. And a crack formed in what was previously perfect. Once that happened, infinitely perfect became compromised and death was the result. So now we see around us a conglomeration of perfect coexisting with imperfect. Awesome and beautiful things in the presence of those that are equally horrifying. Makes you wonder and yearn for an explanation.
Anyway back to scripture. Once everything, including the state of man, was terribly corrupt, the idea of reconciliation comes into the picture. People now suffered a physical death, call it the “first death”. Another death is spoken of, call it the “second death”. It is spiritual death, separation from a perfect God for eternity. Corrupt man could not be in the presence of a perfect God, as he had willingly chosen another way. But surely, if God felt a perfect love, He would and could do something for us. Yes, He could. He would stand in for mankind, and take punishment for all transgression. God would take on flesh and die a horrible death, so we could escape the second death.
If He did that, than I can certainly give him the time of day and offer to live my life for Him. Always being aware that, without His intercession, I will just live my life for me. I even need His help to respond properly. The guy goes and saves my life, then I need His help to thank Him.