Online Bible Verses - 2nd Timothy 1:7 - God's Turbo Charger
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7NIV
The Spirit God gave us. According to scripture, pretty sure we are talking here about the third person in the triune Godhead: the Holy Spirit.
I remember sitting in church as a little boy, some of the songs still clear in my mind today. In one of them, there was a line which contained the following: “…God in three persons, blessed Trinity…”. Had not the first clue what that meant. Some would tell me I still don’t, maybe they are correct. Could be I started off in left field and am still there. Maybe not though. Can only ask God to open my eyes.
Anyway, back to this triune Godhead concept, the Trinity. Break it down real quickly:
Father and Son, one on the same yet separate; existing eternally. Creator and co-Creators, uncreated. Deity.
Jesus, God’s Son. God took on flesh and condescended to earth. Came to do what we could not. Came to reconcile us to God, to Himself. Meted out punishment upon His own Son, upon Himself. An unblemished and perfect lamb, devoid of sin, became sin for sinners. For me and you.
Holy Spirit: God’s messenger. The means by which He communicates, convicts and inspires in the here and now; post departure of the physical Christ.
Scripture tells us there is great power and guidance afforded us in God’s Spirit.
Today I will ask Him to make me a better dad and husband. Still a little rough around the edges, my wife tells me.