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A Movie About Hate That Should Spell Out A Strong Message For Our World Today: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Updated on March 21, 2019
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Missy is a unique writer who enjoys inviting her readers into her thoughts through her poetry and other topics of discussion.  

It Took Me Years To Find The Nerve To Watch This Movie

It's funny how things just fall into place. Even when it involves something such as a movie. I just now watched a movie that came out back in 2008 entitled “The Boy in The Striped Pajamas.” I always wanted to watch it, but I knew a little bit about the story, and I just didn't know if I could handle it.

A year ago, my daughter told me she had watched it, actually had watched it twice. She told me the story was so sad, but also inspiring in some way. She told me a little more about it and even gave the ending away, but still implored me to watch it, she knew I would like what it stood for even though it ended very sadly. Needless to say, a year passed, and I didn't watch. The description of the ending really made me feel nauseous; however, tonight after pondering all these hate crimes that have taken place here in America. All the racist remarks by a tyrant like Donald Trump and his followers against a whole religion, somehow I thought about this movie. Tonight was the night, something inside of myself wanted me to watch this movie.

Although different in some ways, the story of the Nazis terrorizing the Jews is so similar to what is happening today. Donald Trump trying to divide us all by blaming all Muslims for certain acts of terrorism, and then by doing that, initially threatening all of us by spawning hate and not caring that a few do not define a whole. The ones that follow him either blinded or just plain scared that they fail to acknowledge common sense, and also fail to see he is only interested in more power. It's his drug People!!! He has always and will consistently be about Donald. He wants to rule the world and throws tantrums when he thinks something is going to get in the way of that, so he mouths off more insane insinuations so people get more scared and act more violent. How can so many not see this??

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I'm Just Trying To Shine A Light On Truth

And then, I watch this movie, and I think to myself; I should keep speaking. I am not doing anything wrong by speaking what is right, I cannot shut up. I will not shut up.

Two little boys in this movie; one in a concentration camp, one the son of a Nazi soldier, somehow make a friendship through an electric fence, and with the only understanding, that though they may not share a religion, they are not different, they merely knew that they liked each other as friends and there was nothing wrong with that. Nothing should be wrong with that.

Yes, of course, I know this was a movie, but real events from that era were portrayed, and the ending was a hard reality of what happens when hate is brewed. It never ends well. Which is my concern, and should be everybody's concern here in America. We should take correct measures to abolish the ones that "CHOOSE ON THEIR OWN" to be our enemy, instead of hating a whole religion of people. This will not solve anything, have we not learned from history?

Our number-one killer here is the mentally ill, whether they are Muslims, Christians, or whatever, they are initially the killers.

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History Should Have Taught Us A Thing or Two

We know by history that the Nazi Holocaust was one of the most terrifying and inhuman events in our history ever. Through the years, some of the holocaust survivors have been generous and brave enough to sit down and tell their stories. It was a hateful time, and now look.... here we are in America, the one place that should, by definition alone, never act in this terrible and abominable way to a complete religion. It is not our country's definition to do this kind of thing. To build walls, to outcast, and to not listen and act in an intelligent way to keep our nation free from what the Nazis did way back in 1933-1945.

Kids in concentration camp during the reign of Hitler.
Kids in concentration camp during the reign of Hitler. | Source

As my daughter kept asking me to watch the movie, I'm going to suggest to everyone else to watch it sometime soon, and pay attention to what hate and blame inevitably cause. As we all know, it is most times the children who have to teach us these harsh lessons; the innocence of children that should wake us all up to the fact that no one was born to hate. I don't want history to repeat itself, do you?

This Is The Story of What Happens When You Blame A Whole Religion For One Thing

I'm curious...

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And Finally, My Final Thoughts

At this point, I usually will write a poem about the subject of my hub, but honestly, I don't know how to start one today. In some ways, it should be easy. The subject I discuss here would be simple in making a point within a poem. Actually, I have written several that do touch on the conditions in which we all here in America are in today. I will post the links to the side of this section.

However, I believe I would like to stick with the importance of making my distinction to the movie I watched today and what is going on in my state of America. The videos I have posted are a crucial part of this hub, and I hope everyone will take time to watch them. It could help those who read this to understand better the point I want to get across.

I think my bottom line would be, let's not go back and repeat history in a new place with a different religion. Let's keep going forward. No one said it would be easy to accept things we feel compelled to reject after so many tragedies; however, the fact is, our issues are beyond a certain religion. They are beyond strapping a gun to our sides and fighting all mental ill people, and terrorists. Which, come on, it all falls into the same category of some people just flat out being "unstable" Instability has no religious category, or race, or certain purpose. Instability is in the person or persons own psyche. The fabrication of an issue they have raised in their own minds until it gravitates to violence.

Thank you for reading and please comment if you want. I really like to discuss current events and issues I write about. Even so, I would ask you to please keep it nice even if you disagree with my opinions and thoughts.

© 2016 Missy Smith


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