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How Can Catholics Claim To Be Christian?

Updated on June 15, 2013

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A fellow hubber asked why Protestants don't believe that Catholics are Christian. Not trying to offend anyone; but just trying to answer the question. There are some Catholics that have accepted Christ completely, and have become Christians, and no longer worship beads, idols, nor the pope, and then there is the majority which have not.

The bible is specific about idolatry and not putting other gods before the Lord. There are many gods, particularly female ones, all which are the same entity, and all which have different names in different parts of the world, but all which fall under Baal worship; this includes the Catholic church.

I realize that a message of unity is being pushed by TBN and other religious and political groups, and I'm not trying to cause a divide, but simply answer the question. I'm all for unity if God is the only God being worshiped, and if He is worshiped in spirit and in truth, but that is not the case with many of these entities and groups that push a world religious system. Whether you agree or disagree, you cannot mix darkness and light any more than you can serve two masters.

This information and/or the section just before it in that link, may also tell you the origins of the Catholic church, which may help you to understand why a distinction has been made between Catholics and Christians.

If you know the true history of the Catholic church, you would know that these were some of the ones spoken of in scripture where it is said that some would kill in Christ's name. That happened during the reformation, and will reoccur in the end times.This is why any of their priests that want to escape and leave the Catholic church fear for their lives, because if they were to talk, they'd be killed. I've read stories of priests that escaped from there, and were hunted by Jesuits to silence them. It still happens, it's just not talked about.

In most Catholic churches, you will find either on the wall, or the floor, a large sun disk, or sun dial. That is the symbol for the god Baal, also known in Egypt as Ra and by several other names.

I think if more people knew a bit more about some of the history, they'd understand more. Most people don't know that Islam developed with the help of the Catholic church. Most don't know about the Jesuit priests who were from the Catholic church and were assassins, and still exist today in a group called the Illuminati.

Like I said, not trying to offend, just answering the question. Do some research if you are put off by what I'm saying. I've found scriptural evidence, but don't just take my word for it. Study for yourselves. Do some online digging and don't just rely on the word of any man ( or woman in this case), like your priest or someone else in your church if you are Catholic. They won't tell you that information. You will have to search it out for yourself.

There is a difference, else why would Catholics have a different bible? The same is true with Jehovah's Witnesses. They too want to associate themselves as being Christian, but their bible is different because their originator changed the scriptures to read the way he wanted; and to state that Jesus was just a prophet, and not the Son of God. That is not the true message of Christianity, which follows the teachings of "Jesus Christ." I am non denominational, but my bible does not tell me to worship saints, or idol statues of saints. I don't pray to anyone, but God, and there is no go between that I have to confess my sins to.

It was Jezebel, Ahaz's Phoenician wife, that set up the system of confessional to priests that she controlled, and this system gave way to Catholicism. Even in the original Judaism, there was always a veil, and priests that one had to deal with to communicate with God, but when Christ died, the veil was rent, and there was no longer any go-between or barrier of any sort between God and man.

Therefore, the pope is unnecessary, and certainly not anyone to be highly esteemed or respected, because the bible states that God is not a respecter of persons. The pope is not God, nor is he God's representation on earth - that person was Jesus Christ, and there is no other.

Please understand. I'm not hatin' on Catholics. I just don't believe we serve the same God that scripture is written about. I also don't think that most Catholics have researched what they claim to believe, which is not surprising, considering that many Christians also don't really study for themselves, but simply sit under a preacher and wait to be taught.

Some people have come here and argued with me in the comments, claiming they've done their research. Ok. So then you've made your choice. I am simply answering a question posed in the forum from a Christian perspective. Personally, I want to be sure of what I believe, and why I believe it, so I research what I believe.


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