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Jezebel Captivity (distinguishing characteristics) - Part 3

Updated on January 16, 2015

Some of this spirit’s features:

This spirit works in "private", people outside her circle hardly know her manoeuvring and are an easy pray for manipulation. Those that are possessed by her tend to defend her from any form of criticism. Like many men today defend feminism.

Jezebel hates men & majors in destroying them. She cannot have a true Godly relationship with men; because her desire is to strip them of all their perceived power and then destroy them, to emasculate them emotionally and spiritually.

Jezebels revile (despise & show no respect for) authority over her. Building on "dislike of authority" (especially of men since they are frequently the authority figure) coupled with rebellion, she hates anyone placed in authority over her (particularly men), and seeks to destroy them & take their power. Jezebel sees herself as the "goddess on the pedestal".

Jezebel is extremely power-hungry, respecting only power stronger than her own. She disdains or considers herself superior to anyone she perceives as having no power, or power less than hers. She works through her conquest to attain power over others.

This spirit from hell is very intelligent & finds very challenging to control and manipulate intellectually able people. She is able to manipulate them so well that actually they worship her.

Hard Worker
Jezebels are frequently "super achievers", which sadly is admired both in the church & business world. She is also a master in hinder others to achieve anything, kind of: doing everything she can to prevent others achieving their set goals for then criticise them for not having achieved these aims.

Self Worship
Internally Jezebel worships herself even though externally she may portray a picture of humility & submission. She is very proud of herself and extremely vain, and in her pride can only talk about herself. They are usually very attractive & they use that to seduce their victims.

She cannot suffer other getting attention over herself & she will do all she can to prevent others receiving attention and recognition. If one gets between Jezebel and the person she is trying to control, she'll attack most viciously, trying her best to destroy that relationship with that person. She will try & destroy his reputation, undermine his authority & generally stop at nothing to separate anyone from her intended "victim". Beware!


Jezebel uses other people as objects, where it suits her need, to gain control, influence and power. Once she has gained the control desired, she generally rejects & tosses the people aside. If they are in her family, she does this emotionally.

Queen Bee
Jezebel demands worship from others (the "queen-bee" syndrome). She must have dominance & control in her home. Other family members exist just to please her. Jezebel requires "worship" from her family & followers ... to be their "goddess".

The Jezebel is extremely authoritarian ("bossy") by nature, though subtly with the low profile type. She is easily offended if her authority is questioned, & will often respond with extreme anger at even the slightest offence. She demands blind loyalty.


She uses self-pity & her own weaknesses to manipulate another into submitting to her out of compassion or pity. Feeling sorry for Jezebel, is not compassion, it's folly!

Even though often very gifted of the Lord, the Jezebel will frequently operate in the false discernment of the enemy by speaking words of knowledge gained from familiar spirits, &NOT from the Spirit of God. This is "witchcraft". The power of witchcraft is derived from Satan himself and every attempt at manipulation or control "sells out" more to Satan & strengthens the deception the Jezebel is under

She will even use prayer to manipulate the one she is attempting to control, especially audible prayed over that person to create the illusion, that doing Jezebel's will is actually "obeying God", or to generate fear or other emotion within the person which the Jezebel can then use for manipulation of them.

This is what Revelation 2:20 is all about.

Unrealistic Expectations of Others
Her expectations of others are always unrealistic, because others cannot meet her demand for complete submission. If they do try, she despises them & casts them aside when she has what she wants out of them. Anyone attempting to relate to a person with this spirit is literally in a "no-win situation". Nothing pleases this spirit.

Perfectionism is a common characteristic of the Jezebel, generating self-hatred in the victim, & a despising of others around her who fail to meet her exaggerated standards. This is part of the "unrealistic expectations" she has toward herself and others, but it is also an excuse for disrespect toward others, especially those in authority since they don't "measure up" so she doesn't have to show respect, of course.

Seduction, Control, Manipulation
Control & manipulation are the strongest parts of the Jezebel nature. These are "spirits of witchcraft" and are extremely dangerous! Nearly everything the Jezebel does utilizes one or both spirits to attain her goal. Jezebel is the ultimate manipulator. The adulterous woman says: "This is the way of an adulteress: she eats & wipes her mouth and says, "I have done no wrong."" Proverbs 2:20

The first step in Jezebel’s work is to control her victim by seduction. She will use flattery, smooth prophetic sayings, pleasant words & seducing tears. She views children in a marriage as tools and weapons to manipulate hubby & family.

She knows how to use deep emotional hurts & wounds to manipulate and control as she creates apparent deep ties with others. Jezebel loves to pull people unto herself & away from those who can truly speak into their lives. Jezebel flows best in a whirlwind of confusion & turmoil, where she works best.

Jezebel is like a shark; she is most vicious & dangerous. She circles the lives of others looking for teachable, seducible, controllable, "disciples" of her own. Jezebel likes to birth spiritual children of her own as she looks for disciples to eat from her own table. She will look for those that are in rebellion, who are weak, wounded, or those who are contending, bucking, & fighting any established spiritual authority.

Jezebel is very possessive & domineering; she wants to control over others. Jezebel loves power, "Give me, give me, " You see, money is not really the issue with this spirit; it's Power and Authority that she's after. She likes to be in control of others life because she draws her strength from controlling others. She spiritually drains her victims. She uses faults or weaknesses she perceives in the person she is attempting to control to create feelings of shame or guilt, & therefore ultimately submission to her will. She also often uses fear and intimidation to manipulate others into submission to her.

Have you ever felt insecure? Be careful, Jezebel loves to operate in the realm of insecurity. She will spot this in you "instantly" & then the seduction begins.

Wants to Power
Jezebels are attracted to people of power like "moths to flames". Often, a very intelligent, efficient, attractive, & even blatant Jezebel can be found serving "at the feet" of prominent leaders, even in the church. The deception &/or seduction of the Jezebel is often so successful that the leader does not recognize who is at his right hand. The Jezebel's true desire is to wrest the power from the person being served. If that person is prophetic in nature, the actual mission is to destroy them by any means available [destroy their credibility, undermine their authority, discredit their ministry, cause them to fall into sexual temptation, etc.].

Jezebels are desirous of "moving up the ladder" wherever they are, not that ambition is always "evil". It's just another character trait to look for. However, you simply will not find a humble, repentant, democratic & non-ambitious Jezebel.

While Jezebel's beliefs system is obviously incorrect & evil, they are very firmly held beliefs.

Jezebels are usually people of deep convictions. As mentioned earlier, many people controlled by the Jezebel spirit have a true heart for God and earnestly desire to serve him. The original Jezebel [the Spirit's first noteworthy in queen of Israel] was devoutly religious, but was at total enmity with God. She worshipped at the altar of Baal [worship of the flesh]. Modern day Jezebels may indeed believe they are serving the one true God; however, the true hidden agenda is "self-worship". In many cases they have a Private Interpretation on the Bible, but they will vehemently insist they are correct.


Jezebels are 'lustful spirits' with lust for power being primary; however, as mentioned earlier, their lust may be manifested sexually, if it will bring the desired result. The manifestation varies from a wife withholding sexual union from the husband for manipulative purposes, to utilizing sexual temptation to draw one more powerful into a compromised position that will cause their destruction or downfall.

Jezebel displays angry, vicious & sometimes violent behaviour when opposed. She will turn on the one who refuses to do her will or submit to her [especially if she has been successful in manipulating this person in the past], frequently with a vicious, berating verbal attack aimed at humiliation. The emotional damage caused by these outbreaks can be devastating to the one at whom she directs her wrath. This is often the source of terrible emotional wounds for her children & spouse. When this angry behaviour happens in public, it often exposes the true spirit in operation to others who may have been previously deceived. Watch for it.


In addition to destroying those around her, Jezebel especially hates the prey she is controlling [remember the mission of Jezebel is to kill the prophets: the victim is often herself anointed of God to be prophetic], & will ultimately cause her victim to self-destruct. This is referred to as the "Black Widow spider syndrome" since black widow spiders kill their mates. In the spirit realm, there are two applications: 1. the Jezebel spirit seeks to kill the male authority figures [or prophets] & 2. She seeks to kill her victim, which is mated to her when Jezebel takes control of their life.

Infirmities and Disease
Jezebels frequently enjoy people's [including their own] poor health, especially the 'Low-profile' type. For them, it is a tool for attention, sympathy & other forms of manipulation. The tragedy is that this form of 'invited infirmity' eventually leads to real physical problems, and becomes a part of the destruction wrought on the host by this spirit, but it serves to further Jezebel's ends, not to weaken her. 

Jezebels curse everyone, unwittingly bringing a curse upon themselves, most of the time. Criticism is a form of cursing, both of the person being criticized, & of God their Maker. Murmuring & complaint is a cursing of circumstances, which also curses God for allowing them. Jezebel is a master of criticism, murmuring and complaint, as mentioned previously. Often those whom she is at enmity with are deliberately cursed in a conscious effort to "punish" &"bring them back into line" to bring them back under her control. Jezebel firmly believes she has right on her side in doing these things, and displays vicious and callous disregard for the well-being and independence of others, having convinced herself that it is ultimately for their good as well and that she knows best and really has their best interests at heart in doing so. Those people who have been on the receiving side of Jezebel's curses feel the anger & the viciousness other curses acutely & many succumb to them. However, for those under the "protection of the Cross", these curses are most often transformed into blessings instead, leaving Jezebel sapped of emotional energy, frustrated, confused and completely defeated; wondering what went wrong?

Murmuring, Complaint, and Criticism-- Murmuring & complaint and criticism a type of spirit very popular everywhere, especially in the church, which one of the spirit most used by the evil one. She uses criticism of perceived faults in others to build up her own self-esteem, and to justify her disobedience of, or lack of respect for, others. Because she tends to perfectionism, any fault she finds in others is grounds for disobeying their authority. She uses criticism as a tool to manipulate those around her, & along with murmuring & complaint, causes divisiveness to weaken her opposition and thereby to gain control over & to destroy them.

Superiority Complex
Jezebels frequently perceive themselves as intellectually & spiritually superior to others, &"talk down " to others. This attitude is actually despising of others.

The Jezebel Spirit absolutely hates & shuns repentance and humility.

Because the Jezebel spirit is prideful & rebellious, she hates repentance & humility. These are two mighty weapons, which can be used against her. This is also the key in discerning this spirit -a pride-filled rebellious person refusing to repent.

Jezebel and Fashion
Jezebel is very much attracted to the latest fashion in dressing & she dresses up to demonstrate superiority & literally to "kill".

Bitterness and Resentment
Bitterness & resentment against past hurts & offences are nurtured in the victim by the Jezebel spirit, because she knows a root of bitterness will grow like a cancer & manifest itself in all sorts of physical ailments, which she can use as tools of manipulation, as noted above. Of course, this cancer of bitterness is also slowly destroying the victim. In many cases, the countenance of the victim gradually grows more & more unattractive, and in the end, victims controlled by the Jezebel spirit may resemble the very witch like crones often used to symbolize witchcraft -where this spirit is birthed. The victim rots from the inside out, physically & spiritually, and it shows. People eventually find Jezebel's "Spiritual ugliness" very repulsive.

Jezebel Covens
Many Jezebels will be drawn to the most influential Jezebel in operation. Though this is done unconsciously, it has the effect of creating a fully-fledged and very effective witches' coven, with a 'high priestess' in charge with devastating results! You can see them spread all over the country in the Feministic organisations.

Jezebel and Children:
Jezebel's view of children is perverted. She says she loves them, but she really doesn't even know how to love them, using them as weapons to advance her own selfish needs. Children are simply pawns in her power and control games. Indeed the trend now all over the Western world is to have very few children, if any. A Jezebel Feminist said:[ "The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it."]

Jezebel is a classic "Back-stabber":
Jezebel is the classic back-stabber, She will smile at you, give you a hug & a kiss and then, as soon as you turn-around, stab you in the back, repeatedly, with vigour, enjoying every wound she inflicts. She is a most vicious & devious spirit. Beware.

There are many characteristics of this very evil spirit from hell this isn't an exhausted list.

Freedom available to you!

Whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the spirit, and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (freedom). 2 Cor 3:16-17

2 cor 3:16-17 (The message Translation) Says: Whenever though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil & there they are - face to face! They suddenly recognize that God is living, personal presence,not a piece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We're free of it! All of us! Nothing between us & God, our faces shining, with the brightness of His face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter & more beautiful as God enters our lives & we become like Him. 

Salvation is easy!

Jesus says take 1 step of faith choose to believe:

I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from

the dead & Say Jesus I confess you as my Lord

(with your mouth) Forgive me for all my sins and

fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus name!


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