Can Seeing God Now be the Secret of Immortality?
There is a sure advent of seeing the master before eventually seeing Him; it is the experience of true sons. A dimension of him coming now before eventually coming. This is necessary for the sons to gain perfection; he is coming for a church without wrinkles. His coming is His plan for preparation. Preparation for the end of the age which is His physical coming. A time when the spiritual will materialize into the physical.
Rapture before Rapture
However we that are in the spirit now would experience rapture before rapture. It is for perfection. Only then can we be perfect. Be ye perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect. That statement isn’t a mere impossibility for man. We’ve read it several times without believing it. I have never believed it a bit. It seems like a deception to me. Of course be ye holy is considerably good but you’ve spoilt it all by saying be ye perfect. If the perfection we speak about is of the Father then it must come only through the Father who is the yardstick for measuring such perfection.
Jesus the Way, God the Destination and Holy Ghost the Train
The church still has so much to learn of the Father. We have learnt too few of him. We learnt few of the Holy Ghost yet fewer of the Son and unfortunately very little of the Father, forget about the tongue and power manifestation even the bible says the Holy Ghost won’t speak of Himself. He would reveal to you the Son, the Son would show you the Father. It is in that order. Jesus is the way, God is our destination, the Holy Spirit is the train, and we are still moving.
The Face of Yahweh
The church had for long enjoyed the administration of the hand of Yahweh, but now it’s the appointed time for the administration of the face of Yahweh, the bible says all eyes shall see him! As Stephen was about to die; of course he must see death but then he must see the one who conquered death, only by then can there be a trans-location into immortality. I spoke on this in a meeting in Lautech some weeks ago. Stephen said; I looked into heaven and I saw the Lord! That was not the only thing, because he must first see the Lord to see the Father, only the Son can reveal the father. “Philip how long have I been with you and yet you ask me; show us the father.” Don’t you know that he that has seen me has seen the father? He speaks of a close range of look. He speaks of a oneness which may not necessarily mean oneness in person. You see me then you know the father isn’t far. At other point you see me you need not to look further because am in the father and the father in me. Am the express expression of my father. I am the best way my father could show forth himself.
The Order of Melchizedek
I believe there are some of us who would literally enter into immortality. Immortality is that which is to come. I know God sent me into the church to bring her into that which is to come. Revelation of an eternal order. Several years before the initiation of the imperfect order and the correct order of priesthood. A man Melchizedek pioneered in the realm of the spirit what Jesus was to later come and author and initiate. This was a dimension too big for His dispensation. Because the Aaron order of priesthood which even at that time was beyond his time. Yet this man went straight into the future.
Ascension of the sons of God
Absolute perfection, couldn’t be unconnected with the administration of the face of Yahweh, no one can know Yahweh as the most high except he has seen Him. Lucifer got it because he had seen Him first. And we are sure He won’t show any man such revelation except such man can ascend. That ascension is rapture before rapture. It is a sonship experience. The scripture says ‘and the serpent stood before the women as she labours. For to devour, but the woman brought forth a man child, who was at once caught up into the throne. That was a re-born of the sons. After being caught up to the throne, Michael, that great prince will stand and his own then the Son and the sons can return and come for the head of the old serpent.
The Woman and the Man-child
The woman gave birth to the man child yet the man child isn’t fit to battle with the old dragon, even the mother can’t dare it. Yet the mother knew that the man child is the doom of her long time enemy ‘the serpent’. This man child was immediately caught up to the throne for a re-born but the mother flee into a desert for some days where the angel of the lord came over to feed and sustain her. Meanwhile the two prophets were still there in Cosmos buying time for the release of the man-child. The scripture spoke of those two prophets as the Olive tree that stands before God day and night. They shall prophesy for certain number of days. In the days of their prophecy, they shall have power to turn water to blood and as well to seal up the heavens from raining and call fire down. (Dimensions of Elijah and Moses) fire shall go out before them and consume the land. They shall be absolutely indestructible until these days be fulfilled when they would be killed. They won’t be buried. Their bodies would be left on the bare ground to linger for 3 days, then, there shall be a rebirth of these prophets. They shall rise again from dead and fear shall grip everyone on earth. They shall rise and ascend.
Am trying to tie together the procession of some eschatological events. It’s all by the orchestration of the father.
Michael on his Feet with his Angelic Host
By now in the realm of the spirit I see Michael up. This day there shall be a recreation of Eden. Men shall stand as gods and would create gardens of Eden in several spheres. There shall be thorough clean and clear interactions with Michael and his angelic hosts. For these shall fight side by side with Gods servants this end time. Angels will be constant in meetings, constant in Homes that houses the ark of God. Men would contact them both spiritually and physically. I know this more than I know myself.
Death; the Last Enemy shall be Defeated
The last enemy which is death the bible says shall be conquered. However, Enoch already conquered him. That powerful demon called death. Melchizedek conquered it, Elijah conquered it. Moses conquered it because the bible had recorded of it that even the body of Moses didn’t return to the dust. The old serpent came to contend for it but Michael fought him and rescued Moses body. They conquered not by their own strength, but by the power of an endless life as the book of Hebrews put it. The power of endless life, it is the order of the priesthood of the son, the whole heavenly settings is priestly; the angelic order is priestly too………