Online Bible Verses - Ephesians 4:15 We Will Grow
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”
Ephesians 4:15
Excerpt from Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. New church, fledgling church, as we have discussed in the past. Let’s break the above verse down and talk about it a bit, applying it to our life today. Today being April 30th, 2012. So we will apply it to the already, by noon, busy spiritual warfare I have been drawn into and reminded of.
First, “speaking the truth in love”. We may truly believe we have come to the truth. Coupled with that, Christ’s clear instruction to spread and share that truth in the same it was imparted to us; that being, in love. Remember when those people knocked on your door, and were so nice to you. Sure, you thought they were crazy, but did not mind because they were so darn nice. You could see the love written all over their face. This is the only way, really, that the Gospel can be properly shared.
“we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” “we” here, apparently, referring to the church as a collection of believers. Goal to have it grow in Him, such that it is a reflection of Him. Take a look around and you will likely find some really healthy churches, places where people are truly supported and lifted up, via worship and otherwise. People are there to help each other, it was never God’s intent for us to go it alone.
Now, as I always do, try to apply, in some way, today’s verse to this very day. Given what I have seen transpire and felt, I see the word “grow” above. That becomes our word for the day. Today started out pretty normally. Got up and prayed and ran, Bible study with the wife and kids. Kissed the wife, took the kids to school, driving into work….. Praise God for the new day. After a couple of phone conversations and e-mails, I see I have some friends who need help. Help that requires a good deal of horsepower, much more than I can generate on my own. So I find myself becoming more and more of a prayer. Not only that, a large % of the prayer is not focused on myself nor immediate family. It is for friends, even enemies when I am really on a roll. In addition, I am no longer praying out of a sense of duty, but rather because I really care and want God to help them.
The end result I see ahead, today’s obstacles are vehicles for growth. I grow as I am learning to care in a new and genuine way. The others grow as they endure trial and learn to walk with Christ during. We all grow in faith, as the next time we are in a jam we recall who helped the last time and go straight to Him again.