Ephesians 4:29 - Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29
One of many stumbling blocks. Disappointing, but at the same time refreshing. Refreshing in that it demonstrates one more area where God has stepped in and helped me where I could not help myself.
Step 1: for whatever reason, one of the first things He addressed relates to the 3rd Commandment found in Exodus Ch. 20:
“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God,..”
That took hold almost immediately upon accepting Christ. I became acutely aware that flippant or profane use of His name had to go. Much of my filthy language remained for a time. References to God, however, where eliminated in short order. Later on, I believe God used a friend to continue the cleanup process. This was a guy whom I gave a Bible to as a wedding gift, shared the Gospel with him often. He proceeded, a few years later, to get baptized and catch on fire for Jesus. Then he was doing the preaching, which was fine with me. One of his sermons had to do with my filthy mouth. In it, he made clear there was no room for language like that in my vocabulary. And I had to agree. So, my verbal repertoire has been purged; except, of course, when my flesh takes over.
My wife has to remind me a few times a week I would say.
Matter of fact, my kid nailed me on a rare “Oh My God..” yesterday. I’m guessing it was the first time he had heard it from me in 14 years. Came running into the room, “Daddy, you just said ‘Oh my God’….”. I simply confirmed he was correct, as are God’s edicts. God is always right.
And I may be correct when walking with Him, but never quite right due to the innate tendency I have which opposes Him. I will give Him that praise and try to always speak with a guarded mouth.