Does Heaven And Hell Exist And Do You Believe In God?
God And Heaven
This is a very controversial subject. So many religions and beliefs. I have explored many. Why God? I am a good person I am sure I will go to heaven. How do you know? How do you really know? This is a question I even ask myself sometimes. I wasn't always sure about Christianity. It took me many years and God's wisdom to figure things out for myself. No one can tell you. You have to be lead by the Lord. This is a choice. I chose to write about it because I wanted to give a different outlook. People think that just being a good person gets them into the gates of heaven. This is wrong. The only way to come to God and to be sure is to read the Book Of Matthew. If you have a hard time reading you can go to read it online. Look up International version of the King James Bible. This version is easier to read and understand. If you have any word you do not understand you need to read the definition to clear up any confusion. Try a Dictionary and you can also look up your words online using an online dictionary as well. This is extremely important so you can comprehend Gods word.
When you read the book of Matthew, when you come across "The Spirit Of Truth" Please read carefully. To be a child of God you have to ask God to come into your heart and forgive your sins. Pray about this with all your heart. God will know if you are sincere.
Heaven is something like a dream. A beautiful place where the sky is so blue its a blue that is not even on a color chart. There are people waiting to cross over to the other side. A Golden carriage will await to take you over a bridge. You will cross over the river. It is so clear you can see the bottom. Grass so lush and green. People are ageless there. Everyone is approximately 30 years of age. I had a dream about it and imagine Heaven to be this way. Can you imagine such a place where there is no aging, illness, or pain? There are so many lost and confused souls who don't even know God. Busy working making money becoming famous. Have you lost your way of what is really important? When the end nears for you, will you know for sure if you will be there? If not there is another place I will talk about and that is Hell.
Dead Flowers On The Grave by Mark Hewer
What is Hell? Most people think its a place where bad people go. It's a place where there is fire and torture. The definition of Hell is a separation from God. Re-incarnation? Could re-incarnation be Hell? So many people believe your soul can come back into another body and relive another life over and over. Could this be Hell?? It's possible because if you think about it when do you ever go to Heaven? Do you just keep coming back to Earth and reliving another past? Any separation from God is Hell. God can and will erase your past. If you put your faith in him he will make you clear. Nothing else can. All I can say is that I have been enlightened. God does not focus on the past he focuses on the future for you and your soul. We do learn from our past, but as far as a past life is concerned. BEWARE!!! Satan has a way of influencing and making us think things that are not so. He is the Prince Of Darkness. He tells lies and he is so cunning. Its OK to be in charities and do good things but don't let Satan trick you into something that is not Godly. You have to follow the Bible and Gods word to know. How do I know. I thought I could possibly have a past life. I realized through a warning from God through a dream that I was wrong. God makes the future for you by dying on the cross for your sins. He makes the future for you by forgiving you. This is key. We all have a choice you can follow the word and learn about him or you can choose another path. I hope you will be on the path that I follow. I am a follower of Christ and I am proud to write and know as much as I can. How do I know? It's called faith.This is my view point.