Inspirational, Uplifting and Encouraging Bible Verses: Hebrews 10 - Judging Others, Pointing Fingers, Throwing Stones
“For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” Hebrews 10:30-31
The Lord will judge. Appropriate, as He is all powerful and faultless. Considered good, with good being absolute. Not very good or pretty good. Just good. All good.
So He can judge. Judgment, then, in Biblical context, seems to require status and authority. Moral judgment, in the ultimate and eternal sense, seems solely in His court.
Throw in the Deity concept we have gone over many times (John 1:1), and we see Christ given that same authority. I am told that one day I will stand before Him and be judged, and I expect that day to come soon.
Now what about my own tendency to judge people? Does it hold any real merit? Scripture tells me not judge others, nor exact revenge based on said conclusion. Which is not to say I should ignore what God has laid out as good vs. otherwise. His statutes and laws I should celebrate, simply because He has drawn clear boundaries for me; lest I be confused by the sliding scale of moral relativism I am presented with, coming from an information pipeline of ever increasing size.
So I can know what He tells me; and it seems just fine to make observations, while refraining from appointing myself judge and jury.
Be content to let Him judge, always in humble awareness that very judgment would be justifiably directed at me if not for a wonderful thing called grace.