Do You Know Why You Honor the Sabbath (if You do) and When? (Part II)
The Holy Sabbath
I returned to find many HubPages relating to this topic, both in past articles and some newer ones that have been written as well. The more recent ones have stemmed from Brother Dave's Question: What day do you consider to be your "Sabbath" ?
This is a subject that has been discussed and debated over the centuries by theologians and religious authorities alike. Even the members of the clergy that I have just recently spoken to about this subject will give you a variety or responses depending on their background of beliefs and their own individual interpretations of scripture.
I have found that many of the HubPages here on this subject are well researched and have been written with a true heart for the Lord, which in itself is glorious to see people actively spending valued time delving so thoroughly into scripture. Therefore, I decided it would be useful to list some of the articles below that I found to be most interesting about the subject of the Holy Sabbath overall, before I listed my summary at the bottom of the page:
Article answering Hubber's original Question
HubPages on The HOLY SABBATH DAY and It's Observance
Almighty God does not spell out for us the names of the days as he goes through each day of creation, but he definitely establishes for us His interpretation of a "Day" as being from sunset to sunset as we... - Remember the Sabbath Day: Saturday, Sunday or Everyday?
There is so much controversy out there about the fourth commandment: Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy [sanctified; set apart]. Some staunchly believe the seventh-day Sabbath was NEVER changed by... - GOD'S SABBATH OR MAN'S SABBATH
REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY Exodu 20:4 God's great love for mankind is revealed after the creation of the world when He instituted the Sabbath on the seventh day of the week. The heavens and... - Who Changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?
Who changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and should Christians be going to church on Sundays instead of Saturdays. This article takes a look at what the bible and history has to say about the Sabbath of the 10 commandments. - The Fourth Commandment: Still Relevant, or Nailed to the Cross?
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son... - The New Covenant Sabbath of the Christian Faith
BEFORE there was day's......there was NUMBER'S, in which the Almighty did all His creation's, 1-7.and rested on THE 7TH DAY. In the days of Noah, there was No names given to the days.It was measured in... - The Big Switch: From Sabbath to Sunday
Greetings to another article for your learning experience. Who changed the Sabbath to Sunday? Why did the world worship the Lord on Sunday and not on Saturday? People may say everyday is the Lord Sabbath... - Keeping The Sabbath Holy
The Sabbath is a first fruits law, an eternal law established by God when He established His creation, and with that he created eternally the marriage covenant as well. You can be sure if... - Restoring the Sabbath Rest (Luke 6:1-11)
One Sunday morning, a mother went in to wake her son and tell him it was time to get ready for church. He replied, Im not going. Why not? she asked. Ill give you two good reasons,... - Sabbath day as per colossians 2:16
In response to: "But Sunday is an okay day to set as Sabbath". KJV - Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or... - WHAT ABOUT THE SABBATH
I think that I am in big trouble for not keeping the Sabbath. My mother, before she passed away started to go to Seventh Day Adventist meetings and I went with her. But we played outside as I was 4 years old.... - The Truth About the Sabbath
God has sanctified and made holy a certain day of the week that he has commanded us to keep as a holy day. Many people go to church and worship on Sunday and believe this day to be the Sabbath. This is simply... - "I Desire Mercy Not Sacrifice."
I Desire Mercy Not Sacrifice At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. When the... - Sabbath: A Day of Rest and Gladness
After reading a hub on stress relief by Lisa Beaman (fellow participant in the 60day Hub Challenge 2) I could not help but leave a comment that I had to disobey the tip on going to bed early while I was still... - Restoring the Sabbath Rest - Part 2
In Luke 6:1 the phrase On another sabbath serves as a bookend that holds the previous Sabbath story and the following sabbath story side by side. On the one sabbath, the scribes and the...
A Final Note regarding the Holy Sabbath
There is obviously enough scripture to debate this topic for either viewpoint and that is why we are still discussing it now, a few thousand years later. :)
I tend to agree with the understanding that Jesus Christ is the "Lord of the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27-28; Luke 6:5) and therefore everyday is the Sabbath through Him. Why not treat our lives as if we are already living in the coming Kingdom of the Lord ("God with Us") and celebrate every day as the Holy Sabbath in honoring and glorifying God (not to forget also taking that day of rest each week).
I think however, the MAIN problem is not what day we all observe in honoring the Sabbath, because statistically this is still the MOST FORGOTTEN Commandment of them all for some reason (amongst Christians).
Why is it then that Christians are simply not attending their place of worship on a regular basis or observing the Sabbath at all?
And secondly, I heard another Pastor this last weekend make an interesting observation. Scripture states that everyone is going to stand before the Lord at the White Throne of Judgment (both saved and unsaved). He went on to remark that: "For those of us who are saved, since Christ's blood sacrifice has already atoned for our sins and our names are now recorded in the Book of Life, then what could it be that we would receive judgment for?" The answer is: "Whereas the souls of the lost will be judged according to their sins, those that are saved would receive a different kind of judgment; being more like a review over the amount of positive things that they have done in the course of their lives on behalf of Christ."
So I guess by that statement and the other point I am wanting to make is: Although as interesting and important as fully understanding scripture is... I hope we are likewise putting just as much effort (if not more) into actually DOING for Christ as we are in debating the finer points about the interpretation of what scriptural says. I pray that we all do not forget the importance of the "Great Commission" as we really need to emphasize the salvation of lost souls and witnessing to the rest of the people that ARE NOT observing the Lord's Sabbath at all to begin with (regardless of what day it is to be observed)! -AMEN

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