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How To Communicate With Ghosts

Updated on December 20, 2012

I often hear people mention how they want paranormal experience but have never had one. Through proper training, patience and having an open mind, anyone can have at least a short conversation with spirits.

Although most ghosts can’t hurt the living, it’s always a good idea to start out with some spiritual safety measures.

Reiki in action. This method of energy healing can also be used to ground an individual before spiritual communication.
Reiki in action. This method of energy healing can also be used to ground an individual before spiritual communication. | Source

Why to Ground Yourself

There are unlimited methods to ground yourself. Some people find simply feeling the floor, grass or loose dirt with their bare feet does the trick. In a pinch, touching a wall or floor with my hands can help calm turbulent energy.

However, when I’m doing this kind of work, visualization works best for me. I envision roots coming from my feet and branching deep into the earth. Through those roots, I send dark energy pent up from stress and other negativity in my life. From there, I envision it spreading into the earth and being transformed into pure white light. It then gets sucked back into the roots, only to spread through my body and erase all negativity that may still linger.

How to Shield

Shielding is a method of protecting against a spirit attaching to you and following you home. A statement of focused intent, such as “Everyone who is here will stay here. I will leave here in the same way I came” or something of that nature can help. People often back those kinds of statements up by calling on a favored angel or guardian, or by way of reiki and visualization.

I use visualization, myself. Being a Star Trek fan, I usually use the shielding imagery from the series. My shields usually appear to be blue, simply because that color makes me feel safe and secure.

Once you’ve found grounding and shielding techniques that work for you, you can then move on to actually establishing communication.

Pick a spot

Follow your instincts. You might be surprised at how much you can tell from the simple feel of an area. However, if you find out that you have legal access to an area where there has been paranormal activity, arrange a time to experiment there.

An Example of Flashlight Conversation

Flashlight Conversations

One easy method ghost hunters use is through the use of flashlights. All you’d need is a flashlight with a twisting mechanism to turn it on. Move the piece until it’s just verging on the point of being on. Because it takes ghosts a lot of effort to affect the physical world, this is a relatively easy method to give them a way to communicate. Then give instruction on how to use the tool and ask yes or no questions. You can cater the questions to the haunting in question and any location history.

Work With Tapping

Along the same lines as the flashlight method, you can establish a code through tapping. Something like “tap twice if you’re here” would work. Be careful, because it can be very faint and sometimes it’s easy to mistake a tap for another cause. This is why you want to specify the number of taps you’d like to hear and what each number would mean.

EVP Tips

EVP stands for electronic voice phenomena. All this involves is to ask questions in a quiet, dark area and give the spirit time to respond. It also helps if you let the spirit know what the recorder is and that they can speak into it so the living could hear the response later. This method can be a little tricky because ambient sounds will also be picked up. You’ll want to check out the acoustics of the area before interpreting whatever evidence you’ve gotten on your recorder.

Useful Information

Here are a few tips about how to make the experience a little more concrete and easier on the nerves.

  • Stay with a group of like minded, calm people
    Going it alone can be unnecessarily frightening. When your group is calm and collected, you’re more likely to view what happens with a clearer mind.
  • Have a plan
    Having a plan beforehand can help eliminate potential panic and unease. It will also help with potential problems.
  • Record events
    If possible, record your sessions with a digital recorder or DVD recorder. Sometimes visual things will show up on video when the footage is played back.

A custom ouija board. These types of tools are best to stay away from when you're first starting out.
A custom ouija board. These types of tools are best to stay away from when you're first starting out. | Source

Words of Warning

There are two options that I would suggest avoiding, because of their history of causing trouble.

Ouija Board
This popular prop has been around since Victorian times. This tool opens the participants up to any kind of spirit which may be drifting by. This type of exposure is not a good thing at all, because there are types of entities which delight in causing fear, anxiety and mischief. Unless you’re already highly skilled in speaking with spirits, it’s best to avoid it.

Again, this practice opens up the participants to all sorts of potential spirit attachment. Unless it’s being lead by an experienced medium and there are others in the group to help with controlling who comes through, it’s best avoided by beginners. Any time an individual opens themselves up without proper protection, they risk potentially harmful results.

Very often, results won’t show up on the first try, but don’t be discouraged. Keep practicing, and eventually you will get some sort of communication. Don't be afraid to research different methods. Although the ones I’d offered are simple and very common, there are many different options out there.


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