What is wrong with Idol worship
Idolaters Will Be Gone
Idols and Idolaters will be gone away
When God's kingdom on earth comes to stay
For idolaters cannot God's kingdom inherit;
In the Holy Bible God has written it.
These solemn words will surely come true ,
As we see today idol worship continue.
For the idols are only the work of men's hand,
Decked with silver and gold, fastened with nails they stand;
They move not, speak not, must needs be borne,
Lo! into the waters, indeed they are thrown.
Godhead is not gold, silver, and stone; likewise
graven by art, they are man's device.
How can we capture God's glory in these!
The glory of the uncorruptible God did they turn,
Like to corruptible man and beast;soon these will cease.
For idolaters will in the lake of fire burn;
T'is not a passing joke to provoke, or a mere phrase;
This poignant truth God's Holy Book says.
The Kingdom of Christ
The Kingdom of Christ
The kingdom of Christ
From the beginning of human race,
The first kingdom established on earth was the Babylonian Kingdom
Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian king had seen in his dream the great image; and unto Daniel was given the dream and the interpretation thereof:
The head of fine gold --the Babylonian kingdom.
The breast and arms of Silver --The Medes and Persian kingdom.
The belly and thighs of brass--Alexander the Great the Greecian Kingdom.
The legs of Iron--- The Roman Kingdom.
The Feet part of iron and part of clay--- The present mixed kingdom.
The stone that smote the feet -Christ's kingdom bringing all kingdoms to an end.(Daniel 2:31 -45)
Now we await Christ's kingdom which Daniel the prophet foretold.
His kingdom surely will come one day ;
All kingdoms will then pass away,(Rev 19:11-21)
For one thousand years Christ will reign;(Rev 20 :6)
Every knee to him shall bow;
Every tongue will then confess,
Jesus Christ is Lord!
The Bible is true. All the prophesies foretold about the Babylonian kingdom, the Medes Persians, the Greece, Alexander the great and the Romans are fulfilled.
We are at present in the reign of the mixed kingdom-feet part of iron and part of clay. When Christ's kingdom come on this earth during the Millennium Christ will reign with an iron rod.
Before this event the Lord Jesus will return for the Church-all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and surrender their lives to His will in obedience to God's word.
Are you ready for this rapture when we will be free from this mortal body and be changed into a glorified body and reign with Christ forevermore?