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Women, Religion, Gays, Politics

Updated on March 24, 2017

Women at Work

amy williams
amy williams

Isn't It Ironic?

The ironies around us every day relating to religion, gays, and woman can't be ignored. For instance, isn't it ironic how the only time a person's race or gender are in question is when that person is not a white man (example: Justice Sonia Sotomayor). Yet, we claim equal rights, equal treatment, for all. I am not someone who is quick to notice things, unless something obvious occurs repeatedly. So, here's what I've noticed.

Office Culture

irin carmon
irin carmon

Office Ironies: Women vs Men

Let's start with the office.

  • When a woman gets married, the feeling is that she will get pregnant and leave. When a man at the office gets married, the feeling is that he will be more settled.
  • When a woman is being interviewed for a job, frequently, they want to know if she's married because they don't want her husband to get upset when she has to go on a business trip. When a man goes on a business trip, it is seen as a good opportunity for him.
  • When a man leaves a company, it is because he has recognized a good opportunity, but women who leave are viewed as not dependable.
  • His desk is cluttered, so he is hard working; her desk is cluttered, so she is a disorganized scatterbrain.
  • He is having lunch with his boss, so he must be on his way up, but if she is having lunch with her male boss, she must be sleeping with him.

Health Care Costs


Health Reform

Is't it ironic how the very people who would benefit most from health reform in this country are the ones who oppose it the most? I have two daughters who oppose the health reform bill citing the typical unsupported reasons used by the opposition. Yet, both have spent at least 10 years struggling with bad debt due to medical bills. One daughter switched jobs and was denied coverage because she has type A negative blood type (as does her husband), and the hospital required her to get a certain shot. Because she got that shot, she was denied coverage. I could tell you many stories on this one. People in most civilized countries don't go into debt to pay medical expenses--only in America!


More Ironies Around Us

It is common to hear atheists say that religious people can't be reasoned with because they claim their belief in a god is faith based. Yet, those same atheists will argue with the religious using reason .

Another atheist irony that I have seen again and again is that they claim the religious do not employ either logic or reason in important areas of their lives. Yet, when they are given clear, scientific reasons why they, the atheists, should stop smoking or stop eating meat, they respond with answers like, "I can't give up meat; it tastes good."

Isn't it ironic how exposed all of the craziness of human behavior has become through the Internet? One thing that the people who created the world's religions, for example, didn't count on was the Internet. All of the craziness of each one has been exposed to us. And, each religious group and sect thinks that theirs isnot the crazy one.

Luxury Churches


Religion and Ironies

Isn't it ironic that the people who would never elect a Muslim or an atheist to a public position would elect Mitt Romney, a Mormon?

When I was younger, I used to think that homosexuality was wrong because I always heard how promiscuous they were--spreading disease. I used to think, "Too bad they don't get married like heterosexuals do." Now, gays want to get married, and the very people who claimed to be against gays because of promiscuity and disease-spreading are denying them the opportunity to wed.

Isn't it ironic that the religious claim to do charitable works in the name of god, then worship that god in huge, expensive churches and think that this is okay? It is okay to be rich, as Joel Osteen says, as he is , because God wants us to be prosperous. Yet, it plainly states in the bible that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven. Even if the bible didn't say that, how can the religious justify their wealth or their money being used for an ornate church or Vatican when there are people in the world starving?


Women and Children

Isn't it ironic that Catholics go to their celibate priests for marriage counseling? Here's another one: priests molesting children are forgiven by the pope, but a nun nurse giving an abortion to a mother of four, since she and the baby would die if she gave birth, being excommunicated by the same pope. (Nuns running a hospital in North Dallas were excommunicated.) What's even more ironic is that "good Catholic" people still put their faith in that religion.

Isn't it interesting how pro-life supporters come out in force to keep an unwanted fetus from being aborted, then, walk away, not worrying about what happens to this unwanted child after it is born? The fact that child abuse is only a misdemeanor in the U.S. is a pretty good indication that children's welfare is not our first priority.

Ironies in Government

 Last but not least, isn't it ironic that the Republican Party deregulated Wall Street and threw us deep in debt, then blames the current administration for our debt? The Tea party actually offers a good solution: eliminate the Federal Reserve and let our government (all governments) print their own money. As it is, western governments answer to the bankers, not to the people.

Ironies in our Lives

 The ironies around us will probably always exist in some form.  When we ignore these ironies, we ignore the truth.  The end does not justify the means.  We all do something ironic at some time, but to be honest with ourselves and each other, we need to correct these situations when we can.  Recognizing and acknowledging inconsistancies and truth is the best thing we can do in our lives.  Don't be a sheep.

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