Is being born the only reason you are in this world? Are you bored? Tired? Sick of it?
Being born is just the start of the journey here, some things happen which are beyond our control, and make us feel poorly. It creates philosophical questions about the why we are here. For what purpose we are here. When you are feeling hurt, dejected, rejected and betrayed, these are really hard questions to find meaningful answers.
I truly believe our choices and attitude largely shape our experience of life. While you can't control, Mother Nature, for one example, you do have the choice of how you respond to her cruelty. Will you let an unmovable force victimize you for life, or will you work out, what you want and how to get it and keep moving on.
To the person who believes they are only in this world because they were born, I would ask?
Do you remember what you wanted when you had a zest for life?
What did you want to be growing up?
What is your driving force?
What makes you happy?
When are you happy?
What if?
Life is tiring
Life takes a lot of effort sometimes, particularly when we are chasing our dreams, and when everyone seems to have an opinion about it. They say we can't achieve it, if they don't believe in you, doesn't mean there is no reason to try, it just means they have lost their dream. Don't let them steal yours too.
I think one of the best things is to fall in to bed exhausted because of working hard. When you are working towards your goals, while you will tire, but you will be happy.
Tips to creating more energy
Exercise in the first part of your day. Our bodies are marvelous machines and using energy promotes energy.
Eat breakfast.
Be aware of self-limiting thoughts, and limit those thoughts
Listen to your words, when “I am sick and tired” come out of your mouth more frequently than thank-you and other words of gratitude.
If you don’t have a dream, get a dream. Ask what if, and you will find a dream in there.
Life is boring
I heartily disagree, and loudly protest.
If this is your experience you are not challenging yourself, you are not trying to reach for your dreams.
I personally feel this is generally an ignorant statement, you cannot know all there is to know about this amazing world we live in. There are more than enough stimuli, if you are feeling bored of the task you are doing, change it come back to it later.
If you have found yourself in a rut, work out what you would rather be doing and do that.
Don’t make a Facebook statuses stating “I am bored”
Don’t get on Twitter and tweet, “I am bored”
Don’t post on Tumbler, “I am bored”
Don’t Google+ “I’m bored”
Boredom is a choice; you are choosing inaction over action, over being true to yourself.
Again ask yourself what if. Hypothesis, dream, create and think, if you can’t come up with the ideas yourself read books, until your imagination stirs to life.