Jesus: Death, Resurrection and Voodoo
Resurrection: Possible Ancient Psy-Op Used to Spook Rome
What we read in literature such as the stories of the Bible, has a basis in truth and that truth is founded in real natural parallels. Nature is filled with surprises, which we have learned to copy with interesting results, Those of us who are not prepared for what can be done, can be in for a rude awakening and this happens hundreds of times a day in Africa, Haiti, South America and elsewhere. In nature the same events are rampant.
Death is no surprise as all that lives, eventually dies. What is a surprise, is resurrection from death or a death like state. Yet nature is filled with examples that humanity has learned to copy to some extent. Some of this knowledge is ancient, being in use for thousands of years if not longer. Our modern story telling is also infused with this kind of lore from sci-fi thrillers to B class horror movies dealing with zombies and like creatures. We will look at what tricks nature has and then see how that is applied in the human context and finally how it is possible to stage a death and resurrection in order to impress upon people a condition of high magic and power.
Caterpillar wasps use a variety of techniques to raise there young on the paralysed but living caterpillar host. Theparasitoid wasps (1) have thousands of types within species and genre that typically lay an egg on a host species like caterpillars and beetles. They may also inject a chemical that paralyses the central nervous system, but leaves the caterpillar or beetle alive. Others inject a virus to compromises the immune system of the host that remains alive and mobile, still able to forage. The case of the paralysed host is that of a death like, comatose state, but is alive and remains fresh. The larva hatches from the egg and consumes the living host that can do nothing to resist the growing wasp larva that eats it from within while it is still alive. We do not know if the host is conscious while in the paralysed state, only that it is helpless. At the end of the feeding, the caterpillar or beetle dies with only the surface skin remaining. The larva pupates and later emerges as an adult wasp to repeat the cycle.
There are plants that alter consciousness too as can be attested by anyone who has tried various types. One of them, induces a condition where free will and memory is erased and a person can be easily manipulated to do anything someone else wants without resistance. A powder made from the Borrachero tree, colloquially called “devil's breath” (3) is based on the chemical, scopolamine. It is processed into talcum powder consistency and blown into a victims face who then loses all memory and free will. They can be directed, zombie like to do anything.
Another neurological toxin called tetrodotoxin (2) is implicated in producing a state similar to that seen in the caterpillar that has been sedated by the parasitoid wasp. This has been referred to as the zombie drug of classic voodoo that produces a state not unlike death. The voodoo priest called a bokor uses Tetrodotoxin (2) that is derived from the puffer fish. Also used are toxins from a marine toad, a tree frog, spiders, venomous insects, fungi, mushrooms, poisonous plants and human remains from corpses. The puffer fish produces a potent neurotoxin that shuts down the central nervous system of any predator that is careless enough to eat the fish. It works by shutting down the central nervous system, which means that the predator can no longer move muscles, voluntarily or involuntarily. The failure to breathe leads to death. Using the toxin by itself is a potent and lethal chemical. Voodoo priests can use it to shut down the victims central nervous system, but keep the victim alive by the addition of many other nature derived chemicals in a secret mix. The victim is allegedly conscious throughout the experience and cannot move, even when they hear the doctor pronounce them dead. The bokor then takes charge of the living corpse, buries it and when the victim's body has managed to overcome the toxic mix, the victim begins to move and scream, whereupon the bokor exhumes the victim. The victim then likely faces a dose of devil's breath (3) to erase memory and free will, becoming a classic and easily manipulated zombie in the real sense. Enough scientific evidence has been gathered to prove that zombies made this way really exist and they do whatever their master instructs. This is an ancient art and much of it derives from Africa.
Coupled with all of this are conscious altering natural ingredients that abound in nature and have been used by sorcerers, witch doctors, bokors, the modern day hippies and many others seeking altered states of consciousness. These plants and fungi include items such as Amanita Pantera, peyote cactus, psylocybin mushrooms, potent marijuana in combination with the foregoing, morning glory seeds for natural LSD and many, many more. The Book by John Allegro, “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” (4) delves deeply into the organic roots of Christianity and other religions based on the use of psychotropic plants.
So, how does tall his relate to the Crucifixion account? The hypothesis goes something like this. Jesus, the rebel, et al, know the potential of what the Roman imperialists are capable of from long previous experience and witness. There is a plan to overthrow the Roman imperialists out of Israel and many people in the Biblical account are even referred to as acting in this behalf. Some with advanced knowledge (gnosis) prepare in advance using various substances known about. In the case of Jesus, this may include the use of potent herbs to lesson pain for the possibility of a failed overthrow of Rome. Jesus and his followers make a stand at the temple, overthrowing the money changers and is later arrested. He is scourged, interrogated and sentenced to Crucifixion due to sedition after having struck at the root of the imperialist through the economy. On the cross he is given the zombie powder via the sponge soaked with what is called gall mixed with vinegar. He appears to die shortly thereafter and the point is driven home when a soldier pierces his side. Joseph asks for the body and the Roman in charge who allows this. The alleged corpse is removed to Joseph's tomb and is immediately worked on with salves and balms as the body has gone through severe trauma even and especially during the feigned death. This prevents a fatal bleed when Jesus revives, which he does. He thus appears to arise from the dead three days later, but needs time to recover after first appearing to the women charged with overseeing him after the crucifixion. But because Jesus has taken the zombie powder via a liquid in a sponge from a Roman soldier who may have been involved, he is thus protected, yet alive. When the effect of the chemicals wear off or even eliminated by a “cure”, he rises from his former death like state in resurrection. To those who do not know all of this, the whole process looks miraculous. This fires the Jews who then defeat Rome, but Rome counters by 70 AD ending in the predicted destruction and diaspora of Israel.
The power of such psychologist war cannot be underestimated. It has had a profound effect that has reverberated through the centuries and still affects a huge part of humanity today. The crucifixion and the rising from the dead has had more impact than most other events in history. Yet, the miracle could have been done with high knowledge of secret practices that can produce such seeming real events. Some say that Jesus fainted, but given that, he would still be breathing and this would be a give-away to the attending soldiers to break his legs and speed his death. The Gospels tell us that they did not, suggesting that Jesus went into a deeper state such as found in inducing a zombie condition. In addition, to prove Jesus' death, he was pierced to the heart with a spear, the so called lance of Longinus (5). According to the Gospel account, when the pericardium was pierced, blood and water poured from the wound when the lance was pulled out. This is one of these major traumas that had to seriously addressed. The lance entering from the left side could have missed injuring major organs if done correctly and just pierced the pericardium . This would have to be done with great skill and the knowledge of internal anatomy and may suggest involvement of someone with just that kind of knowledge to do the job just right. We add the idea that today, we can induce a surgical sleep today and work on interior anatomy while the body is still alive and functioning. We can even induce heart failure by chilling the body and then operating in open heart surgery and transplant. Knowing what we know about ancient technology, it is thus not too much of a stretch to suggest that this whole story could have been staged in order to maximize psychological impact, which it evidently has through the path of history thus far.
Many believe in the story book miracle even now, even though material existence and consciousness itself is a huge miracle in and of itself. Still many require fantasy rather than fact. The success of this spectacle not only has reverberated through the extent of history from that era, but continues to inspire many today in the faith of a miraculous occurrence, when in fact, it could easily have been the high science of the day. In short, the participants were not ignoramuses, but those of extreme skill who pushed the envelope to achieve a huge political and religious impact on all witnesses of the day and those who became their followers. The story has changed much from that day, obscuring the real origins, but the pieces still in use now, could have converged at that time to create a resurrection from the dead. People die and sometimes revive, giving account of near death experience. God does not die as that would cause the immediate cessation of all that is, plunging everything into a void as incomprehensible to us as God is incompressible to us.
Jesus tells us that “Know ye not that ye are all gods?”(6) Yet we die (at least in the flesh), but the cosmos continues. Yet there are ways to fake death and revive, and that has been scientifically demonstrated. We exist in a state far from equilibrium and in a cosmos that is not only stranger than we suppose, it is stranger than we can suppose. Does any of this lessen anything Jesus did? Given the facts and hypothesis, I think not!