Joy, Come in the Morning, the Gift
Weeping is but for a night.
Blessings precious bothers, sisters and friends. It could be that you came to this writing because by the title you may be sparked by a glimmer of hope in the most pressing times you are facing. It could be that you are offended at the words because in your most difficult situation and your sufferings your heart feels like it has been ripped apart and there is no joy in the morning. You could possibly feel that the poetic words are for others but in your experience you truly wonder if ever, ever, ever again you will smile and be glad that God gave you life or perhaps you have eluded that laughter is only something from the distant past. Perhaps you have a heart that is so ripped in sorrow and tears it has become a condition you live.
Please, please if you get any words in this writing get these words from Psalm 30:5 written by King David and inspired by Almighty God. 'Sorrow may come for an evening but joy come in the morning.' These words are not only beautiful and poetic but scripture. They are truth. Joy will come in the morning! I do encourage you to read 2 Samuel 24:10. King David faced a heart wrenching situation prior to writing Psalm 30. The psalm was written after God pulled David from the mire mud of despair and near death by his disobedience to God.
Now do not go or run off, yet. I am not here to share about sin. I am the worst. Although the wages of sin is death and I really deserve hell, I am saved in Jesus Christ the Savior and His blood shed for all the sin of the world at the Cross on Calvary. When I asked Jesus to come into my heart as Lord and Savior and repented of my sin I was made a new creature in Christ. I am refined in Christ Jesus, a progress in the works.Oh Praise be to God.
You might get moments of hope in the hardship you suffer or the situation you face but joy eludes you all to quickly.Your joy turns to sorrow and for the life of you and your call to God you cant seem to pick up the pieces. It could be you feel you can not move forward or perhaps you wonder if everyone is in a most trying difficult time as you. Yes, they are facing trying times.There is no doubt. Believer or non believer the difficult times are evident. Satan is running ramped and continues to deceive many. Politics, Education, Economy and Religion are falling away and man has not the answer. Satan knows his time table is running out. As much as he is trying to bring it on down the Holy Spirit is moving on hearts in a lost world. Jesus is calling, 'come to me all who are heavy laden and weary and I will give you rest.' Matthew 11:29. Unfortunately many flat deny the one true Christ or believe a loving God will save all or believe there are many paths to Heaven. There is one path through Jesus Christ the son of God. John 14:6
Psalm 30:5
In October I faced difficult times and situations kept slamming on my door. I was admitted for Listeria poisoning on October 5. Listeria is a deadly food poison. The cause is tainted cantaloupe. I was gravely sick for weeks then fatigued for weeks. In the midst of the illness God told me I would live. Joy came in the morning. In this time a letter was posted on our door. The company is not going to renew our lease. Rents are rising and they knew I intended to lower mine by letting go of the garage. Praise to God, Joy came in the morning. God had His Holy Hand on a better home for us. It is more spacious and less rent. We moved on November 30. On November 1 I made a difficult decision to lay to rest my dog of 16 years old. I thought my heart would be torn from me. His cancer had spread. Joy came in the morning. I know today Benji is running his hearts content in the heavens and healthy and new. On November 7 my husband walked in the door saying there was no more work. He was laid off again after two months and being off for months prior to that job. He has not found a job but joy come in the morning. God is providing and in my prayer to help my unbelief God supplies. I have the assurance of Jesus Christ, He will work it all out for His good and Glory. Just perhaps David was to be near when I was ill and be around while moving. On December 1 my oldest daughter had a mini stroke. She is a young woman and a new mother. In all my life I thought my heart was ripped from its chest. I wept.. My daughter is healed. No permanent damage. My prayer for Jesus to draw her close was heard. She calls on the name of Jesus Christ. Joy come in the morning.
The most wonderful news is no matter how broke we are or how difficult the times of sorrow they are but for a time. Number one, the situation will change. Number two, Jesus loves His Children and has it worked out. Number three, We are assured. We do not need to fret. Jesus knows better then anyone or anything. He will not leave me nor forsake me. Hebrews 3:13 If you are His child, God will never leave nor forsake you. Child of God hang on. You may not be able but God is able. Joy come in the morning.
God is sovereign. He knows why, what, when He does. He tells us we will face various trials. James.5:1 Sin could be the cause for the difficulties we face. Sometimes in humility and repentance we will be brought to our knees as a result of sin and consequences to draw to God. God redeems, He knows. He can turn all things around for the good for those that believe Romans 8:28 Joy come in the morning.
Gods tenderness and love is on us because the wrath is what we deserve but He has taken our sin upon Him and we are forgiven. We are Blessed in Christ. All things are possible for those that believe. Mark 9:23 We will not sorrow forever. Joy will come in the morning. Keep your eyes fixed on the King of Kings. The enemy wants us to loose sight and focus on his wicked lies. Keep your eyes on Jesus the Christ. Look up focus on His Holy promises given to us in His Word. Our hope is Jesus, He is coming and soon. His hands are on His children. He will raise up His children. Do not loose heart and if you do put your hand out for Jesus to pull you up. He is with you Child of God.
We are in the later days. If you study your Bible and hear the truth you know what is coming our way. You know that Jesus loves you so much. If we loose something maybe it is for our good. If I loose my car then God has another one for me with no car payments and all upside down in value. I have wept over where the payment will come from. Joy came in the morning. I do not know the plan from God but I trust He knows better then anyone what is best for this child. He knows what is best for you child. If you are not in the family of God and have stayed to read to this point just maybe Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart to come in. Romans 4:17 God only wants our love
God does not judge us by our past if we are in Him. He has made us pure as white fresh snow. Our past is past He has made us clean. If I lost all today I have something no one can ever take from me. I have my Salvation. Today I have joy. I know that Jesus died for my wretched sins and I am forgiven. I will enter into Heaven. King David will be there. He will reign and be a king with the KING of KINGS, Jesus Christ.
Children of God have the promises of Jesus Christ. He has a book full of them. If you sorrow and hurt He knows and He cares more then anyone. He has a plan for you. You will not be dropped like a hot cake. It may feel like it but everything will come together. Joy will come in the morning. Tears are not fixed. They may seem permanent but sorrow will pass and joy will come. Trust God He has not dropped you, nor I. God has it handled. Only Believe in Him, Jesus Christ, stay fixed on His promises. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Jesus is literally in all of your life, if you are not His child you have a choice to be in the family of God. Jesus will never twist arms to believe in Him. He can and does bend hearts to Him. His love so great. If your prayers are a cry and seem to go unheard and the difficulties seem to keep coming keep pressing forward. God is our anchor in the storm of difficulties. Believe, joy will come in the morning.
We can always see someone that faces more difficult times on them. The fact is that in your difficult times your sorrow begs for joy to come. David is telling us in Psalm 30 that where we live in a world where our hearts are so often broken and our eyes filled with tears, there is a joy that does exist and it can be ours.
The enemy of our souls lies to us. He uses our venerability and humility and heartache to try and put a wedge between God and our Faith. The devil hates that God loves us. God allows certain things to happen to His children to draw us closer to Him for His Glory and purpose. Jesus is the only assurance. Everything else changes. Life happens and nothing stays the same.
Maybe you are grieving a job loss or a relationship that has gone astray. Maybe you struggle with loneliness from a lack of a relationship you long for. There are thousands and thousands of endless scenarios. You could have illness and it has you under the weather big times and it is tearing at your heart. Perhaps you came from a family of neglect. God knows and cares more then anyone ever will. He understands more then anyone ever can. He has our hearts.
Have you ever wondered how Paul the apostle for Jesus was content in his hardships and sufferings for Jesus Christ? He kept pressing forward to the prize of eternal life. He kept his eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:1-2 Does a father discipline and train his children in the way to go? He wants them prepared for the road ahead. Jesus will pull His children through He is near He prepares the path. He knows. Joy comes in the morning.
You may believe in another God or not in God at all but either way you might agree with this hub that the times we live in are worse then most have experienced in their lifetime. Hard times are coming at most everything. God is shaking the mountains and calling to His people. Wake up, IAM. Even the high up on the totem pole suffer in these difficult times. He wants none to perish. God is in charge. He owns it all. One day every knee will bow and know Jesus is Lord.
In Psalm 30 David was overwhelmed in sorrow. He knew His sin brought down the wrath of God. God was angry but for a moment and came to David in his sorrow. David inspires us in His poetic psalm. David did not have the Bible to refer to as we do today. He heard from God. He heard from profits of God. Today we have an instruction manual for living! God has for told us of all things.
Our technology has helped to spread the Gospel Word to all nations. Most human beings know why we celebrate Christmas. The baby Jesus, Emanuel God with us born in a manger on Christmas day. He then died so we could be forgiven our sin and spared damnation then rose again, HE LIVES. We have been given a choice to open the free gift of Salvation. No matter what may come keep your eyes on the gift, Children of God. Joy come in the morning.
Merry Christmas brothers, sisters, friends. I love you. Jesus loves you
© Copyright Skye Tudae
I encourage you to reflect and listen to the tune I left for you, you will be Blessed.