Personalities of the Tribulation Period
NOTE: This is not fantasy or science fiction of any kind. The 'beings'
in this hub are factual, real, and will be loose upon the earth during
the Tribulation Period. This is from God's Holy Word...which is Truth. I am writing this hub to enable you to know the people and supernatural beings that will be active during this time in our history, but mostly to encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before the Tribulation begins. I want to thank Mr. Sukolics for the information I used as a reference to publish this article. He has put much time and effort in the study of prophecy, especially that in Revelation. Without his efforts, I would have had a difficult time spreading the Truth from God's Word.
The Tribulation is clearly foretold in the Bible. This prophecy occurs over a period of 7 years, terminating at the Battle of Armageddon and the end of the world as we know it. Although it is of future events, the Apostle John, the last living apostle of the original 12 was shown by God, the Father, the events mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Nobody knows when these events will occur, except God. Even Jesus Christ states in the Bible that only God knows the exact date and time of these gigantic events in human history. All of the end of world events were foretold centuries before Jesus came to earth. The book of Daniel is one book that mentions the events that will occur in the Revelation. All the prophecies mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament have happened, except those that are still in our future. This is why Christians totally believe the events described in Revelation fully. The Word of God has been PROVEN to be true, and the book of Revelation is going to be PROVEN true as well.
John, with his limited human mind was commanded by God to record these events so we know what is going to happen. I believe the 'end times' are almost here, and that the events in Revelation will occur very soon.
I will be addressing in several hubs, the prophecies, events, and activities that will occur. This is a very huge topic, so will be dividing it into smaller pieces to help you and even me, get the most out of this information. It is very complex, but we can learn this together.
I encourage you to pick up the Bible and read the Book of Revelation. There is a lot of symbolism in that book, I believe, because John had great difficulty recording the astounding things he saw. Trying to describe modern day technology, life styles, and supernatural beings to 1st century people was very difficult. I know I could do no better. So, as you read the Bible's Revelation of future events, I suggest getting a study guide to use that will help you understand this marvelous book. Your local bookstore has many good sources. God wants us to know these future events since He doesn't want anyone to perish! The Bible even states that, "Blessed are those that read the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it, and take to heart what is written, because the time is near." (Rev. 1:3)
The GOOD and the EVIL - The Commanders
The main groups involved, as in most conflicts, are the forces of good against the forces of evil. The clash between these two powerful forces will take place on our world, mostly in the Middle East region, present day Israel, Iraq, and Iran, but the effects of this gigantic encounter will be felt over the entire globe. No person will be safe and no person will escape the Wrath of God and Satan wreaking havoc globally. The 'leaders' of each group are:
The Holy Trinity:
God the Father
God the Son, Jesus, Lord, Conqueror and Bridegroom.
God the Holy Spirit.
The Unholy Trinity
False Prophet
The Officers and Troops
The Forces of God
Two special Old Testament Witnesses - some believe these may be Moses and Elijah.
144,000 Jewish evangelists - Originally, these Jews did not believe Jesus was the Messiah, but accepted Jesus later and become believers. Many will be martyred and will become the Tribulation Saints, but some will live through the whole Tribulation and see Jesus return.
3 Types of Saints - Church Age saints (New Testament saints, like Paul, and Bride (believers), Tribulation Saints (people that accepted Jesus as their Savior after the Rapture, and are now on earth during the Tribulation...they are saved), Old Testament Saints, like Moses, Abraham, King David, etc.
Multitudes of Special Angels
The Forces of Evil
An army of demons that look like locusts that are released from the bottomless pit.
One or two conventional allied armies with a cruel human leader from the North.
200 million man army riding demon horses with three evil spirit leaders.
A persecuted woman
A vile religious prostitute - the Whore of Babylon riding on a beast
3 demon frogs that the unholy trinity summon forth, but God uses to bring the rest of the earthly kings to the Battle of Armageddon.
Babylon - An evil city, the center of power for the unholy trinity composed of two parts: religious and commercial.