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Protesting and the Bible

Updated on June 8, 2020
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Elisha S Lee is a Licensed Minister, Christian Counselor, and owner of the store Glory to Glory Christian Store.

Stand For Justice

Justice is the more weighty matter and is important to the Kingdom of God

History Matters

I grew up hearing the stories from family members who have been part of the protests and marches during the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s

As a Black Woman, Born Again Christian, Minister, and Christian Counselor, I have asked myself how should I be responding to the protests of today? I grew up hearing the stories from family members who have been part of the protests and marches during the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s. I recall the look of pride on their faces as they shared their stories and the difference that was made today as a result of them taking a stand.

George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, Ahmad Autry were mercilessly killed simply because they were Black. I recall times where my brothers have dealt with police brutality and there was no one to file a complaint to who would report it. The injustices of racism are real even today. It breaks my heart that my little girl fears the police. We have been careful not to speak ill of them around her, but because of the stories she has heard, she is afraid of them. She will not even look an officer in the eye for fear that he or she will hurt her. Racism is real. I have the stories, hurt, and stigmatism to prove it.

Jesus is Our Example

He openly spoke to the wrongs of the day and spoke to others regarding the difference of being Kingdom-Minded versus having a mindset of the world.

Is Protesting Wrong

The word protest brings a different array of emotions. I have witnessed and seen emotions of anger, irritation, annoyance, as well as a message of hope and excitement about what could come and be for the next one. Protesting is an action that encourages others to move forward in participating in creating a change. I also recall times of Jesus protesting as well. Jesus stood up to the leaders and people of power. He openly spoke to the wrongs of the day and spoke to others regarding the difference of being Kingdom-Minded versus having a mindset of the world. He showed empathy for those who were voiceless and alienated. It is safe to say that Jesus was indeed a protester. He was a protester speaking against the wrong social ills of the day and a representative of the Kingdom of God.

Whenever I have these questions, I go to the Word of God for instruction and guidance. Proverbs 31:9 says, “Open your mouth, the judge correctly, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Yes, it is okay to peacefully protest. I look at the protest and see the many ways people are protesting. Most are peaceful, some are not.

Let's Study the Word

Peace in the Protest

Elijah protested idolatry and unrighteousness in the land. Jeremiah protested the social sins of the day. Within their protest, there was peace.

Ways to Protest

1 Corinthians 14:33 says, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.” I began to look at Bible figures who protested and took stands. Elijah protested idolatry and unrighteousness in the land. Jeremiah protested the social sins of the day. Within their protest, there was peace. There was no confusion. They spoke to injustice while honoring God. Ezekiel 22:30 says, “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it…” Standing in the gap and taking a stand is what prevents destruction from coming to the land. From these passages, peaceful protesting is right in the eyes of the Lord.

Jesus spoke about how we are salt and light to a dying world. To see a difference and see change, we must stand up for what is right and correct. Let us not limit protesting to marching in the street carrying a sign. Protesting can also be in the form of showing awareness to others. Jesus is a Restorer and Healer of the Broken Hearted. Initiating conversations to bring awareness of issues and educates those who may have been misinformed about issues. True healing can come from being aware of others.

© 2020 Elisha Lee


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