Online Bible Verses - Romans 5:6-8 Christ died for us
“Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:6-8
Today is my youngest son’s birthday. What an awesome kid and blessing he is, already well on his way to becoming what I have prayed for him to be.
And how does this opening note link up with today’s verse? We, as parents, would die for our kids if required. Even if they turned on us. Man, made in God’s image, takes on characteristics of God; even in the absence of belief/relationship in/with Him. Thus, the term common grace might apply. We can see God’s signature manifested in the love we have for our children.
Having children, then, gives us a semi-analogous view into how God loves us. I’ve said it before, go into your kid’s bedroom late at night. Make it a night where he/she behaved badly. Then look at them sleep. You may be angry with them, but you will love them in a big way. I said semi-analogous above because we cannot love perfectly as God does. He loves us even more. No matter what.
And when we stray He will always take us back. That once we allow Him in, as He will not force a relationship upon us. Only if we want it.
The prospect becomes then, that a perfect God died a horrendous death because He loves you and I.
The mere potential for this being true would seem to make it worth a look.