Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego-Soul Food!
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Were from Jewish nobility don’t you know?
They were brought to Babylon for training.
During King Nebuchadnezzar’s reigning.
Daniel had their training set apart,
Because of the training of the heart.
Water and veggies are what they chose to eat.
They never had wine and they never ate meat.
Their bodies they would not defile.
The guards gave them a ten day trial.
It was a test against those who ate of the food and drink,
Against these four who didn’t. Now what do you think?
The four appeared better, healthier, a lot better fed.
They were stronger because of the lives they led.
Those four young Jews won that ten day test.
They proved to be better than all the rest.
They were tested again when all the training ended.
Their diets were better as they had contended.
Then Nebuchadnezzar made an idol, ninety feet tall.
He made a decree that it would be worshiped, by all.
All would drop to their knees when instruments played.
But these Jews already had a God to whom they prayed.
Refusal was punished by a furnace of fire.
The “Three Young Men” said, but not with ire,
“God will save us but if not, let it be told
We still won’t worship your image of gold.”
Neb said, “Heat the furnace seven times more.
Let’s fry these guys and there won’t be an encore.
Throw them in the fire after you tie up these men.”
But the only men who died were the soldiers that threw them in.
Nebuchadnezzar said, as he sat in his royal chair,
“Four men not three are now walking around in there.”
Neb now said, “I’ve got another law and let it now begin;
Let no one speak one word against the God of these brave men."
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego drank no wine.
They ate no meat and yet they did really fine.
Behold, they were bold, and their souls would not be sold.
They would not bow down to a God made of gold.
Only recently (historically speaking) did we begin eating meat. The inclusion of meat in our diet came well after we became who we are. The birth of agriculture started about 10,000 years ago. At that time it became considerably more convenient to herd animals. This is not nearly as long as the time that fashioned our basic biochemical functionality, which was at least tens of millions of years. Our basic functionality depends on the nutrient composition of plant-based foods.
The Garden of Eden
Genesis Chapter 1
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every
herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every
tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall
be for meat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every
fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there
is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
There were no carnivores in the Garden of Eden.
Genesis 9
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have
I given you all things.
4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood
thereof, shall ye not eat.
In this scripture God changed his mind (?).
Meat is permitted to eat but you need to cook it.
Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego
The Bible is the True word of God? We were created as vegetarians.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy---and were written by Moses. The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel follow.
I don't know the time span here but there were many, many moons between the Garden of Eden and Daniel.
Our Creator did not design us to eat meat. The carnivores with sharp teeth, lions tigers, bears, dogs and cats are meat eaters. The bowels of humans are very different from carnivores. They contain curved pouches with long twists and turns. Carnivores have smooth, straight bowels. When true carnivores eat meat, there is a very quick digestion. In humans these pieces of meat get caught up in our intestinal pockets and remain there undigested. Meat contains absolutely no fiber! Fiber is the "broom" that sweeps your intestines. Once undigested meat sits in your colon at 98.6 degrees, it putrefies and becomes uric acid. This uric acid causes arthritis! This is the main contributing factor to colon cancer! Colon cancer kills 35% of Americans a year. The number one cause of colon cancer is eating red meat!The United States has the highest incident of colon cancer. We also eat more meat than any other nation out there.
So, is the answer to eat more chicken? The chicken breeders have just one goal and that is to produce the heaviest chicken possible in the quickest amount of time.
The Lord's Prayer In Greek
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
When I pray this prayer, I know I want this earth to resemble what I think heaven is.
The Worst Abuses In Factory Farming
- The worst abuses in factory farming
Abuses around and in factory farming listed
In "my" heaven. I don't want these factory farms growing my food.
Factory farming is the practice of raising livestock in confinement at high stocking density, where a farm operates as a factory — a practice typical in industrial farming by agribusinesses. The main product of this industry is meat, milk, and eggs for human consumption.
The UN and OIE estimate that in coming decades there will be billions of additional consumers in developing countries eating meat factory farmed in developing countries, but currently only about 40 out of the around 200 countries in the world have the capacity to adequately respond to a health crisis originating from animal disease (such as swine flu, avian flu, West Nile virus, blue tongue, and-hoof-and-mouth disease). Widespread use of antibiotics increases the chance of a pandemic resistant to known measures, which is exacerbated by a globally distributed food system. Decreased genetic diversity increases the chance of a food crisis.
This also is the ideal environment for worms and parasites. There are over 300 varieties that can live in the human body. Worldwide, worms outrank cancer as our deadliest enemy. It has been estimated that 150 million people in America have intestinal parasite infestation. Medical textbooks have revealed that over 55 million American children have worms. Parasite infestation is growing rapidly, due to a lack of raw fruits and vegetables in the diet and an increased consumption of cooked and acid-forming foods, i.e., processed foods of all kinds, refined sugars, meat, dairy, poultry and coffee. Once in the intestinal tract, parasites have easy access to other parts of the body where they bring on various symptoms and diseases.
God Provided For You To Diet Healthy
- God Provided for Us to Diet Healthy
According to there are over 780 diet plans that have been classified and that are either recommended or not. How many have you tried? Personally I think I will go for the...
Why We Shouldn't Eat Animals
- why we shouldn't eat animals
I am vegan for many reasons, but the reason that I started my vegan lifestyle was for health reasons. So I will start off with the benefits to your health when you eat a vegan diet. Just by switching or...
I am vegetarian except for some dairy and fish. I'd like to "evolve" from this as well. I'm far from perfect as anyone can see. I will kill mice if they consistently come into my house. I don't eat them though.
Our "canine" teeth will be exploited as evidence that we are carnivores. Ours are not as large and as sharp as true carnivores. Human teeth are great for chewing into a pine-apple, sugar cane, or many other fruits and veggies. To base our diet on the shape of our teeth is folly.
Old habits die hard, and it’s convenient for people who like to eat meat, think that there is evidence to support their belief that eating meat is “natural” or the cause of our evolution.
Top nutritional and anthropological scientists from the most reputable institutions imaginable say categorically that humans are natural herbivores, and that we will be healthier today if we stick with our herbivorous roots. It may be inconvenient, but it is true.
This hub could go on quite a bit. The best reasons for stopping factory farms as many are today is the abuse related to growing these animals.
Just do a search for "chicken farms", "chicken farms-animal abuse", "factory farms", etc. You will be appalled.
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This Is What You Eat
There is no argument for this!
There is no arguing against this "word" of the Bible.
There is no argument to support animal abuse.
There is no argument from sanity to support animal abuse.
There is not one.
The leading causes of death in the United States are:
Is Veganism Good For You
- Is Veganism Good For You?
As early as 1944, when the Vegan Society was founded in response to the broadening of the term vegetarian to include the eating of dairy products, people are slowly acknowledging that veganism is good for...
Paul-McCartney Narrates PETA's New Glass Walls-Video
- Paul McCartney Narrates PETA's New 'Glass Walls' Video
An inside look at how slaughter farms raise, transport, and kill farmed animals for our meat. Narrated by Paul McCartney.
Are Free Range Eggs A Healthier Alternative to Eggs?
- Are Free Range Eggs A Healthier Alternative to Eggs?
Over and over we have heard that eggs are healthy, eggs are unhealthy, should eat them, shouldn't eat them. What is the truth? It is all the truth. The truth depends on which eggs were being used in each case.
. Soy is one of the most blessed and most coursed food nowadays: many people debate wether is soy healthy or dangereous for eating while many others could not imagine their diet without soy and various soy...