"Stop Hating And Be Healed"
"Stop Hating And Be Healed"
"Stop Hating And Be Healed"
We need to rethink the word hate or hatred, because It's not a word of God, the word hate or hatred was given to us by Satan. Hate destroys us and our lives if we don't remove hate from us.
Micah chapter 3 - 2 : Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from their bones.
Matthews chapter 5 - 44 : But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them which despite-fully use you and persecute you.
Luke chapter 6 - 22 : Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil for the son of man's sake.
Some of Gods children have stiff necks and hardened hearts. Sometimes, God take the fence of protection from around them so they can fall prey to sickness and afflictions. When people suffer from sickness and afflictions, Sometimes it makes the person take an inventory of their lives and maybe they can get rid of the hate before it's to late. We do have those that know they're not living their lives according to Gods word. They have allowed petty jealousy, hatred and all manner of unclean acts to control their minds and hearts. That makes so them mean and hateful that no one want to live with them. Our lives of afflictions and sicknesses is sent upon us to make us repent of the things we're holding in our hearts so deep. That we think we're the only one that knows it's there. We're fooling ourselves since God sees deep within us and all the malice and hatred we hold against others. We lie and talk a good talk about knowing God but when it comes down to the truth. We really don't know him. As we're still holding bad feeling toward others even after they have bent over backwards for us, we are to mean and hateful to tell them how grateful we are for all their help and how much they really mean to us. We are letting our heart held hatred destroy us.
God is trying to help us repent of this ugliness, we carry within our heart. Some of us are so mean and hateful that we want let it go. I truly believe when we genuinely love God, then our hearts will soften and let go of all the built up anger and hatred we have harbored over the years. Some of us have these dreaded diseases and afflictions because of this hatred. We have married ourselves to and it is consuming our minds, body and flesh. It's literary eating away at us from the inside out and it will kill us. If we don't repent and let it go. I know many of you have heard the old saying, It's a poor wind that never changes. Well I believe it to be a true saying. As to never change our bad attitude to a good one, means we want ever get better. Some people will even die because they're to mean and hateful to change their ugly ways. Don't let hating, misusing and abusing someone stop your chance of getting your life straight with God, before you leave this world. We don 't want to blow our chance of repenting of our sins and finally being whole with God so we can leave in this world knowing we did everything in our power to get things straight with God and everyone else. If we have a problem with someone go to them and tell them about your beef and ask God to forgive you for holding on to your anger and get rid of it, so you can heal.
Don't die and be lost because we were holding grudges against someone, knowing God is all about forgiving our fellow man. So, Lets put all our petty anger, grievances and hatred in the trash can of life and try to find peace, love and some happiness before we leave this world of chaos.
Benny Faye Douglass (C) Copyright 2011