The Christian Corner: It Is Easier for the Camel to Pass Through the Eye of a Needle Than the Rich Entering Heaven
When Jesus walked Earth he spoke and taught many things. He spoke in parables and many were left dumbfounded by the wisdom in these parables. Today we look at what Jesus meant when he said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”. For many people this would seem quite absurd as their wisdom and understanding does not go further than the box they have placed their minds in. After all, you can’t possible think of a large camel trying to pass through a donut much less the eye of a needle right? So what was Jesus really telling the people when he said this? Let’s see.
Jesus spoke of probability and odds.
Yes, Jesus spoke about probability and odds in this parable. And the reason he used a camel in this instance was because of the time, place and people he was speaking to. People in those Middle Eastern area depended on animals to do all their transportation needs. The camel was seen as a good reliable robust animal and many people knew of and understood the camel. If Jesus was speaking to Europeans today, he probably would have phrased the parable this way. “It is easier for large Dog to pass through eye of a needle than for the wealthy to enter heaven. This is because he may associate his teaching with what the Europeans we understand and know today. So what do you think are the odds of a camel or dog being able to pass through the eye of a need? Well, for man that is impossible. But for God all things are doable. There is no limit to the power of God, but great is the limit in the minds of men. Heaven is a place set aside by God for those who are worthy of being there. Those people who have live good, clean and admirable lives which has found favor in Christ.
The Rich Entering Heaven
I don’t want people to believe that if you are rich, automatically you become hell bound. That was not what Jesus meant, and having wealth does not automatically make you Lucifer’s play pal. Most wealthy people are focused on the accumulation of material wealth and have left their souls spiritually poor. They have done brutal things to get rich and have no interest in enriching their soul. They become fixated on material that they even regard the human beings around them as lower class. Rich men can't earn salvation on their own, because their fixation on the material world corrupts their spirits. However, if they turn to God, they can be saved despite this. So a man can be rich and still has that compassion and Godly essence dwelling in his heart. This means that he has placed important things before his wealth. Things such as caring for humanity. Treating people good, loving the animals of the earth and loving God. Once you have placed what matters before material then entering heaven as a rich man is very much possible.
What must the rich who have forgotten God and Humanity Do now to Enter Heaven
This is quite simple. The rich will have to sacrifice. Yes, every change comes with some kind of sacrifice. I am not taking about getting some quails or lamb and slaughtering the animals. I’m speaking about giving up or letting go of something to achieve something else. The rich must denounce their wealth as first priority and put the Lord as the center of their being. They must begin to genuinely help other less fortunate and have a saying in caring for the world and what dwells there in. I am not saying you should withdraw all your money from the bank and light an expensive bond fire. But in order for you to be accepted in the book of life you must put the trust in material things behind and live your life for the Goodness of mankind and God and not for the goodness of material items.
A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Clive Williams