Religious theory aim
Prayers for Reconciliation, articles
About our religious theory
Welcome to our article (23) Religious theory aim
May God guide and help me to write the right things?
Dear readers, with these articles, we want to find a way how to reach religious reconciliation; so, we are writing our theory of, ‘Reconciliation of the universe’, to show how we believe religions can be set in the future. They are being written to overcome the drawback of today; here we mean the atheists and the religious terrorists fanatics. We believe that we should write our articles, in a way that we can suggest to the people that religions need to be modified, so that they can become a single religion in the future, because religions are basically all the same. For this reason, I am praying God to help me write this religious theory.
I am praying in the name of the Father The-Son and The-Holy-Spirit, which is the Holy- Trinity, which is the greatest known positive life-force that guides the whole universe according to the Roman Catholic Church and other religions that derive from the Bible.
This is my prayer for asking God to help me.
In the name of the Father, The-Son and The-Holy-Spirit, to you I turn Heavenly Father God Most-High and I humbly pray with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I am praying you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who said ask the Father in my name and it will be given to you free: So, here I am Almighty Father praying and asking you that through the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, you let the guiding force of the Holy-Spirit help me to write this religious theory per your will. Father hear my prayer and help me! Amen.
Now that I have prayed God, I feel more confident and I can continue to write my religious articles. The only thing that is still on my mind is this, because what we are writing is different from normal religions, some religious believers will be alarmed. So, I am going to say to them do not worry, because religious beliefs are not going to change.
Now let us go back to talk about our religious aims:
People need God and pray to God
Religious theory and its aim
What is the aim of our religious theory one may ask?
As the writer of these religious writings, I can say that I have a dream that one day I can help religions to be united, under a single Super-God that represents life, since God is the life giver of all living things.
Anyhow, I believe that I have a theory which can help bridge all religions together; whether this theory may be right or wrong I do not know; but I have reason to believe that it is worth for me to write my theory to see if it works out.
The aim of our religious theory is to find a way that helps overcome those extreme religious difficulties that the world is facing today. We believe that religions have been set in the past the way that they have been set, because they had to fulfil the needs of a group of people, that lived isolated from other groups, so, this was the easiest way to set them.
We believe that what’s happening today is wrong, because some religions fight each other’s, instead of trying to peacefully coexist with one another and help each other in the name of God.
So, We believe that to overcome these problems and bring a peaceful solution of coexistence to religions, we need to find a way how to treat all religions the same way; so that, all existing religions can stand side by side in harmony with each other, because they have in common the highest religious order possible God of the universe.
If it is possible to set and explain that all religions come from the same source, which in our case we can call, God life force or God Most High. If this is accepted, then, all religious followers will accept, that we all come from the same universal God life force of the universe, and therefore, we are all brothers in the eyes of God.
Now let me explain why God needs to be explained as life, or a life force energy that gives life to every living thing; it is because the life force energy can be accepted from everybody including the atheists, who don’t believe in god; because then all religions can be linked together. But there are difficulties to do that, so, let us see what they could be.
Discussing difficulties and needs
Now we need to say, that even though we have this religious theory to suggest to the world, hoping it helps to find a solution to religious problems. At the same time, we know that it is not going to be easy to do it, because people are used to the old religious ways. But as we have said, we need to suggest something useful to the public, because these old religious ways do not help reconcile with other religions.
So, we know that it is going to be hard to find a good solution; but we believe that we cannot avoid these religious changes. Therefore, a new approach is required; if you have noted, in our religious articles, we have changed a few things from the usual religious ways. So, we hope that these changes will make it easier, to suggest and achieve, what we want to achieve.
Now, in our religious articles, to achieve what we have set up to achieve, we have been forced to set everything one step higher than the present religious beliefs, so, all religions can converge at this spiritual highest point, therefore, we hope that these changes we are suggesting, will achieve mutual brotherhood and understanding for all religions.
In our religious beliefs, God represents life, and can be described as the life force of the universe, who is the positive active life-force that guides the entire universe and gives life to every living thing; we refer to this life-force as God Most High. So, God Most High is the highest of all existing positive life-force that exist in the universe, and from this life-force all the existing life and all existing gods were born and they exist because this life-force exists; therefore, all existing gods no matter to which religion they belong are linked by this force. However, any one of them can work independently when required; so, we can assume that there is only one God throughout the universe, because everything starts from this life force and every living thing needs to return to this life force to continue its living spiritual role.
Now let us describe briefly what this Reconciliation of the Universe theory is like.
The universe and spiritual thing
Theory of Reconciliation of the Universe
Brief description of Reconciliation of the Universe
At this point of time, we believe that the best way to explain our theory, is to explain our religious theory writings in two main groups, which are; those things that are seen and those things which are not seen but are believed to exist in the universe.
Group one is the group of the known things, like life on earth as we see it, acknowledging the existence of life, then our body our terrestrial understanding of things as we live and feel them.
Group two would be the unseen things, these unseen things and their existence are hard to explain, because they cannot be seen or touched, therefore, they are only believed to be there. Anyhow, we feel their presence within our souls and our minds, so, we believe that they exist, but they are in another dimension, which runs parallel to our own dimension.
It is believed that our soul is allowed from God to move from one dimension to the other, and that will happen only at out birth and at our death. Sometimes, we may have had an experience and seen something from the other dimension, like what I believe I have seen or dreamed: (Which is that I have seen or dreamed about an angel who has greeted me as the author of “Reconciliation of the Universe.”)
Then these two groups that we are talking about will have to be split in smaller groups, so that it is easier to write about them and to understand what we mean.
Since we believe that we have no other choice but to write our religious beliefs, otherwise I would start thinking that I have not done my human duty; let us start planning what we have to do, we believe that this task is greater than anyone can imagine, as we have to find a way on how to convince the whole world that what we are writing here is worth learning, therefore, we are going to tell the whole world what are the most important things that we will write. Which is this:
We will have to set the stage for the entire world to see.
And whoever will read these writings might have to agree.
That here we are trying to find a way to God for all humanity;
In order to stay in touch with God-life-force energies for eternity
For this reason, I am praying God to help and guide me.
I believe that this is what we need to do presently, until we write the theory of Reconciliation of the universe, after other religious discussions, in order to convince the people including ourselves, that what we are going to do is necessary.
We have said enough in this article; see you in our next article; religious writings for all humanity.
May God bless us all.
Religious and general blogs and sites
- Religious discussions and prayers
Praying God to help me, because God is hope for those who need hope most. Therefore religion is necessary to mankind, and a religious statement is put forward that God is hope for mankind. - Importance of religion
We believe that religion is necessary and also very important to every living soul, because it is in our nature that we need to believe in God and religion in order to have a meaningful life. - Prayers for Reconciliation
Prayers for Reconciliation starts a religious theory that aims to save religions from atheism and extremist groups, it aims to achieve that by suggesting some modifications to existing religions, etc. - Prayers of Reconciliation
Prayers of Reconciliation, I come to you praying Father Most High and eternal life giver of every living thing, I am praying thee for forgiveness of my sins and reconciliation.. People prayers to God. - Menfranco Reconciliation
This site is being created to house Menfranco Reconciliation Forum. - Prayers of Reconciliation
This is a religious site opened to house most of my religious discussions, it includes a list of attached files like in book format, which give the readers a better chance to read the whole story. - General Blog
General glog and links - Religious Reconciliation Doc
Main blog about religions