The Lords Prayer Part 2
Prayer Manner Heart Matter Part 2
9) “your will” There is something to do, something God wants accomplished. When we come to him, knowing who he is, we know that he is willing to answer those things that he desires for us to do in his name. We are given a commissioning, ambassadors of his kingdom, and ambassadors of reconciliation, that in him (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God.
(2Cor.5:11-21) He desires that all men be reconciled to him, because Jesus has died for all. We need to KNOW the will of God for each situation.
(Rom.12:2, says, “that when our minds are renewed and we are no longer conformed to this world we will be able to test and approve what God’s, good, pleasing and perfect will is…”)
Are there requirements to having answered prayer?
No longer conformed to this world?
Not all prayers are answered. (Who’s Will?)
What is your heart attitude, mood, are you angry, grumbling, harboring unforgiveness, or coming to him complaining, wining, this is not fair?
10) “be done” Accomplished. Be; as if already. Completed. Speaking into the NOW of God. There is an intricate position for our prayer to enter into the time line of God. An intersection specifically designed for our input, our prayer DNA.
11) “on earth as it is in heaven” His will is always accomplished in heaven, there is no mistake, no second thought, no hindrance, no saying no, no incomplete action from the throne, always and forever it is done, complete and we want the same done right here on earth, right here in our midst.
So what are the distractions from that happening? What causes the deflection of his will being completed here? Why do we seem to miss the intersection with God? Jesus never missed. He was at the right place with the right word, action, reaction down to the exact second and beyond. Why?
We might say he was God in the flesh, he had one up on us. Maybe?
He had a more direct line to God the Father than we do. Yes, No, Maybe? He said of himself, “that I only do the things that I see the Father doing.” (John 5:19) Vs 20, “For the Father loves the son and shows him all he does. Yes, to your amazement he will show him even greater things than these.”
Vs 30 c, “for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.”
He did what he was commanded, he loved the Father and did only what he saw the Father doing, and not to please himself or bring glory to his name, but to God alone.
Is there a connection or a truth here for us to grasp?
12) “give us our” An action sought from the supplier. A request. Seeking a contribution, or compensation. What is in our heart at the time of asking? We deserve to have what we are seeking to acquire? We demand the action by rights as a benefactor? We are needy? We are wanting? We will take whatever we can get, and the more the better? It is ours to have, so hand it over, now!
The children of Israel while in the desert, griped, complained and demanded for 40 years. A whole generation missed out on receiving what God had offered, because of their heart attitude.
Or are we as children coming to a loving Father, who knows what we need?
How do we approach the table of the Lord?
He made a way for us to have life and an encounter with him.
A personal relationship. Remember; He came to us, we did not go to him.
13) “daily” We are unable to live, neither in the past, nor in the future, we have only the present. Jesus encouraged us and said, “seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness and ALL these things will be given to you as well.” (Matt.6:33) This is an attitude, something to be constant in our thinking and in our hearts desire. This requires an agreement on our part.
We agree with the word of God, saying that God does not lie, or do we?
What he has said he will do? Yes or no? (1Sam. 15:29)
Jesus constantly spoke of the lack of faith that the people had and we are no different.
So what is the ALL in, “all these things…”? Does it mean exactly as it says?
So we have to make a decision; does God lie? Yes or no?
Does God care about our well being? Yes or no?
Does God care whether I am wealthy or poor? Yes or no?
As a child of his Kingdom, does he want us to be able to bless others? Yes or no?
I know God loves me, but does he like me? Yes or no?
Is God concerned only for our spiritual condition and could care less about the rest of our life and whatever affects us, good or bad?
If we have made an agreement in our heart that we don’t believe God is interested in the real us, the unique individual that we are, that he does not want to be intimate, loving, caring, concerned, involved, or that he would sit and listen to us while we pour out our heart to him about everything?Then we have believed a lie and we know who the biggest liar is, don’t we? (John 8:44)
We are to live daily as members and citizens of the Kingdom of God, for that is precisely who we are, and we must be about the King’s business in every manner of our life, vocation, home life, and life’s stage wherever we find ourselves. Exercising his gifts and being mindful of others, regarding them more highly than ourselves. In these actions, suddenly everything that we have needed will find itself at our door, daily. Yes, No, or Perhaps?
14) “bread” The actual sustenance of our complete life. Everything that we have need of for this particular day. We look at Jesus and the time period in which he lived and we may think that God’s word is out of date and not relevant with all the things that we have need of and the fast paced life we live and that his word is not for the NOW. Yes or no?
If we believe that the word of God is Spirit breathed, an actual living entity, then we have to also believe that his word can never and will never grow old, be outdated, be obsolete or need to be revised.
Jesus when with the woman at the well, spoke about wells of water, never thirsting again, living water inside, the words of the past, and then he spoke of having food that the disciples did not know about. (John 4:1-32)
Doing the will of God was his food.
(John 6:32, 33) Jesus talks about himself as the true and living bread.
Is he suggesting in the prayer that he alone is all that we need as our daily bread?
Man does not live by bread alone. (Duet.8:3, Matt.4:4, Luke 4:4)
In sending out the 12 disciples on their journey and ministry experience, he said,
“ take nothing for your journey only a staff, no bread, no bag, no money…”
(Mark 6:8-10, Luke 9:3) What does this say to us?
There are natural and then there are the Spiritual needs and actions.
15) “forgive us our debts/trespasses/transgressions/sins as we also have forgiven…” One of the main keys to answered prayer lay with this statement.
“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” (Matt. 6:14)
Jesus deals with illnesses on a number of occasions, when he speaks about forgiveness first, then about healing second. There is a connection to unforgiveness which would be an action of the sinful nature and illness. To not be willing to forgive puts a person in a dangerous position. It cuts us off from God, places stress upon our heart (spirit) and if prolonged will be the cause of unpleasant circumstances. Unforgiveness and pride are connected, because we are unwilling to humble ourselves before God. We know that God resists the proud. (James 4:6, 1Peter 5:5) Why would we want to put ourselves in this position? The consequences are staggering.
A paralyzed man is brought to Jesus, and on this occasion he says, “Your sins are forgiven.” Then he says, “Get up take your mat and go home.” He proved that he had the authority to forgive sin in a demonstration of healing.
There is a powerful incident where Jesus is at Simon’s house and a woman of the streets comes in and weeps at Jesus feet, so much that her tears actually wash them. She then pours a jar of perfume on them and kisses them continuously. Jesus says to Simon, “I came into your house you did not offer to wash my feet nor greet me with a kiss, yet this woman has done that with my feet, how much more she must love me!” (Emphasis mine) Then he says to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven, your faith has saved you go in peace.” (Luke 7:36-50)
So if our desire is for faith and peace, how much the more should we love and walk in an attitude of forgiveness.
How many times must I forgive in a day? (Matt.18:21, 22)
You must forgive from your heart? Why? There are consequences!
Moving of mountains, asking with faith, and when you are praying, “forgive so your Father in heaven may forgive you”. (Mark 11:25)
There is blessing through God’s forgiveness.
“Blessed is the man whose sin God will never count against him.” (Rom.4:8)
(See More Part 3)
- The Lords Prayer Part 3
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