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Today's Sophy (Part 8)

Updated on June 19, 2019
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As someone who has studied the scriptures my whole life and lived as Jesus instructed in them I have realized things most people don't.


Kim Clement foretold Trump as president in 2014 with information that caused Christian evangelicals to give him the victory in 2017. It said Trump would not to be impeached but someone like David would follows him which means Trump must die. However, human do not understand there are several types of death such as Adam and Eve's deaths at eating the metaphorical tree of the knowledge of good and evil yet Adam lived 900 plus years before discarnating which is what human generally calls death. Jesus suggested that was a death when he said let the dead bury their dead to someone he had asked to follow him. Therefore Trump's death, to be in harmony with his biblical type, must be some type of transformation in his life that will cause him to step aside rather than having him impeached.

To understand his prophecy we must understand how God's displeasure with Saul led to his death for the already anointed David to replaced him. Since the prophecy said said someone like David would replace him it must be the root of David messiah the Bible proclaimed would unseal the book and die, have a seventy two hour out of body experience, to obtain power, riches, wisdom (that Jesus received at birth) and four other things. The following directs us how to understand the Christ's prophecy.

A Double Prophecy

Most biblical prophecies are double prophecies representing two different events and if you listened carefully you heard two in the foregoing.

Did you listen to Clement’s message foretelling Donald J. Trump's becoming the next president first in 2014? Did you hear two separate prophecies? Do you hear there will be the cry to impeach Trump but it will not happen? Do you remember what he did on October 2, 2018, lifted himself up as a supreme leader of this government to the world? Isn’t that what happened with Nebuchadnezzar did a prophetic type of Trump who heard a voice say he would live like a beast of the field was an impeachment not done by human?

Did you listen to his words where he said there’s to be someone like the Bible’s king David? Do you know David was not anyone people would have thought would become king therefore shouldn't there be someone human-in-mass would not expect to become president to drain the swamp of America’s corruption? It is he who will bring the peace to America or MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH? Do you know the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan is the abomination that makes desolate that reveals the end of this world is at hand? Did you read that the messenger will suddenly come into his temple when Trump entered the presidency as most presidents have?


If you didn’t hear the double prophecy I don’t suppose you have ears to hear what the spirit said. If you heard the making peace with Israel you probably think that’s with the historical endures, as Israel is defined. Historical Israel was a prophetic type of the world ending endures who survived the red sea symbolizing the blood shed by everyone except the virgins in Armageddon while the world ends. The fence he is to build, do you believe that fence to be between the U.S of America and the U.S. of Mexico? Don’t, that’s also Armageddon for spiritual Israel’s surviving Mystery Babylon’s fiery end built in this nation to protect us from her burning.

Yes, Trump will not be impeached, an angel will bring him a message as a voice did to Nebuchadnezzar directing him how to live. The full scope of that message I do not know but by one prophet spirit called him I AM’s servant by saying my servant Nebuchadnezzar. Based on the fact that he was made to live environmentally as a symbol of how Israel is to live once civilization is over and could mean one of several things. 1, he may become one of the five (5% of the earth population) virgins to enter Armageddon, 2, he may become one of the five foolish virgins who discarnate in the battle of that great day of God almighty or, 3, he may join the Beast, False Prophet or Dragon in fighting each group against the other two that kills the 5 virgins along with themselves. I do know Trump has served I AM THAT I AM by showing the world just how divided the United States are and that the rod of iron or the Constitution has never been implemented as the governing law of this nation.

Since the parable of the fig tree's budding is another sign saying the end is near representing historical Israel’s return to Palestine in this common-era year of 1948, along with the Palmist said 80 year for the maximum life of a generation with much suffering during the finial ten, we should realize 1948 + 80 = 2028 completes this half of human’s earthly plight. Therefore we need to know what is required to become one of the virgins. That is explained in Why Be Born Again where it reveals human and woman are minds unable to comprehend all things and must go through a metamorphosis like tadpoles becoming frogs to become man, meaning minds able to comprehend and exceed the ability of the earth and everything hereon as Genesis 1’s metaphor of man’s creation suggest we are to become.

Because Kim Clement’s prophecy reveals someone like the king David is to follow Trump we must fully understand how in the Bible’s book of Samuel Saul preceded David after God rejected Saul. Therefore read how David came into power without any fan-fair behind Saul and the many prophecies concerning The Messiah We Seek to understand Clement’s message.

Also, a modern day "Prophetic Type" of Donald J. Trump's presidency is the persons of 1969 to 1974's Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon's being succeed by 1974 to 1977's Gerald Ford. The difference between Nixon and Trump's is Trump isn't willing to step aside after knowing he has done more impeachable offenses than Nixon yet they both are typed by the biblical Saul and David kingships. So, Donald, may you find the courage to be human enough to step aside as your predecessor, "Tricky Dick" did and be at peace with your actions.


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