What Do Mormons Think About Other Religions?
Religion is Personal...
What do I, as a Mormon, think about other religions?
I think the logical and common answer to that question is most likely the same as most people feel towards those with differing religious beliefs than their own. First, how they feel about their own religion must be taken into account, which is -- and please don't be offended, because you probably feel this way, too, about yours. So although this goes without saying, my answer is to first state -- that I like mine best.
And of course, is plainly understood. Right? This has absolutely nothing to do with my thinking that I am better than anyone else. Should we not all be lovers of the life that we choose? I was hoping you would understand my meaning, when I say such a conceited and unattractive thing. But honestly, I can't imagine any one of us responding by saying, "Well, since it is not my religion, or how I believe the world to be, then I just cannot accept it, or the people." Unless of course it is a dangerous denomination, that has proven itself to be a threat to me.
Now, with that disclaimer, I would tell you that I actually love that others do claim a personal religion.
I am completely moved by this quote from Thomas Carlyle:
"A mans religion is the most important thing about him. This is what he believes, in, and thinks about, and stands for, and works at and lives by."
From the very first time that I read Carlyle's words, I felt a powerful sense of universal truth being declared. As I have pondered the implications of one who chooses a religion and lives by it, I feel gratitude to all those who seek for truth, embrace it and then do abide in it.
Those with Truth in Their Lives-- Are Not Distracted by that Which Happens to Pass by...
The Power of Choice in Our Lives
Carlyle meticulously crafted this testament with such authority so as to emphasize its order, in the power of an individual's life. You will notice by the placement of each and every word and comma that he chose to emphasize in this thought -- is shown his own belief in this truth, and how it manifests its power in a life. Which is, that one's core belief or religion is the absolute foundation by which people do then, act. It is the reason for, and why -- we place our priorities in a particular order, and ultimately build a life of purpose and integrity. I love the way in which this brief, yet concise declaration, is able to invoke the impact and depth of the meaning and importance of religion in our lives.
Meaning, in our lives, affects everything about us.
In my simple way, I find a deeper sense of trust in others who also hold dear to their chosen beliefs. I also have found that those who accept this understanding, are guided by that which causes us to be humble and accepting of each other. To hold to the truth that there is ONE greater than all of us, who created this planet which we all live upon and to believe that there is a purpose to our lives -- in that alone, there is unity amongst all; even though each understand these truths differently.
I honestly don't believe that it is possible for us to understand how others religion affects their life completely. Nor do I imagine that many will understand fully how mine impacts my life. I do know, that in the lives of those who do hold to a system of beliefs, that it is a blessing to others, both near and far -- and I can feel confident that they have chosen the better part, and have done so with a sincere heart.
We Can Be One...
Do we have the right to expect anything more from those who have exercised their right to choose what they believe in... IF that which they produce is rooted in a belief system which is good? I am grateful to live in a country that allows for the dictates of our hearts, in that which we choose to believe.
Each one of us ought be a contribution to the community that we live in.
The harmony in which we are able to live together is grounded in the fact that we trust the overall integrity of those in the community. I think that most would agree that we are more comfortable, with those who are the most like us. I know that in meeting someone for the first time, we all tend to look until we find those commonalities that ultimately will either bring us closer to a friendship or alert us that we are different. It is the differences in us, that cause us to grow as individuals.
What then, will likely be the reason for divisiveness between people? It comes down to whether we sense a sameness or not, and as I see it, is that which determines this choice in us. For me, I must be honest and admit -- that I am much more willing to embrace a person who holds to that which encourages personal and communal integrity. Not necessarily, but those who are in some way religious, or live a spiritual life, tend to live by an acceptable standard to most others.
Mormon Beliefs that are Similar to Yours...
Religious Division...
The religion of choice is not generally a factor for me. Because a person is of a different religion than mine, and the way they believe being contrary to what I believe, even still -- this is not a factor in my acceptance of them as individuals. It is important that all of us respect the choices that others have made, knowing that they have exercised their right to do so. Religion in a life is the most personal of choices we as human beings determine in our lives. To me, it is the mark of kindness in humanity to accept the choices of others respectfully. To exercise more than religious tolerance for me, is to be a Christian.
For this reason, I believe that not only myself, but other members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, willingly and openly embrace all that is good in others.
Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, was asked at one time, what Mormons believe? He published a statement then, and is referred to now, as the Articles of Faith.
In the thirteenth and final article, of our beliefs as members of the Mormon Church it reads -
We Can Be Together Forever... Someday
This is What Mormons Believe
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
It is our belief, that all good comes from God. This is what we value as members of the LDS Church. We don't just recite these words because they sound "good". We accept and embrace the values that are declared and honestly strive to live by them. The Church of Jesus Christ firmly believes, that all people have the right to worship God as they choose, thus in our eleventh Article of Faith it states -"We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may." That pretty much says it all, doesn't it?
The Harvest
Respectful Differences are Good
This, we believe is done with reverence, and according to the agency placed in an individual, and which we believe is of God. And as stated, we desire the same right -- which is to live in peace and harmony with others, the beliefs and practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It is my personal hope, that your encounters with the members of the LDS Church, have been positive experiences. I am committed to ensuring that the dialogue which is found here on this Hub of mine, would always be respectable to those of other religions --
Even if I still think that mine is best! Note, that I did not say better... But, isn't that the way it should be? Should we not all feel firm in that faith which we have made a choice to live by -- and are then moved upon in this life, to accomplish more good.
I am always ready to speak and say why I believe that which I do believe, and have found to be true principles and doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have come to know through study and prayer that The Church of Jesus Christ is the same organization as was set up by Jesus Christ himself, when He was upon the earth. I look forward to sharing the truths of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all that are interested in more information regarding these truths.
What It Means to Me to Be a Christian?
Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I look to Him for my Salvation, knowing with all my heart, that this comes through His Atoning Sacrifice, that He made for me. I have an assurance, that if I will receive Him and keep His commandments, then shall I be cleansed by His blood, and have place with Him throughout eternity.
I am grateful for the peace that comes in knowing my Savior, Jesus Christ, particularly at a time in the world, when things are so unstable and many find themselves without an anchor to their souls. With the many challenges, trials and adversity that each one of us experience, it is such a blessing to know that there is a purpose to our time here in this life. The truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, gives us a peace that can come in no other way.
It is good to be secure, in the faith of Who is in control... during a time when so much around us seems out of control. We can find comfort in knowing that there are so many others, like ourselves, that recognize a Creator who is greater than us all. Everywhere we look, we see evidence of this.
I feel confident, that regardless of how we worship the Creator -- whether, Christian, Jewish, Muslim or even an Atheist, etc... all that do, can feel unified in a universal oneness that ultimately binds us as brothers and sisters. This is an absolute truth, as I see it.
We know in Whom we trust...
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