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Religious concerns and prayers

Updated on August 13, 2020

People need God and pray to God

Whatever we do, we need to believe in what we are doing, here I believe in God and religions, so, I need to pray God with all my heart, my soul and my mind earnestly in the hope that God would hear my prayer and would guide and help me.
Whatever we do, we need to believe in what we are doing, here I believe in God and religions, so, I need to pray God with all my heart, my soul and my mind earnestly in the hope that God would hear my prayer and would guide and help me. | Source

Religious writings concerns

This is our angels poem of all our religious writings; You, angels of the real of glory, you tell us about the eternal story, you tell us about the creator's glory, you tell us the wonders of God's creation.
This is our angels poem of all our religious writings; You, angels of the real of glory, you tell us about the eternal story, you tell us about the creator's glory, you tell us the wonders of God's creation. | Source

Religious Writings Concerns

Welcome to our article (22), Religious Concerns and prayers

May God guide and help me to write the right things?

Dear readers, we are starting this article by saying a prayer to God, because we are concerned.

My prayer

My lord God, with my concerns, I come to you praying with all my heart my soul and my mind earnestly, in the hope that you guide and help me write these religious articles according to your will, and in such a way that people can accept them and use them for the future benefit of mankind, Father hear my prayer, amen.


You see, today I am writing these religious articles, but I am concerned about writing them, so, I am asking myself, what those learned people will say about these religious writings? I know, I must be concerned, because learned people think that they are better than us, so, they accept only what they think is right. But religions are only beliefs, so, they cannot be proved to be right or wrong; but at the same time, we are concerned about our beliefs.

Anyhow, when we look at the religions of today, we must be concerned about saying anything that do not follow mainstream religions. We must be concerned following the religious extremist or the atheists because they are extreme.

You see, we can divide humanity it two extreme religious groups, the believers who believe in God and creation, which we call creationists and the atheists who do not believe in God and creation but they believe in evolution, with most of the other groups in the middle. So, what is the best thing to believe one may ask? My answer to this question is that we must follow what we believe, what else can we do?

So, I must not worry about my Religious Writing Concerns, because if I worry, then I have lost the battle before I start fighting it. Anyhow, I believe that I must write these religious writing, with the intention that one day they can link all existing religions together, at least this is my intention. So, these religious articles must be written in such a way, that can overcome those obstacles that keeps religions apart. So, if we can suggest the right things, then all religions can be modified, and they can form a single super religion.

Anyhow, I believe that religions need to be modified in the future; but we need to explain how that can be done, if I do not explain it properly, then the learned people will attack me, to discredit me and my beliefs, one of the reasons is because people hate changes. So, when it happens, I will be forced to defend my position whichever way I can.


What will people say

What will the well-educated people say about our religious writings?

We know that there will be learned people that will say that I am crazy, and above all that I am not a well-educated man like they are, so, why I dare to write this religious theory, which is a subject that even well-educated people don’t want to write; because any change from the accepted ways can create problems. Therefore, they will try to blame me for anything that can happen. They will do that even knowing that our intention of writing this theory, is to solve existing religious problems.

So, I am concerned that these learned people will want to say straight into my face: How dare you write all this religious stuff knowing that you do not even know how to write properly as we do, since you have not been trained as a religious writer, so, you do not know how to write. At the same time, they will find excuses for not writing something themselves; even knowing that this religious problem needs to be solved. Anyhow, they will blame me for writing these articles as an excuse, but still, I am pretty sure that they are not going to do anything themselves, because if they had intention of doing anything, they should have done it by now. So, when this happens, I will try to defend myself.

Defending my religious writings

Because I believe that they will attack me. When they attack me, I will be forced to defend myself, and this is one of my answers to them: The duty of any good and worthy man is this; a man has got to do what a man has got to do, and the duty of any good man is that he should give back to the world more than what he has received from the world. You see, when a man is born, he receives the gift of life, and therefore, he should try to create other lives if it is possible and do other things as well.

Now, during his life a man learns many things, and by the time he is old he knows more than when he was born, and also more than an old man of his own age would have known, when he was born; therefore, the duty of any good man is to give back to the world what he has learned from it, in order to improve the knowledge and the position that he has received since his birth. And by writing what he has learned during his life, then, when he passes away he can give back to the world a bit more than what he has received from it, and by his contributions and other people contributions, the entire world can become a better place.

Here I must admit that there are other personal concerns in my case; you see, while I am writing this article, I am praying God to protect me from any harmful affect that these writings may bring. So, what are my greatest fears you may ask?


Adam and Eva and our curse

Eva took the forbidden fruit from the tree and gave some of it to Adam, this is where our troubles began, because God cursed the serpent and Adam and Eva were also cursed from God, because they had disobeyed his command and had eaten the fruit.
Eva took the forbidden fruit from the tree and gave some of it to Adam, this is where our troubles began, because God cursed the serpent and Adam and Eva were also cursed from God, because they had disobeyed his command and had eaten the fruit. | Source

These are my greatest fears

Dear readers, I have these Religious Writings Concerns, because I am concerned how to write my religious theory. My greatest fears about writing these religious articles, are that what I am writing can upset religious people, because they will not understand what we want to convey to them, so, they may feel threatened from our religious theory, because they are living in a religious world, which was created in the past. Now because they have believed what they believe for a long time; they fear any change, therefore, they are unwilling to change their beliefs.

For this reason they will hate me for writing my religious beliefs, the way that we are writing them, and they will want to harm me and curse me for writing them, and this cursing is another of my worries, because I am inclined to believe in curses.

You may ask why I worry about curses; it sounds childish. But you see, I am a religious believer and whoever believes in God and religion cannot help to believe in the possible existence of curses and their effects, the Bible has many examples of curses written in it.

For these reasons, I am praying with all my heart my soul and my mind our Heavenly Father, who is the life giver of all living things on earth, I am praying in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the bridge and the way that binds us to God the Father, and since Jesus Christ did come to live with us on earth as a man, he knows our human misery and our pains, I am praying to Jesus in the hope that Jesus intercede for me the spirit of God Most High, in the hope that they would shield me from curses that these religious writings may attract. May God help me from these curses. Anyhow, let me pray God to help me overcome my fears, so, here I am writing some prayers to God, to overcome my fears.


People need God and pray to God

In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, to you I turn God-Most-High of the universe praying with all my heart my soul and my mind; I am praying you Almighty Father hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins and.
In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, to you I turn God-Most-High of the universe praying with all my heart my soul and my mind; I am praying you Almighty Father hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins and. | Source

These are my prayers

These are my prayers to overcome my fears:

In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, to you I turn God-Most-High master of the universe, I am praying with all my heart my soul and my mind; I am praying and hoping that in your mercy you would forgive me all my life sins, and that you would make me spiritually clean of any impurities that may affect my soul, and thus I would become worthy in your eyes to be your humble servant, and I pray to be allowed to write these religious writings in your name.

Almighty Father I am praying you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who once lived with us here on earth and knows our human misery, our fears and our pains; here I am praying in fear of the unknown, since what I am writing here is not yet known, so, it may bring unknown personal risks. Father I am praying you to shield me from any danger that may arise from these religious writings that I am writing here, whether they are in the form of physical threats or curses, from people that oppose these religious writings.

Almighty Father I am praying you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ to shield me from the forces of evil, since the forces of evil may want to harm me, because I am writing these religious writings. Father hear my prayer, amen

Dear readers, I hope that you understand, why I have these concerns, and my fears of curses, now my fear of curses takes me back to the last page of the Bible that sounds like a curse.

I am worried also about religious extremists because they may want to physically harm me, just because what I may be saying is a contradiction of their religious beliefs. Therefore, in their extremist view they want to harm me, or even kill me, so that their extremist beliefs are not interfered with. May God help me from these mad religious extremists!

Now, let me explain, I want religious people to see, that God and religion are not there to make wars; but they are there to help all humanity to live in peace and in harmony with each other’s.

So, these are my Religious Writings Concerns as you can see? And now, I must believe that if I keep writing in God’s name, in the end, God will help me, and God will help me write the right religious things.

This is all in this article, see you, in next article; religious writings aim?

May God bless us all.



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