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Why I do not celebrate "Christmas": The Jewish Jesus. (Part 1)

Updated on September 26, 2012

Symbol of the Empty Cross:

"He is not here, he is risen!"
"He is not here, he is risen!"

Why are the biblical holidays so important?

This will be the first in an installment of reasons why I do not celebrate Christmas on December 25. I am saying this on September 11th for a reason, because we should not be sad on a day that our savior was born. I will go into detail about that date, which I believe to be correct, in further posts. For now, let's get back to this hurdle most Christians have with regards to "Jewish" holidays, considering we worship Jesus as Christ, and conveniently forget that Jesus was a Jew.

Keep all that in mind, as you read on about this very important topic, and please enjoy learning more about a God so powerful, that He forgave His killers, and resurrected His own flesh body, with mere will power. He's that awesomely powerful.

Moving on: What follows is an answer I posted to someone's question here, but I felt it necessary to share it here, too:

Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, and no other possibility is left open when seeing this from a... Jewish perspective.

From a Christian perspective, we celebrate seemingly arbitrary holidays, like "Christmas" and "Easter", even knowing that they are of pagan origin! But the Jewish holidays, the very Holy Days of God that are mentioned in the "older-part" of THE Testament: Why are we a house divided?

God split the Ten Commandments into two separate tablets for a reason. Ten seems like a logical number for God to pick, since the number itself is related to the tribe of "Israel (10 tribes)", and not "Judah (2 tribes)" who sinned continually. Yes, Israel sinned too, but Judah took it to the extreme and took in pagan rituals in service to... God?

Don't think it isn't true. Look at the (supposed) "Star of David" on the Israeli flag. Look at the 6-pointed star on the pope's hat. It's the same star, the star of Remphan (Acts 7:43), mentioned by name in Stephen who was about to be stoned to death for rebuking their sun worship. Because if you see the negative space in the "Star of David", you will notice that it is an image of the sun.

This star originated within the reign of King Solomon, who after being visited by the "Queen of Sheba" (Likely, Ethiopia, former kingdom of Egypt territory which was the "upper" kingdom), brought in sun worship into the very temple of God, to profane His sanctuary. Solomon simply named the star, in honor to his father, David. And ever since, the two tribes of Judah, have been struggling in vain with their sun worship.

"Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold," - 1st Kings, Chapter 10, verse 14. Do you think that Solomon got 666 talents of gold in one year, by chance? Or do you think God was telling us something, in order that we know what to look for in the future? It is ALL related and interwoven.

Sun worship rules the world, and controls the minds of the religious to cause them to sin. In error, they believe God told them to go to war, or some other such nonsense, and do things that God commanded us not to do.

This "Revelation" comes from none other than Jesus the Messiah. The biblical holidays, the Holy Days of God, are a part of that testimony. It all relates to prophecy, and how Jesus really is, God in the flesh.

This is why the story of the Passover is so much more beautiful in Jesus, through Jewish eyes. I can not deny my Messiah.

Next, we'll go into the actual conception, birthday, and death on the cross, and what each one means from that perspective. I will not claim to know it all, or even say that I came to these conclusions on my own. No, this kind of stuff is all over the internet right now, anyone can find it if they look. I don't think this is all happening by chance, and I do believe the Holy Spirit to be moving among His people. He's calling us all back to Israel, oh lost sheep of Israel! Heed the call!

Be a leader, and stand up for Jesus Christ. Don't be afraid. Lead people to Christ.

And if this is your first time reading something religious, I'm asking you to please consider that Jesus was more than just a man, more than just a myth. Believing that one day we will all be together in a place without war and evil, is a beautiful picture I just want to share with you. It is only possible through Jesus, and this raises some big questions which I am willing to answer in future works.

Part 2, soon...


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