Your Peace Will Meet Me There
Deflecting from His path is not the plan of God and not what we want to do!
Amid the chaos of our natural surroundings, do we get swept away by the whirlwind of existence? How often do we abandon the grace and peace available? Increased burden can result from deflected peace, so be cautious.
Life’s busyness distracts, bringing about disappointment and frustration. Losing sight of our truths. We lose our composure flailing at the anxiety of a heavy world. Forgetful of the lifeline available in Christ, we lack the tranquility that calms the mind. When in surrender, we place our faith in the rope that will reach us in desperation. There is comfort in knowing we are never alone. God works through humanity to help in tumultuous times. So we need to keep in mind, “God will meet us there in the valley.”
Along life’s highway, you will not go unscathed by the storms. Anticipate obstacles and surprises on the journey. But each experience can allow for growth. Even in extreme circumstances, the road brings us closer to our heavenly home. If we don’t, lose sight of our actual goal.
Strength comes when we defer actions of this world. Why not advocate for peace instead of allowing life’s spirit to swirl the drain? In relinquished hopelessness and untruths.
God is not in favor of deflection when it leads us astray from the truth. We react as fools in the neglect of becoming spirit-filled together. Every time we allow this disappointment in self, the fact is we forsake the peace available.
If we fixate on disappointment, we stay in a constant pull of a downward spiral. Challenges and mistakes are inevitable. But together, sharing the impossibilities of life, we know our hope is in Christ alone.
Unceasing Prayer Is Key
Exciting happenings by God brought me to heaven’s door. Sometimes, I won’t continue this discussion. It’s not about my story but God’s glory, and I know of this life gift and how He wants me to use it. I also understand a person’s dubiety at the possibility of incredible miracles God allows daily. We often miss the tiny whispers of His Spirit leading, protecting, and guiding when fixated on our chaotic world.
To say our story’s lack of importance does not mean they’re not meaningful or relevant; they are God spoke in parables. While our stories are inspiring, deciphering the clarity of their purpose and how best to use them becomes blurred. Seek guidance from Him to clarify matters. Our testimony is imperative, and our story maybe not be as much; it must tell the good news, seeking the wisdom of Christ. Considering what is of Him and this world, the Bible tells us these truths.
1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.
1 John 5:11, and this is the testimony that God gave us eternal life and life in His Son.
Luke 12:48 “From everyone who is given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted much, much will be asked.”
Phil 2:14-15 from the Message Bible - Do everything readily and cheerfully, no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Explore the world untainted, a breath of fresh air in this polluted, sordid society. Give people a glimpse of good living and the living God. Carry the light-giving message into the night.
We don’t need a near-death moment to know the truth of God’s peace since everything God allows can be life-changing when open to His Message. We need to believe and trust in His mighty, unfailing love while going to Him.
I admit I struggle with unceasing prayer. The world is louder than I’d prefer. Sometimes I need a minute, wishing as a Christian I would lavish people with God’s grace as much as I talk about sharing it.
No one likes to fail. However, we as Christians fail in God’s grace’s will. Our obligation to do well is urgent. Love is patient, kind, does not boast, is not proud, is not rude, is not self-seeking, not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs; love never fails! (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
How does your report card look today? I, for one, have some serious homework to do for Jesus. He deserves more from me!
There’s a song that I feel may give a glimpse into my moment if I were to describe it. (The song title is Prince of Peace, by a current Christian group named Hillsong United.)
Prince Of Peace by Hillsong United
Prayerful Hope within the Word Of God
While sin causes division, a prayerful alliance serves as a powerful defense against destruction. Therefore, evil wants to create a wedge. While unceasing prayer can be a daunting task, it is attainable with a sense of balance.
God allows the imperfect sway, using everything. He’s omnipresent; thus, our frivolous attempts to push Him aside, assuming we can go it alone, are futile. The Holy Spirit will commune with His children with perfect timing and method. We grow toward His purpose in our lives, not our own intervention.
We are an imperfect embodiment of His Spirit, balking at His intervention with tantrums, and in response, He holds us closer still.
What if, instead, we remember to pray, do our best to stay in His Word, and remain obedient without deflection from His path, refusing to allow Satan one point within the spiritual battle?
How can we carry on or believe we have the power to change His plan? Our understanding of the one who walked in love, our protector, our teacher, our heart, our Jesus, allows our circumstances. Good or not, He uses it for our growth, drawing us closer to Him.
As Christians, we aim to deflect sin as best we can, sharing Jesus. We disappoint others and ourselves, and our Christ-like example lacks the luster we wish to display. As Christians, aren’t we supposed to be better, so why do we deflect? God’s plan includes every action and reaction. Something unique is happening. He tells us, “Be Still and Know, I am God.” Psalm 46:10.
I hope to share my heart, reflecting my Jesus, on this unsanctified journey. Living in the Spirit of knowing if I seek Him, He will meet me there!
The Apostle Paul shares as we live through the Spirit, yet sin lives in me. I am forgiven, set free! I will struggle with the acts of the evil living in me. One day I will be open to glorifying my King in His perfect, constant, and unwavering peace. I do what I must until His timing for our homecoming. (Read Roman’s Chapter 7:14-20) He makes it clear.
Praise God for Romans Chapter 8:1-38, which tells of life through the Spirit, how we are free to live per God’s plan as His children, co-heirs with Christ to share in His Kingdom.
Knowing all of this, I continue to slip, forgetting to give the grace that God offers, remembering to move away from the bounds of sin as I succumb to fearful lies, temporary pain, the judgment that is not the truth, and sin. I forget to love as I am loved. God’s love is unconditional and without expectation, for the most significant thing we can give is LOVE.
I have described us as human beings. Believing we can help one another in our slips. We can pray together and rebuke the enemy at hand. We feel in the Trinity, God the Father, Son, and Most Holy Spirit! Believing in our heavenly home and the truth that He has many rooms prepared. Accepting people together living in the light of God can deflect the enemy, and Satan will not win. We give him so much of our hearts, time, and energy. Believe this, we are God’s children, and He meets us right where we are as it leads us to live by His Spirit.
We are Broken made whole by Christ
Prince Of Peace
Hurdles are just obstacles; you can scale them with the uplifting of the Holy Spirit. His Peace will meet us right where we are. He will supply all our needs. We will be still and quiet, trusting in your unfailing love. Our hope is in You, the Prince Of Peace, and Your LIGHT meets us there!
To Pray is to let God take over Philippians 4:6-7
Dear God, thank you for Your Amazing Grace.
Dear God, thank you for setting me free.
Dear God, thank you for Your Son.
Dear God, thank you for the cross.
Dear God, Help us be less.
Dear God, Help us be more.
Dear God, Help us love as You Love
Dear God, thank you for forgiveness.
Dear God, thank You for Your Love and grace.
Dear God, thank You for laying Yourself down and picking up the broken.
Dear God, Help us trust in You, the Prince of Peace. Thank You for Your Light that meets Us There!