Why Do Born-Again Christians Fear Death Which Is Doorway to Glory?

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  1. ngureco profile image79
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    Why Do Born-Again Christians Fear Death Which Is Doorway to Glory?

  2. yes2truth profile image60
    yes2truthposted 15 years ago

    I am a Born Again Christian and I do not fear death because I know my name is written in the Book of Life.

    This must mean you know some people who claim to be Born Again, but are fearful of loosing their salvation. Now the reason they fear loosing their salvation is because they think they accepted The Lord as their saviour or a case of them doing The Lord a favour. This is 'salvation' based upon their terms and conditions and of course based upon their human performance and effort in order to maintain their saved condition. Highly unreliable and suspect in my view.

    This system is otherwise known as salvation by works - their works. They haven't yet learnt that our works earn us rewards stored in heaven, not salvation. Is it, therefore, any wonder why they fear death. If I were them I, too, would fear death.

  3. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    I guess cos we're all human..........................

  4. Sanctus Vesania profile image60
    Sanctus Vesaniaposted 15 years ago

    It's because even Christians are human, and humans have a certain preservation of life.

  5. Born Again 05 profile image80
    Born Again 05posted 15 years ago

    I'm not sure why you believe born again Christians fear death. I don't. I'm not in a hurry to speed up the process, but that's because I'd like to spend more time sharing the Gospel and helping others to come to know the Lord. When He decides it's time to go, I have no fear because I know where I am going.

  6. Kebennett1 profile image61
    Kebennett1posted 15 years ago

    I think this is a question for the individual person. I am a born again Christian and I do not fear death. I am not crazy about the idea of leaving my family and I would certainly rather be raptured than suffer the pain of a catastrophic illness to be truthful, but fear no. I will welcome the time that I go to be with my LORD.

  7. lmpowelljr profile image40
    lmpowelljrposted 15 years ago

    I don't think the real issue is that "born again Christians fear death."  In regard to fear, I don't think think any born again Christian necessarily fears death.  I think that as humans it is easy to fear things surrounding death. 

    For example, leaving your family or children behind.  When I think of my Dad and his passing away, one of the last things he said, was "Praise God, all of my children are going to be with me in Paradise."  The point is, had he not discovered this before his death, it might have been something tough to face in the end.  I personally think that it was the hand of God that made Dad believe that.  I am not certain that my brother is there yet, but like my Dad, I believe before he dies, God will change his heart and he'll become his child. 

    My husband worries about leaving me with a ton of bills.  Or leaving our daughters without a dad.  Anyway, I do not think born again Christians fear death, instead they worry about the things they shouldn't.  I believe that God has not only my day planned, but everything else as well, including the care of my children and my husband.  I think it is harder for my husband because he is the bread winner.  But even though he worries about these things, doesn't mean he is not a Christian or that he fears death.  Quite the opposite.  He is a Christian, but as we all struggle with something...his is worry.

  8. fishmox profile image60
    fishmoxposted 15 years ago

    Being afraid is different from being terrified.
    A warrior is afraid everytime he goes to war, but he is not terrified of war and of the prospect of dying because war is war, and death and dying are all parts of war, and he is a warrior.

    I am afraid to die, but I am not terrified of death.
    I am afraid to die, because I have not experienced it.

    But death holds no sting for me because to leave this body is to be present with my Lord, Savior, Redeemer, and Creator, and the Spirit testifies to my spirit, that I am a child of God, and my Father's book says, that "Precious in the eyes of the Lord, is the death of his saint".

  9. easyspeak profile image68
    easyspeakposted 14 years ago

    good question...they shouldn't.

    that was the end of my answer, but hubpages won't let me submit it without more stuff...so

    altough we should long for Glory, we all inherently know we have a purpose to fulfill on this earth.  in addition, we don't want to leave those we leave to be alone, i.e. family, friends, etc.  Paul felt the same way...he longed to be with Christ, but also longed to stay for what he said to benefit the church.

  10. jacobkuttyta profile image38
    jacobkuttytaposted 14 years ago

    If a (so called) born-again christian fear death means he has not yet experienced the true re-birth.

    Love of the world may be the other reason for the fear of death of a born-again christian.


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