all your unanswered
- 1Just for kicks . . . a little about Morpheus's message → the Matrix.
tsmog (4 weeks ago)
- 0Margazhi and Tiruppavai Greetings
Venkatachari M (5 weeks ago)
- 5Just for fun. Philosphy reasons answers to questions, right?
peterstreep (7 weeks ago)
- 8Proof that Reality is an Illusion. What say you?
Kathryn L Hill (3 months ago)
- 0Political philosophy . . . Freedom of the Press. What say you?
tsmog (3 months ago)
- 42Porn in today's world including the Christian one. Is it epidemic?
tsmog (3 months ago)
- 5It is the year 2024, now. Forty years beyond '1984'. Coincidence?
Venkatachari M (3 months ago)
- 10What does it mean to have a reoccurring dream about a city?
jayden jacobs (3 months ago)
- 7A philosophical statement for your consideration. Agree or disagree?
Kathryn L Hill (3 months ago)
- 1Does it matter if Trump or Harris is religous or a Christian?
Tams R (4 months ago)
- 7Religion and the conservative or liberal mindset. Differences? Why?
tsmog (4 months ago)
- 63The Return of Jesus Christ in the Air (2nd Coming)
Scott-Baker (4 months ago)
- 51Chrisitan Nationalism. Have you heard of it? Who/what are they about?
abwilliams (6 months ago)
- 176As a Christian married man is it a sin to lust in my heart for my wife?
compugraphd (8 months ago)
- 1"Why is Jesus Portrayed White" by Nell Rose
Venkatachari M (8 months ago)
- 61How do you interpret the second death in the book of Revelations?
Basil the Great (8 months ago)
- 16Evangelical Support of Donald Trump
My Esoteric (9 months ago)
- 98Is the Bride of Christ a real human woman living on this earth?
Blahblah1992 (9 months ago)
- 8What's the first thing you'd ask God once/if you meet him?
Blahblah1992 (9 months ago)
- 1Catholicism is a cult?
Blahblah1992 (9 months ago)
- 16Why did Jesus have to die for our sins? I can't comprehend this concept; it doe
Blahblah1992 (9 months ago)
- 29Can only Christians and those who accept Jesus Christ go to heaven?
ro-jo-yo (9 months ago)
- 1Weird stuff that make you wonder about life's oddities? Take a peek.
ybarakas (9 months ago)
- 0Most Sinful States in America (2024)
tsmog (9 months ago)
- 27Philosophy of Life from one person's perspective. What do you think?
Nathanville (9 months ago)
- 516Proof that Satan is worshiped by world leaders
charlotteharlot (10 months ago)
- 20Is Christianity ritual cannibalism? Did the apostles eat Jesus?
Slarty O'Brian (10 months ago)
- 2Ramadah Kareem
Miebakagh57 (10 months ago)
- 5So whats all this nonsense about the illuminati? It seems to be increasing topic
Castlepaloma (11 months ago)
- 2Today is Pamela Oglesby Birth Day
Miebakagh57 (11 months ago)
- 5Does anyone read hanuman chalisa
jpgyan (11 months ago)
- 127Eternal security
danni46 (11 months ago)
- 33What type of wine did Jesus produce when he turned water to wine?
Tyrone Smalls (12 months ago)
- 67Tarot Card Reading - The Scam
Helena1965 (12 months ago)
- 238If you met God, what is the most important question you will ask him?
Tyrone Smalls (12 months ago)
- 42Keeping Christ in Christmas
Dran (13 months ago)
- 1How Will You be Celebrating Yule This Year?
Zola Mars (13 months ago)
- 0How Will You be Celebrating Yule This Year?
RJ Schwartz (13 months ago)
- 221Are you an Islamic Extremist?
Castlepaloma (14 months ago)
- 1Reveal the world's greatest scam.
Castlepaloma (15 months ago)
- 2What do Migrants, Blacks, LGBTQ+, and Jews have in common?
Castlepaloma (15 months ago)
- 9What is gods worst creation?
Castlepaloma (15 months ago)
- 13The Jewish God, Allah and the Christian God are all the SAME God ...
Castlepaloma (15 months ago)
- 74Are We Really Born Equal?
laugher (16 months ago)
- 1Are any of you mandela effected?
MizBejabbers (16 months ago)
- 15The Mysterious Legend of the Russian, ‘Well to Hell.” By Ravi Rajan
Miebakagh57 (18 months ago)
- 12The Man From Taured - by Ravi Rajan
Jodah (19 months ago)
- 0Mantras of Shreeshyam (Lord Khatushyam)
rajhbd84 (19 months ago)
- 11Paul Amadeus Dienach: The Man Who Travelled to the Year 3906
ravirajan01 (20 months ago)
- 2General George Patton’s Past Life Experiences, by Nell Rose.
Jodah (21 months ago)