19 Minute Double End Bag Workout
Looking for a good workout?
Are you into boxing, but don't want to mess up your pretty little face?
A double end bag would make a great sparring partner for you then. You can set up some great cardio endurance workouts with a double end bag, even if you don't actually box. You may not think boxing is that tiring, as you sit on your couch and watch a match, but once you "walk the walk" you'll know how much work it really is.
I have a double end bag myself, but if you don't, you can pick one up for cheap, or you can check your local gyms to see if they have one you can use.
There are a few different shapes and sizes to choose from but the type I use is the Mexican-Style double-double end bag. I chose that style so I'd have a little more hitting surface to vary my punches on.
Mexican-Style Double-Double End Bag (The Type I Use)
The Double End Bag
A double end bag is a small, inflated punching bag that's attached to the ceiling and the floor by elastic straps of some type. That way, when you punch it, it'll swing freely and in an unpredictable way.
If you're hooking one up yourself, you'll want to make sure that you have a tall enough ceiling, or short enough top strap, so that you can get the bag close to your eye level. Plus, you're going to want to put it somewhere where you can attach it to the floor, unless you attach it to a weighted stand.
You're also going to want, at the very least, some handwraps to protect your hands; the leather can put some wear and tear on your knuckles. Here's a handy link if you're having trouble figuring out how to wrap your hands. But, ideally, you'll want to wrap your hands AND wear some bag gloves. Not only does this protect your hands, but it'll add a little extra weight for you to hold up and swing, with each punch.
Using a double end bag will help you increase your hand speed, and the accuracy and timing of your punches. The bag isn't going to stay in one place, so you'll have to get used to when and where you need to swing. It'll also help you with your combos and counter punching.
Double End Bag Basics
The Workout
Alright, let's move onto the 19 minute workout I set up. Do a quick warmup, jump rope or something, and then you can get started.
I set it up so that you'd get a taste of what it feels like to box for 5 rounds in a professional (men's) match. Each round is 3 minutes long and you get 1 minute of rest in between rounds. So, you box for 3 minutes, rest for 1 minute, box for 3, rest for 1 and so on, until you've boxed 5 rounds. So, it's actually an upper body-focused cardio, interval workout.
You can use a kitchen timer, a wristwatch with a countdown timer on it, or you can even make an interval song, if you like, to help you keep track of time. So go on, set up your double end bag, get your handwraps on and put some gloves on.
Are you ready?
Start your timer!
Now, hit that double end bag like it's your opponent. I know it may seem dumb at first, but imagine that you're actually boxing someone. Move around; don't stay in one spot. Stick and move, but keep your gloves up in front of your face. Vary your punches and try to keep a good speed and tempo. You'll probably have to dodge the bag at times, but don't be afraid; it doesn't hit hard.
Try to keep punching until the round is up; it's hard isn't it? Wait until you get to the last round; your arms are going to be tired and your shoulders will probably hurt from holding your hands in front of your face.
When the round's over, you can get a quick drink and wait for the next round. And, if you're using an interval song you made, then you don't even have to take the time to start and stop the timer each round.
Have fun with this workout; go 12 rounds if you feel you have it in you. And hey, you don't have to go 5 rounds to start, I just felt that'd be a happy medium.
Try it out and let me know how you liked it! If you want some more basic double end bag tips, check out the video above, on the right.
© 2007 Ben Guinter