Top 10 Things to do at Disney World: Hollywood Studios
Mickey's Runaway Train
This is what replaced the Great Movie Ride. It is a trackless ride, much like Rise of the Resistance. This ride is just non-stop crazy. It is just like stepping into a cartoon. In fact, that is exactly what is going on. Nothing is going right on this train ride, but it all works out in the end. I don't want to give away too much of the ride, but trust me when I say that it is fun for the whole family.
Toy Story Midway Mania!
This is probably the most fun you will have all day. And that is saying something when your at Walt Disney World. This is a 3-D interactive game ride. As guests wait in line there are different games to play to keep them occupied and help pass the time a little smoother. Once you make it up to the loading area guests will be loaded in groups of four; two in the front of the car and two in the back. Guests will then don their 3-D glasses.
The ride takes guests to different games, all themed after the Toy Story movies. There are surprises that can pop up at any time, which only adds to the fun of the games. Just like with the Space Ranger Spin over at the Magic Kingdom half of the fun of this game is competing with the rest of your group.
This ride often has long wait times and using a fastpass is strongly recommend. In my opinion, this ride is worth the wait. My sides hurt so bad, and I could hardly breathe from laughing so much when I got off the ride. If I was only allowed to ride one ride at this park it would be this ride. hands down. I was so thrilled that my boyfriend loved it as much as I did. This ride is worth the wait.
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
I will start off by saying this is not one of my favorite rides. In fact, I have only been on it once. And I can tell you that once was enough for me. I just can't stomach the drop, or should I say drops.
The premise of the ride is why I like it so much. Guests are going to tour the old Hollywood Tower Hotel, once the grandest hotel in all of Hollywood before a mysterious accident forced it to close its doors. Guests walk through the old lobby where they are then boarded onto one of the old service elevators. (If you are going to chicken out this is the time to do it.) Once you have been seated there is no going back.
The elevator continues the tour through the hotel, showing guest some of the paranormal activity that goes on in the hotel. Once guests are brought to the highest part at the hotel they are shown the view. It is a rather pretty sight. But, it is not to last. Just a few seconds later comes the drop. What is really exciting about this ride is guests never know how many drops they are going to get. When the ride finally deciders to stop guests are allowed to exit and view their pictures.
Rockin' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith
This ride is just fun. Much like Space Mountain, this ride takes place entirely in the dark. But, unlike Space Mountain, this ride is faster, goes upside down, and has things for you to look at. The story behind the ride is you are at the studio with Aerosmith when they find out they are late for a show in downtown LA. Their manager orders a super stretch limo to take you along for the ride.
Guests are loaded in the the cars by twos. Once the harness goes down there is no turing back. The suspense builds as you wait for the launch. By now you have most likely seen at least three other launches so you know what is going to happen. The train is going to go from 0 to 60 in less than 3 seconds. That's a rush. As if that's not enough they are going to snap a picture of your face as you hit 60mph. This ride has three inversions and a bunch of winding turns. As you speed along the track you can see neon lights made to look like road signs and billboards. The coolest thing about this ride is the soundtrack. Aerosmith songs actually play in the speakers right behind your head!
When the ride stops you are released onto the red carpet, you have arrived at your destination in one piece. Thankfully.
What is your favorite part of Disney Studios?
Muppet Vison 3-D
The Muppets are amazing. I know that is not a feeling that is shared by everyone, but I have always loved them. Muppet Vision is everything you would expect it to be. Corny jokes, cheap 3-D tricks, and lots of silly family humor.
I love seeing all the details that imagineers put into the queue area, it really looks like something out of the Muppet world. All of your favorite Muppet characters are involved in the show, and it gets a little interactive towards the end. Its great fun, and a wonderful way to relax and take a break from the Florida sunshine.
Toy Story Land
This is my favorite section of the park. You really feel like you have been shrunk down to toy size and are walking around Andy's backyard. There are three rides: Slinky Dog Dash, Toy Story Mania, and Space Alien Saucers. They are all a lot of fun. There is a quick service restaurant, it only has outdoor seating so keep that in mind. It servers classic children's comfort food. Older kids, meaning adults, can even get an alcoholic beverage.
I loved the theming. The attention to detail is second to none. The bright colors are fun and over the top. The entire section is so well done. There really is something for everyone here.
StarWars: Galaxy's Edge
This is the newest part of the park. It is incredibly immersive. It really feels like you have entered the world of StarWars. There are rides, shops, a bar, restaurants, and lots of entertainment. Honestly, there is enough there for its own post, which I will be making soon.
I loved StarWars. I really did. But, I do feel that this area won't be as fun for people that have not seen the movies, or didn't care for the movies. For major fans, there are so many hidden references to different parts of the movies. If you wanted to try everything there I could easily see needing at least an entire half day for this section of the park.
Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular
I love everything about this show. The stunts, the Harrison Ford look a like, the effects, and the guest involvement. If you are over 18 then you too can get involved with the magic of movie making. Before the show starts a few lucks volunteers are chosen from the audience to help fill the roll of extras for the filming of the 'new' Indiana Jones movie. How cool is that?
The show reveals how some of the stunts and special effects were performed for the Indiana Jones movie. Have you ever wondered how Indiana was able to get away from the giant boulder? Has it been driving you mad trying to figure out how people can jump off a roof and land safely? Well, this show will answer all those questions and more.
This show fills up quickly. Thankfully the theatre is protected from rain and sun. There is a cart for refreshments conveniently located outside of the theatre. I like to grab a quick snack and sit back, enjoy the shade, and watch some epic stunts. This show is great fun for everyone!
Beauty and the Beast
I really, really wanted to list Fantasmic on this list. Truly, I did. But, I simply couldn't leave out this gem of a show. After, its full length counterpart did play on Broadway for years and it is molded after one of the best Disney animated movies of all time.
This is my favorite stage show Disney has ever put into the parks, and that is saying something. (Although, the new Aladdin show in California Adventure is just as good, if not a little better.) OK, I will amend my statement, this is my favorite show at Walt Disney World. There, I said it.
The costumes, the music, the dancing. It is all so outrageous and beautiful. I even love that this show has an opening act. Disney hired on an a cappella quartet to entertain guests as they come into the theatre. And they are fabulous. This show is, essentially, a shortened version of the move. All of the classic songs and moments are brought to life right in front of you on stage. If I'm at this park, I need to see this show for my day to be complete.
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