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Derrick Rose New Adidas Shoes 2013

Updated on November 23, 2013

A Chicago Story - The Saga Never Ends

Derrick Rose new shoes also known as D Rose 4.0 is the hottest item set to drop on the market soon for Rose's fans. The 6 "3" starting point guard for the Chicago Bulls is now highly touted as the best point guard in the NBA after only his second season. Major progress right? Not only that, Derrick Rose was named MVP for the 2010-2011 season.

At the moment, Derrick Rose's NBA jersey ranks 2nd as most popular behind Lebron James. I would say that's pretty good company which is why Derrick Rose latest shoes will soon be in that company as well.

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To Remove or Reattach...

Derrick Rose Latest Injury

Obviously, learning the news of Derrick's medial meniscus tear (in the right knee) during the second half against the Portland trailblazers was something I was not prepared for. Ironically, the injury occurred playing against Damian Lillard who is the most identical to Derrick Rose than any other player in the NBA (though not quite as explosive).

Honestly, an injury is not something anybody wants or expects playing a sport they love but it may be a blessing in disguise. After watching the Bulls I must admit that they did not look great and appeared to be one step behind in terms of winning the championship.

This gives the Bulls an opportunity to look at potential moves they can make to truly take some of the pressure off Rose when he "returns", assuming Rose makes the decision to get the meniscus reattached (which I heavily endorse). On the other hand, Derrick may choose to have the meniscus removed and return earlier than expected. Although this option will result in an even faster Rose, it will also shorten his career to about 6 more years. Is Rose thinking its now or never or will we be tuning in to "the Return, 2014" ?

The Moment of Truth

Bulls open against the Heat on ring night

The bulls will have their toughest test so far going up against the defending champions Miami Heat. We will get to see how much better the bulls have become with Rose returning, a more seasoned 2 guard in Jimmy (buckets), and the new addition of Mike Dunleavy. Personally, I think this game will be a very close game which gets me to my point rather quickly. What will the Bulls look like when the Heat go to their infamous "Lebron at the 4" line-up down the stretch?

Will Tom Thibodeau take the bait and go small or will he choose to stay big? There is one problem the bulls have and it becomes glaring when they take on the heat. The problem I'm referring to is Boozer. Boozer has been as solid as they come playing PF in the NBA. However, Boozer is 6'9' and can't get off the floor as gracefully as he once did as a member of the Utah Jazz. Therefore he resorts to constant jab steps & fade-away jump shots while maintaining his label as a liability defensively. When Tom tells Boozer to get in the paint he does and it gets blocked. Leaving Lebron basically unguardable at this point as he races down the court knowing that no one is in position to effectively guard him. And guess who instantly becomes a great player? Shane Battier.

Back to me questioning Tom's decision. Does he stick Dunleavy in to stretch the floor and move Deng to the 4? This will become the most effective lineup for the Bulls when they play against "small" teams.

D Rose is Back!

Stacy King is not the only person stoked.

I know its only the first preseason game but I thought Derrick was ready to play. I was kind of surprised to see that Derrick logged 20 minutes in his return but after watching him he's going to need to play as much as possible to shake off the rust and become a well-oiled machine again.Yes he looked rusty. However, the few times he went in the paint he was his usual self...fearless.By fearless I mean D-rose taking a swipe at the Pacers starting PG after he finished a layup off of an offensive rebound.The United Center will be rocking like a playoff game as the Bulls host the Pistons on Wednesday. I wonder how all those naysayers feel now. They'll just hop back on the band-wagon.

Down But Not Out

After LeBron James and the heat overwhelmed Derrick Rose and the Bulls during the 2010-11 playoffs, Bulls fans could not wait for the 2011-12 rematch in the playoffs. What was looking like a promising season for Derrick and the Bulls to win it all quickly became Bulls fans worst nightmare seeing Derrick Rose take a powerful hop-step, leap in the air, only to return to the floor in agonizing pain during the first round playoff match against the 76ers.

Derrick and the Bulls would learn their championship run had come to end when Derrick's diagnosis revealed a torn ACL. Rose's fans would now concede that although their favorite player plays with incredible force he is not Superman. Multiple doctors say it will take 8-12 months before we could see Rose dominating on the court again.

As the 2nd round of the 2012-13 playoffs begin it does not look like Derrick Rose is going to solidify "the return". There has been much speculation from media personnel regarding Rose's indecision. All of those people criticizing Derrick does not pay his bills and has not experienced tearing an ACL. Rose is all about going all out and dominating opponents and I believe he does not want to be out there looking a shell of himself. I believe Derrick is doing the right thing by making sure he is completely healthy (mentally) before stepping back on the hardwood.

Who is Derrick Rose?

Derrick Rose Biography

While I do not know Derrick Rose personally, having lived on the south side of Chicago where Derrick hails from I can surely tell you that Derrick is the talk of the town. Possibly, due to the horrendous Cubs and under-achieving Bears, Rose has given the entire city of Chicago hope again.

I must say that it is refreshing to see a young superstar that is down to earth and understands it is not always about themselves. Not only is Derrick Rose a tremendous basketball player, he is also a person who continues to care about the city's youth and does a lot in various communities throughout Chicago.

From High School to College

What an unbelievable Year!

Perhaps, Derrick Rose's attitude and personality reflects his upbringing. Growing up on the south side of Chicago can be tough for anyone. Fortunately, Derrick was the youngest of three older brothers who looked after him along with his mother who Derrick Rose refers to as his "backbone".

Entering one of the most prestiged basketball programs on the south side of Chicago in Derrick Rose Signed High School Jersey" target="_blank">Semion High school, Derrick Rose blossomed. After winning two state championships, engraving his name in Chicago and all the minds of every university basketball recruiter across the nation, Derrick would choose the University of Memphis where he took the Memphis Tigers to the 2008 NCAA championship, only to fall short in the final seconds to the Kansas Jayhawks.

Derrick Rose Drafted by Chicago Bulls

Watch out Lakers and Heat Fans. The Bulls are Back!

Still with defeat lingering in the back of his mind, Derrick's confidence would be reestablished after seeing his hometown professional team: Chicago Bulls land the #1 Pick in the NBA draft. I am sure he and all Chicagoans knew who was going to get selected with the #1 pick.

Filled with focus to redeem himself, Derrick Rose would surprise the basketball world by taking the veteran Boston Celtics to the brink in a seven game series in only his first season. Thats when everyone knew, "this kid is special". Derrick Rose did not stop there, immediately after the loss to the Celtics he began working on his jump shot and strength conditioning which has elevated his game to another level. Derrick is now considered to be a top five player in the NBA at the offset of a MVP caliber season.


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