If Lebron falls to 2-3 in the NBA finals, where does his legacy stand?

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  1. mosaicman profile image56
    mosaicmanposted 10 years ago

    Many people are comparing Lebron James to Michael Jordan. MJ is 6 - 0  in the NBA finals. If the Miami Heat fall on Sunday, Lebron will have a negative record in the finals. That is not Jordan-esq.  I believe Lebron will have to win at least one more NBA finals trophy to redeem the legacy that Lebron was starting to build.

    1. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think this really hurts anything about LeBron James because he's going to be in the hall of fame anyway; even if he retires after this season.  Barring any kind of steroid, or some sort of Pete Rose-esq gambling scandal, the reality is LeBron is a shoe in to get into the hall of fame.  Anyone who says otherwise is crazy.

      Although this might hurt his chances at surpassing Michael Jordan, as arguably the league's best player.  However, I still think it's going to happen.  Bare in mind, Michael Jordan has and will always be my favorite basketball player of all time, and I don't care what anyone says.  Jordan is a vastly superior player to LeBron.

      However, with social media out there, and the fact that lebron plays in the international fiba basketball team every year for the us, he's going to get a lot more exposure than Jordan ever did.  Plus, it seems like the media these days is trying to discredit jordan.  Maybe it's just me, but it seems like it.

      Like earlier this year, it was reported on espn that michael jordan didn't want Isiah thomas on the original dream team; hence he wasn't on it.  Even Jordan's own friend, Steven A. Smith, called him out on it.  Then we have the fact that former player, and current nba analyst, Gary Payton said that Jordan wouldn't even be in his top 5 hardest players he ever had to guard. 

      Then you throw in that incident years ago when people found out he cheated on his wife, during his playing days.  Plus, the fact that Jordan comes off as bitter sometimes in interviews about how he thinks he'd beat all the nba players of today's generation, and the other fact that the last time the younger generation saw him play was when he was an old man on the wizards. 

      You add all those things together, and it's going to add up.  I remember after Jordan retired in 98 from the bulls that everyone kept saying they should retire his number across every team like the nhl did with Wayne Gretsky.  Yet these days?  People like Tim Legler, Charles Barkley and etc say that Jordan's number shouldn't be retired across every nba team because they claim the nba had other superstars besides him.  You see the difference there?

      Right now Lebron is only 30 years old.  I know that's still old, but he's still young and healthy enough to win more titles, even if he does lose this finals series.  It's not going to affect his legacy as long as he can win more titles down the road.  Hell, im willing to bet if Lebron wins like 5 titles, then people will say he's better than jordan.  hell, even scottie pippen said it once, so you already see the media discrediting jordan over the years.  and with today's A.D.D audience, then you know none of them will do any actual research and blindly believe whatever espn or some sport magazine tells them to believe.

  2. Alphadogg16 profile image80
    Alphadogg16posted 10 years ago

    There is no one like Jordan & there will never be another. I wish people would stop trying to make comparisons because there is none. Not Kobe either. If MJ would have had Shaq in the paint, the Bulls would have won 12 titles. Lebron is arguably the best player right now, but dies not even come close to MJ

    1. mosaicman profile image56
      mosaicmanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think the players for Miami outside of Lebron have accountability. In MJ's day, every player had a role/responsibility and it was there job to fulfill it. MJ made sure everyone rose to his level.

      It is sickening to see how apathetic the players look on the court. They are letting San Antonio do whatever they want out there. Nobody is playing physical. Why don't they take a look or page out of Kawhi Leonard's book. Kawhi is being a pest to Lebron. He is all over him. Yet the Spurs ball handler's look so comfortable out there.

      Finally, I think Spoelstra could have done a better job of his rotations. Some guys who are not giving you what you need (ie. Chalmers), they need to play less minutes and find someone who can get the job done.


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