If there's just one martial art style you can learn what would that be?

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  1. jpcmc profile image90
    jpcmcposted 12 years ago

    If there's just one martial art style you can learn what would that be?

  2. gramon1 profile image59
    gramon1posted 12 years ago

    I have a black belt in Shotokan, but I also practiced seven years of Kung Fu. I know many people that swear by one or the other. I like them both. In fact, when I am hurt or don't feel so strong, I can fold back to Tai Chi. Martial arts are not a set of techniques. They are a set of mind linked to an interpretation of our body. Each style interprets our body differently, giving us a direction as to how we move, respond, and feel. In the end, it all boils down to "move like water" and "use the flow of energy from your body". Being like water is to always respond to the flow of movements that come at you, without ever letting any movement stop your flow. Using your energy is to understand the axis of your body. Your hips and the center between right and left are the axis that give you power. they cross at the Chi.
    All styles that are worth something will lead you to this: understand yourself internally. Anything else is just a set of movements that lead you to learn to understand yourself. Katas, forms, bunkay, kicking, and punching are just your A-B-C's and your rules to form sentences. Martial arts are your true form of expression. There is not a style that could be my only one.

  3. simpelandcheap profile image61
    simpelandcheapposted 12 years ago

    I have studied many styles of marital arts over the years I currently teach a style called kaunta-do in my spare time. If there was one style I would learn it would be ninpo the style of the ninja.

  4. glenn wallace profile image66
    glenn wallaceposted 12 years ago

    I did wrestling in high school, so I've always been interested in extending my grappling knowledge through Judo or Jiu Jitsu. I don't quite have the physique for Sumo.

  5. By Lori profile image60
    By Loriposted 12 years ago

    Kung Fu of course. Bruce Lee proved why Kung Fu was superior. Some family members are taught in Kung Fu and it's just the most cool,effective thing you'll ever see and it makes a ton of sense. When you watch it you always think "of course !". Make sure your teacher has good lineage.

    1. gramon1 profile image59
      gramon1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Even though I really like kung fu, when it comes to fighting, the practicioner is far more important than the style. However, it really is the most fun to watch. I think that is why kung fu movies are more popular than movies of any other martial art

    2. jpcmc profile image90
      jpcmcposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Unless you know what is happening in a grappling match, it will just look like two sweaty guys rolling around.  Kung Fu is definitely an eye candy.  Nice to see (even if you don't know what is happening) but still deadly.

    3. glenn wallace profile image66
      glenn wallaceposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Kung Fu is really a catch-all term for any one of the hundreds of different styles to be developed in China. The style Bruce Lee developed was actually a 'breaking of the mold' when it came to most kung fu forms.

    4. jpcmc profile image90
      jpcmcposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Glenn, Can you write a hub on this.  Different forms of Kung fu sounds interesting.  Many, including me has this this notion of shaolin monks doing all sorts of stuff when we talk about kung fu.  Educate yus. smile

  6. KBEvolve profile image67
    KBEvolveposted 10 years ago

    I am currently a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, but I would like to learn Judo and Capoeira. It's just a matter of allocating the time to the endeavor.


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