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Care For Your Crown of Glory

Updated on May 5, 2012

Taking good care of your hair

The looks you get from people tell a lot about your appearance. It goes without saying that your hair contributes a lot towards your general outlook. As each day comes by, you find yourselves contending with the question “How does my hair look like?” No wonder we find ourselves dashing for the comb in an attempt to straighten up our otherwise shaggy look after our first glance into our mirrors.

Know your type of hair

Different people have different types of hair. Before working on your hair make sure you now your type of hair. This will guide you the type of hair products to buy in order to realize the best effects. Is your hair long, dry, short, brittle, curly, and greasy? Choose your products appropriately.

Cleaning, drying and styling your hair

Good styling is very significant if you have to keep your hair in perfect shape. That perfect crown can be attained if care begins with cleanliness. Hair products abound in shops these days hence be sure to choose those that serve you best. Select a good comb, hair dryer and a good shampoo and hair conditioner that suits your type of hair before you get to work.

Give your hair a thorough wash with the shampoo and conditioner. When using your shampoo, wet your hair before applying a little shampoo, massage it gently into your hair when it forms a rich lather, and then rinse very well with cold water. A good shampoo will carefully dissolve dirt, grease, sweat and dust while protecting the hair.

On the other hand, a good hair conditioner helps to soften the hair as it reduces entanglement and minimizes hair breakages. It also increases hair manageability, normalizes the balance of moisture while protecting your hair.

After using the shampoo, apply a small amount of hair conditioner on your palms and rub it into the hair while massaging gently. Leave the conditioner in the hair for about one minute before rinsing thoroughly. Repeat this process if necessary. Always use cold water to prevent the loss of natural oils.

Remember to rinse it thoroughly after conditioning to prevent it from looking dull. Ensure your hair is squeaking clean. Any residue of the hair conditioner in your hair will definitely make your hair look dull and loss its natural sheen, luster or radiance that makes people turn to give you that second look.

Well Groomed Hair


Drying your hair

Your approach towards drying your hair is also very important. A gentle touch ensures pleasant results. Many a man gives their hair a serious rub with their towels after a morning bath. No wonder they end up looking a bit rough and disheveled.

A more professional touch dictates blotting instead of rubbing when using your towel. It helps in caring for weak hair. Note that wet hair is easily pulled out of its roots. Rubbing actually damages ones hair.

Blow-drying your hair

Take your portable blow dryer and set it at the low heat setting. Arm yourself with hair clips before blow-drying your hair. Try to section off small portions of your wet hair using the hair clips. Switch on the blow dryer and position it approximately 20 centimeters away from your head.

Point the dryer’s nozzle down the hair shaft and dry your hair from the root upwards to prevent damage to your hair. Always keep the dryer moving in circular movements driven by your wrist.

Dry each portion thoroughly before shifting to the next wet section. To finish drying out your hair, stop the dryer and set the heat setting to cold. Finish off the drying with a cold blast of air that helps in setting your hair style. In order to maintain a lift and healthy bounce in your hair, avoid finishing the drying process with a warm blast of air. The cold blast does the trick.

Know your hair


Nutritive aspects of hair care

Hair that is dull, dry or falling out requires special attention. Radiant hair is usually well fed with a natural balanced diet that is rich in copper, vitamin B complex, vitamin B6 and vitamin E which are readily found in the following foods:

Nutrition for your hair

Meats & Dairy Products
Cereals & Legumes 
Fruits & Nuts
Whole Grains 
Dark Green Vegetables
Wheat Germ 
Soya Beans

Youtube Video on How to Blow Dry Your Hair


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