Color Contact Lenses - A Guide for People with Brown Colored Eyes
In my last hub I looked at using color contact lenses to achieve a natural look for people with blue eyes. In this hub I'll be shifting my focus to those with brown eyes. Again I'll be focusing on brands like Colorvision and ColorVue as these are the best contacts for achieving a natural, blended look.
To buy the lenses I have recommended click here.
Brown Eyes
If like me you have brown eyes sometimes you might be jealous of those with a brighter eye colour. Having darker eyes, there are fewer options with blended contacts, you could always try these Hazel Contact Lenses from ColorVue, to give your eyes a lighter, natural look.
If you are looking for something a little less subtle, then why not consider some Natural Look Contacts. These 3 tone lenses come in a wide variety of colours, and are designed to replicate the natural look of the iris while still providing a bright, vibrant and fashionable colour change. They may not be as subtle as the Hazel lenses above, but they will change the look of your eyes significantly.
If you have got brown eyes, consider this; Those with brown eyes are said to have an abundance of energy, fertility, endurance, creativity, and lots of courage. So maybe there's nothing wrong with your natural eye color after all ;)
With all lenses, remember to wash your hands thoroughly before inserting or removing them and to store them in plenty of contact lens solution. Women might find that false eyelashes and dramatic make up draw even more attention to their unusual eye styles!