How to Make Your Neck Look Younger With These Simple Tips
Our Neck has Thinner Skin than Facial Skin
Though skin is the largest gland in our body but it is also formed differently in different parts of our body. The skin on our face is very delicate but the skin on our neck is more delicate to the facial skin. It gets loosened with wear and tear. Ageing is also one of the factor behind the loosening of neck skin.
Due to wear and tear, the skin in neck starts hanging with time.
We are born to believe that face should be healthy and look younger. People tend to spend a lot of money in making it youthful and glowing forever. But what about your neck? This is usually the most neglecting part of our body.
We never forget to step out in sun without sunscreen lotion and apply serum and moisturizer on the skin. Similarly, in the night also we do not forget to dap pur face with heavy layer of cream on face.
But have you ever thought about your neck?
The sagged neck skin does not look and is a result of the pulling of the platysma muscle. Sometimes, thyroid disorder or some kind of neck surgery can also be the cause of sagged neck skin,
5 Best Tips to make your Neck Looking Younger
Ageing is a natural process and no one has ever escaped from it. Everyone ages and its and physical signs of ageing definitely start looking on our skin.
We know we can not do anything to growing older, but yes, we can follow few tips that can help in slowing down the showing of ageing signs.While there’s not much we can do about getting older, it is possible to slow down the physical signs of aging.
- Protection from Sun
Sun is perhaps the biggest culprit in our beauty regime. No matter, how well care you take for your skin and try to hydrate your body, but everything is waste if you go out in sun without any special protection.
The ultraviolet radiations in sunlight penetrate directly into our skin. Prolonged exposure to the sun can result into skin cancer also. Therefore, try to use sunscreen with at least which has SPF 30 as it blocks 97% of the UVB rays that could otherwise penetrate our skin directly.
Apply good amount of sunscreen lotion on your skin of face and neck every morning before applying any makeup. You need daily application whether you are out of sitting inside the whole day. Also, try to re-apply it after every 2 or 3 hours.
- Cure your Double Chin
Double chin is a result of fat cells deposited over there. This could be due to ageing or result or poor life style with lack of exercises. Double skin looks very bad and is not beautiful.
There are many lotions available applying which can burn the fat cells.
- Retinoid To Your Skincare Routine
The beauty market is full of different types of medicines and creams which guarantee to remove wrinkles and provide skin glow overnight. Many times, even after spending so much on these beauty products, people do not get desired results. Their skin remains the same as before using those products.
This could be due to the absence of "Retinoid". Retinoid is a class of those ingredients that contain retinyl palmitate, reinoic acid or retinol. These ingredients help in reducing fine lines, wrinkles and give tight skin complexion. Retinoid helps in toning the overall skin and helps in improving the skin texture also. Retinoid helps in the release of collagen production that works on the skin deep inside.
Apply a layer of retinoid in the night like you do to your facial skin before applying moisturizer. Sleeps helps it working in a more effective manner in the cells inside. - Botox Treatment
Botox is not a new treatment as it has gained a lot of appreciation as it helps in reducing fine lines and wrinkles on the facial and neck skin.
In the treatment, Botox® can be injected into the sub-mental area, and jawline to uplift the skin. This prevents the sagging of skin and the uplift makes it look younger. The botox treatment does not take much time, and in most of the cases is barely 15 minutes only. The results with botox remains for 4-5 months.h skin creasing.
So, if you are worrying with sagged neck skin, botox is one of the best option.
- Go for Laser Beams to remove Damaged Neck Skin
Laser has been in practice since long and is mostly performed to remove unwanted body hair. But few people know that laser can be used to rejuvenate damaged skin cells. When doing skin treatment with laser, short and concentrated beams of light are directed at the face or neck. This removes the damaged skin layer by layer.
Is Neck Surgery the Best Option to make your Neck Look Younger?
When none of the above option works good for your skin and give the desired results, one can look for surgery also. Surgery can help in reducing the sagging of skin, wrinkles and age spots. Surgery performs the liposuction of the neck that reduces the fat accumulated over there and lifts the skin to make it tighten. The tightening of skin helps in looking skin younger and beautiful.
Generally, in neck surgery, anesthesia is performed and the deep tissues inside the neck are operated and made to life sagging skin of the neck. The treatment is usually expensive but the results last for next 10-15 years.