Product Review: Sheer Cover Concealer And Mineral Foundation
This product review of Sheer Cover concealer and mineral foundation is a testimony of my personal experience with the product. It has literally helped me to "save face"! Because of Sheer Cover concealer and mineral foundation, I am an outgoing, active woman who is not ashamed of my looks. Without Sheer Cover, I would be shy and introverted. This is a way to say "Thank You, Sheer Cover"!! It comes with a duo concealer so you can blend them together to make a perfect match to your own skin tones. You then top it off with a mineral powder foundation that you custom blend as well from three different tones to match your skin perfectly no matter what season!
Before And After Photographs
Getting Down To The Basics
It all begins with a great foundation! That could be said for many things such as an incredible work of architecture, a beautiful dress or flawless-looking skin. My face was, well actually is, anything BUT flawless. I have red lines, large pores and several extremely large and dark liver spots. One liver spot is at my right temple. It is a cocoa brown color and it is as large as a quarter. Another goes just below my left eye along my cheekbone and into my cheek. It covers and area similar in size and shape of a fortune cookie. It is a purplish brown color and resembles a bruise. They have gotten darker with age, especially since the onset of menopause. I have used many types and colors of foundations over the years and have had little results, but enough to mask them overall. Or so I had thought! That is until.....
one day about a year or so ago, I stopped on my way home from running errands at a gas station. My husband was riding in the passenger side of my car as I had just picked him up from his father's house. He had been working outdoors and looked a bit, shall we say, rough looking. He is a very laid back man, my devoted servant (most times) and NOT an aggressive sort of man. The gentleman pumping gas on the other side of the pump stood in the middle waiting for his pump to click off. He spoke when I got out, and sized up my husband a bit. I spoke and began to pump the gas for my car. He acted a bit odd, but I didn't really pay him much mind, so not a big deal. Then he turn to me and said, " Ma'am, I noticed the bruise on your face. I'm sorry, but I know of a place you can go to get protection. He wouldn't find you there. Here." He handed me a card which had the name and address of a women's shelter not far from our area. I was floored! I looked at him, handed the card back and said, "I don't know what you are talking about?!" He pointed to and touched my left cheek. He then pressed the card back into my hand and got into his car and drove away.
I went home and looked into the mirror. I had put on heavy makeup and even so the liver spot showed through. I was absolutely horrified that a perfect stranger had been the one to tell me! My friends and family had grown accustomed to seeing it evidently and didn't really notice it any longer! I guessed that it was covered since no one had said anything. I didn't want to go anywhere or see anyone ever again! That night, I picked up the phone and ordered the Sheer Cover Mineral Foundation makeup that had been shown on television made by Guthy-Renker, a company out of California. I had it rushed to my home and I began a journey of believing once again that I could have beautiful skin.
In the pictures, I show the markings that were so very evident that day. I also show a set of photographs taken less than 5 minute later of the same areas of my skin that show the wonderful way that Sheer Cover conceals and covers the spots as well as smooths out the skin making it look flawless. Redness is gone and the large pores are too! It is a light, clean feeling concealer and foundation. I can snuggle my grandbabies, lay my head on hubby's shoulder and pull on a white blouse without the makeup wiping off, leaving marks or staining fabrics. As you can see, I no longer have that bruised area on my cheek showing to the world and I can smile at people with confidence.
The foundation kits are available at Bed, Bath and Beyond and I pay about $30 for it. It lasts me at about 3 months, even with my large areas of need for coverage so that averages out to about $10 a month for perfect skin. It is well worth the price. There may be less costly versions of mineral makeup, but I will never change from Sheer Cover! I am a lifelong fan! You can order it online at www.sheercover.comor from the infomercials on Saturday mornings on television. No matter how you connect with your first order of Sheer Cover Mineral Makeup, I can guarantee you that you will be 100% satisfied with your purchase!
I haven't given you a lot of information about what goes into this product or how it is made or how it works. In extreme cases, it doesn't really matter. What we want to know is really: Does it work? In my experience and with this product review: Sheer Cover Concealer and Mineral Foundation is a testimony that it does in fact work and I highly recommend it to you!
Photo And Text Copyright 2011 Deborah M. Carey
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