Quick and Easy Beauty Tips
Tips & Tricks of The Trade ~
How many of us have come across a few quick and easy beauty tips from one source or another?
Yes, I am guessing quite a few of us hear things in conversations or read them in the latest edition of Cosmopolitan or Marie Claire.
Often we are given some beauty tips from our mom’s or grandmother’s whose pearls of wisdom are not to be discarded lightly.
Having been a time served Beauty Therapist and Makeup Artist, with over 20 years experience, I have learnt one or two tricks of the trade, even invented some of my own, which I am now happily passing on.
Beauty Bible for Tips
Beauty is in The Eye of The Beholder ~
The word Beauty means many different things to me.
The innocent beauty of a newborn child. The beauty of nature as seasons change.
The beauty of the written word. The beauty of a persons heart which is unconditional.The beauty in ageing.
There is beauty everywhere and not just the term used in association with the cosmetic Industry, however it is within this Beauty Industry that I will be referring to for the most part which hopefully will provide you with some excellent tips.
Lavender Fragrance
Best All Round Product
Homemade Beauty Tips ~
Deodorant may be made at home using corn starch (cornflour), coconut oil, lavender essential oil and baking soda for a gorgeous DIY recipe easy to make.For the recipe check out One Green Planet.
Make your own lip gloss easily. Check out my layered lip gloss or citrus lip gloss recipes which make great gift ideas, wedding favors and ideal to get the kids involved with making.
DIY nose pore strips are easily made so need buying them in the drugstore or pharmacy. Mix a packet of plain gelatine with 2 teaspoons of milk and brush onto the area. Alternatively brush over the face for a deep pore cleansing mask.
Best all round ingredient for beauty? Drum Roll please . . . . The hands down winner is Olive Oil without a doubt. Check it out!
For that hint of a tint of lippy color, a lip stain may be made from scratch using natural berries (such as raspberries, blackberries and pomegranates) mixed with a little extra virgin olive oil and pressed through a sieve into a small container. Will last a few days but keep in fridge if not using to prolong shelf life.
Use The Right Brush
Hydration Tip ~
I know we all are aware of the importance of keeping hydrated but it is so vital. Drinking enough water daily is the one tip if nothing else; you should take on board and make sure you are doing.
If, like me you have problems drinking your 8 glasses a day, particularly in the colder months then try making a quick spacucumber water to keep in the fridge. You will be amazed how easy it is to drink without even thinking about it.
Tools of The Trade
Must Have Makeup Item
Beauty Quote
My mother always told me that no matter how late it is, you take your makeup off. Take it off!
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Makeup Tips ~
Dried Beet makes ideal powder blush so check out the cool recipe for making it on Yum Universe.
Hold onto an old toothbrush and keep as a great beauty tool. Uses include keeping the eyebrows in shape and using to exfoliate lips with. Apply an excellent effective homemade sugar lip scrub to remove dead skin cells and dry skin to leave the lips soft smooth and ready for an even cake free application of lipstick
Want your lipstick to last longer? Apply a coat of lipstick, blot with a single ply tissue and dust lightly over the tissue with loose translucent powder. This will set the lipstick, prevent feathering and color running.
If you have over tweezed your eyebrows fill in with a similar shade of eyeshadow with an eyeliner brush.
Fancy liquid eyeliner but think it is too difficult to get right? Start by applying a pencil line on your upper lid close to the roots it is easier. Then go over this with your liquid liner, easy!!
Use a Q-tip or cotton bud dipped in a tiny drop of olive oil to remove eyeliner.
Want a minimal makeup look in a minute? Concealer, a coat of colorless mascara and a slick of lip gloss. You are good to go, how easy was that?
Keep your makeup brushes clean with a homemade brush cleanser that is easy, cheap and uses common products and ingredients found in most homes.
Follow the Rule Less is More by applying your foundation, blush and eyeshadows in particular, in small amounts. Build up the color or coverage gradually as it is far easier to add color than take it away!
Use a white eyeliner pencil on the inside of the eye to open up the eye. Makes eyes appear larger.
A good concealer is worth investing in as it is a wonder product. My all time favorite worth saving up for is YSL (Yves Saint Laurent) Touche Éclat. I have tried many different ones but this one is not the world’s no. 1 ranked for no reason, honestly! You would be hard pressed to find a Make Up Artist who does not have this in their kit.
Always throw out stale out of date cosmetics. This may lead to eye infections which will result in you having to bin ALL MAKEUP used on the eyes.
Never use the little sponge tip applicators that come with the product to apply eyeshadow. They soak up way too much color which is not needed and therefore wasteful. You will end up applying too heavy an eyeshadow and it makes it all very messy!
Healthy Shiny Hair
Hair Tips ~
Banish Dandruff by using an egg yolk mixed with olive oil into your scalp.
No time to wash your hair? Make a quick dry shampoo and store for such a day. Mix 2 tablespoons of arrowroot powder, corn starch and rice flour with 6-8 drops essential oil, lavender or lemon work well, and use when needed to dry up excess oil and add volume to your hair.
Use apple cider vinegar as a natural hair rinse which gives great shine to the hair.
Natural Loofah
Beautiful Words on Natural Beauty from Mary (tillsontitan)
- Beauty Before Aging
Does beauty come before aging? More importantly does beauty remain as we age? Its mostly up to you and how you view beauty and yourself.
Tips for Glowing Skin ~
Use rose petals to make a great natural rosewater skin toner. Check out my Rosewater and Lemon Cleanser which includes the making of your very own rosewater from your own garden.
For a natural loofah cut an orange in half and use one half as an excellent scrub for knees, elbows and excessive dry spots. For the face, use the top half of a tomato and sugar in a similar way.
For a quick blackhead remover, pour a little raw organic honey over half a lemon and rub over the area.
Oatmeal and Yogurt will also remove blackheads successfully in a wonderful deep pore cleanser.
Did you find these beauty tips useful?
Men Need Moisturizer Too
Mens Tips from jimmythejock
- 10 Beauty Tips and Secrets for Men
It isn't only women who have a beauty regime men need to take care of themselves too
Beauty Tips for Men ~
Use a gentle cleanser for washing the face or a face wash instead of an all purpose soap. Certain soaps are too drying for men’s sensitive skins.
Using a weekly facial exfoliating cleanser will remove all the dead skin cellular build up and reveal a fresher, softer and smoother skin.
Shaving cream is better to use than shaving gel. Gel formulas may contain more alcohol and therefore be more drying on the skin.
Stuck for Shaving cream? Go to the kitchen and grab some olive oil, it works like a dream!
Aftershave Balms are better to use than Aftershave. Far less alcohol so not as drying on the skin. Aftershave may cause irritations and blotchiness.
Use a separate sunscreen or a moisturizer with a built in sunscreen. A higher percentage of men do not use sunscreen in any form and it is so important to the skin. Don’t just think of the face but use body products with added SPF such as shower gels and body moisturizers.
Remember to remove any hair gels or hair pastes at night. If left in, they may cause pomade acne or breakouts on the forehead.
Giving your feet an exfoliating scrub to remove dry skin, hard skin or cracked heels will reward you in the end. Odors and fungal infections feed on dry skin so it’s vital it is removed regularly. As summer approaches you may be wearing open toed sandals and flip flops daily so you need to have your feet looking good!
General Beauty Tips ~
Use a foundation makeup brush or other flat makeup brush for applying face masks instead of fingertips.
Always have a stash of Q-tips on hand, they have 101 uses.
Plastic disposable applicators are ideal for removing beauty products from jars.
Want larger looking eyes without makeup? Curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curler starting at the roots and working out along the eyelashes.
Author Info ~
Information on the author, her bio and full body of works available @Suzie HQ
Credit to homesteadbound ~
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