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Something About Scars

Updated on December 31, 2019
Jade Anibor profile image

I am a woman and a lover of women. An emotional speaker and a love coach.

Save your face from the heat and love life.


A few days ago I was talking with someone online who was trying to know me better. Along the line, he talked about an accident he had two years back. It really was a terrible one, as eight souls lost their lives. He was very fortunate to have survived with just scars around his neck. Now, that's my topic for today: Scars!
Why am I so interested in scars? You might wonder just as he did. Scars tell a story. All kinds of stories. And as a writer, I love stories.

We have various kinds of scars. Physical scars, emotional scars, spiritual scars, and mental scars.
A physical scar is just what my online friend passed through. He never would forget how God saved him that day. He would never forget to be extra careful when traveling, and definitely never ever forget the ones he thought he would never see again. He probably wouldn't have met me; I smiled within with that thought.

Emotional scars comes in the death of a loved one, a heartbreak from a spouse or a trusted friend, our own personal mistakes, and sad experiences such as rape and child abuse. Emotional scars are very hard to heal, and some don't even heal at all. They just learn to live with it. So that saying which points out that time heals all wounds, makes me wonder. I feel its what we spend our time on that heals.

Still on scars

Still on scars. I cannot help but feel very deeply for those with spiritual scars. There is nothing more dreadful than knowing you have displeased your creator. You live with it every second of your life wondering how you got there, how you just deviated, and how you could ever reconcile with God. Your spiritual state affects how you view things and people around you. It affects so personally because you have also sinned against yourself. It's like you murdered your spirituality. It really hurts and you feel so very uncomfortable because you just cannot see God's face to know how he feels about you and your act which led to that scar.

Mental scars are just the causes of depression. Form stage 0- to whatever stage a medical practitioner would call it. Mental scars are the causes of depression. Your mental state just do not see a reason why you should be happy. You forget to smile when you are alone, and then it begins to affect you publicly without knowing, and before you know it, it has become normal. In fact, smiling people look abnormal to you.

We have reasoned so far different kinds of scars. Let's now get something straight here. There is no one without a scar, visible or invisible. Even I typing this, have one scar or the other. But there is one formula that has helped me.

My scar formula

My scar formula is: I x LOVE x SCARS= I love scars. Yes I love scars is my formula. Fall in love with your scar, for it makes you real. A real imperfect human living in a terrifying world. Make your scars beautiful by living it. How do you live it? You live it by loving it. You might ask, how can I love something that hurts so much? Yes you can.

Let me give you a little illustration. No matter how hot a kettle of water is, does it not eventually get cool after it's taken off the fire? It certainly does! And a refreshing boiled cool water awaits you.
You are that kettle on fire. When you choose to take yourself off that fire, you will definitely get cool after sometime. And your scars will become refreshing to you because they will always remind you of that time you thought you weren't strong, you thought you could never make it, you thought you could never get out of that situation, you thought you were alone, you thought nothing could ever go right again in your life. But here you are, relating it with ease now, giving it as an experience to the young, and they will look at you and smile and say this person is so mature with a wealth of experience. But in reality who gave you such a wealth? Your scars did. Experience is truly the best teacher. It teaches so well.

Heal and keep moving.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Jade George Anibor


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