My nose has been pierced 4 5 mnths and it still hasn't healed, what should I do?

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  1. profile image50
    rifaposted 15 years ago

    My nose has been pierced 4 5 mnths and it still hasn't healed, what should I do?

    Igot my nose pierced about 5 mnths ago with a gun. The stud was on too tight so i went back 2...the piecer to have it changed. He changed it but didn't put the back on and it kept coming out..This lasted for about 5 weeks until i got the stud changed to an actual nose stud with a ball at the end. This nose stud was a lot smaller so i guess this prolonged the healing process even more. I try 2 put salt water on it once in a while but i mostly just leave it alone. So i guess u could say it's been 4 mnths and i still haven't seen any signs of healing. Is there anything i can do 2 move the process

  2. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    Well, given that you are ignoring the piercing, and not really working to help it heal, the results aren't too surprising.  My Hub on nose piercing, which you had to have found to have asked me this question, has info about healing and links to even more info about healing.

    I suggest you read the Hub and follow the suggestions if you truly wish to heal the piercing.  Otherwise, take it out and let your nose heal and don't have one.  If you don't want to have to take care of it, it seems foolish to have a nose piercing.

  3. aidenofthetower profile image68
    aidenofthetowerposted 15 years ago

    There are two things you should know. First, cartilage such as that found at the top of the ear and in the nose takes longer to heal. Second, it should never ever be pierced with a gun. This causes blunt force trauma. Additionally a nose bone and other jewelry created for the nose are a size 20g and standard earring studs are 18g. All in all, it isn't a good for the healing process.

    So, first thing you need to do is start cleaning it with salt water once a day. Before you begin was your hands really well. Then clean the wound (yep, you have a wound) really well. Give it time to heal. Under normal circumstances cartilage can take six to twelve months to heal. Your circumstances aren't good and the healing will probably take that long from right now.

  4. RachelLynn profile image60
    RachelLynnposted 15 years ago

    Seeing as you had it pierced with a gun and that there was a "back" to the earring used, I don't think this was a professional piercer to begin with.  A professional piercer would have used a needle and a nose stud or nose ring.  If I were you, I'd take the piercing out and let it heal completely shut.  If you still want a nose piercing after that, I recommend that you find a professional piercer (one that you discuss the piercing procedure with before paying and getting pierced).  I also suggest reporting this piercing practice, as it isn't safe. 

    If you wish to keep this piercing, however, use a saline contact solution to rinse your nose twice a day after using Gold Dial soap to wash it lightly with a q-tip.  This will prevent infections and ensure that you're cleaning it well.  Turn it when you clean it as well, as that's healthy, too.  I have 14 piercings, several of which are body piercings, so I'm well-practiced on the healing process.

    It will take a while to heal this piercing.  After all, one should be able to change it within 8 to 12 weeks, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's fully healed.  Everyone heals differently.  Take care of your body first, your body modifications second.  If an infection develops, remove the jewelry and see a doctor. 

    All in all, I say take it out.  Wait for it to heal, then see a reputable piercer to re-pierce it.  You don't want scar tissue to develop, so play it safe.  Do what you feel is right with your body.  Good luck.

  5. sksreg profile image61
    sksregposted 14 years ago

    Yeah, I'm in the same situation basically, although mine wasnt done with a gun. I have paid attention to it, and tried to clean it, but it still is taking forever to heal! Sea Salt does help, just be sure to clean it often. Good luck!

  6. Micayla Webb profile image54
    Micayla Webbposted 12 years ago

    i had my nose done with a gun and it was a very easy healing process. your body might be rejecting it.

  7. profile image50
    tinamarieriderposted 11 years ago

    I know this was posted a while back but just ran across it now. Most of the responses are really good. I have many body piercings and have worked as an MS and a surgical tech for many years. If it was me I would take it out and let it heal, then have a professional re pierce my nose. It will heal much better and you will have less chance of developing scar tissue from the blunt force trama a gun does. Wash daily and rinse with solution as others have suggested. I would also NOT use any foundation or let any type of face lotion get near it until it is
    completely healed. Also DO NOT use any peroxide or rubbing alcohol on your piercings as this can cause irritation and can slow the healing process. Also make sure that the jewelry that is in your piercing is surgical steal and nothing else until completely healed!!!!!


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