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How To Achieve Radiant Summer Skin

Updated on May 8, 2024
Alyssa Nichol profile image

Alyssa loves sharing her favorite beauty tips and tricks with the world. She is a wife and mom who drinks a lot of coffee.

Summer is just around the corner. The time for cute dresses, shorts, tank tops, and sandals will soon arrive. Now is your chance to prepare your skin so you can put your best face forward, complete with a gorgeous, head to toe glow.

Get ready to embrace your inner fierce goddess. The tips below are simple and straightforward, many of which you can start applying to your routine today.

Wedding Day Radiant

Whenever I think of radiant skin, two images come to mind. The first is of a bronzed goddess bathed in sunlight. The second is of a bride on her wedding day. Bronzed goddess is my normal makeup look as I love how my skin looks after a day in the sun. The latter image is more of a memory from around the time I was getting married. There was a face lotion product available that claimed to give the user a wedding day glow. That image has remained seared in my brain for almost 15 years.

There are plenty of things you can do to achieve a wedding day glow, whether you're engaged, been married for a long time, or have no plans on tying any knots in the foreseeable future.

The first step is the most important. If you are struggling with acne, or any other skin concerns, book an appointment with a dermatologist.

For five long years, I struggled with hormonal acne thanks to my IUD. I tried every product available over the counter. Some seemed to work for a short period of time, others didn't work at all. About ten years ago, I finally had enough and went to see a dermatologist. She prescribed me two creams, and within a month, my skin was clear again. I haven't had a problem since. Seeing a dermatologist was one of the best decisions I made for my skin and I highly recommend it.

The second step is to establish a skincare routine. Often, the simpler the better. Overly complicated routines with a million steps are much harder to stick with for the long haul. Figure out your skin type and use the appropriate products. Cleanse your skin daily, use a serum or moisturizer, and don't forget the SPF. Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, that's really all you need.

My own routine is pretty simple. I use either Neutrogena gentle cream cleanser or Dollar Shave Club Oil Control Face Wash. If I need my prescription cream for a breakout, I'll apply it after drying my face. I then follow up with a light moisturizer. I like L'Oreal Collagen Moisture Filler, Keys Soulcare Multibenefit Peptide Serum, and Madagascar Centella Ampoule.

Exfoliation is key when it comes to radiant skin. I alternate between shaving my face and using a glycolic acid peel. A few times a month, I like to shave my face with a new razor head. This removes the annoying peach fuzz and any dead skin cells all at once. I've been doing this for over a year, and it not only keeps my skin looking and feeling smooth, but the products I use absorb better and my makeup sits better on my skin. I use glycolic acid once or twice a month, but never on the same day as when I shave because I have sensitive skin.

The final step to keep in mind: always remove your makeup before you go to bed. Choose a removal method that is gentle on your skin. I like using Makeup Eraser. I purchased two towels about five years ago, and I haven't used makeup wipes since. Makeup Eraser removes all my makeup, even glittery eyeshadow, and doesn't dry out my skin. I also like that I can toss the towels in the wash and use them over and over again. They've saved me a lot of money!

All Over Glow

A solid routine for body care is just as important. The steps to achieve a radiant all over glow are similar to those for the face.

Exfoliation - You need to remove the dead skin cells to reveal the beautiful new skin layer underneath. I like to use a dry brush before showering or a jute fiber shower cloth in shower. An exfoliating body wash also works great.

Hydration - Keeping your skin moisturized is a must! Find a body oil or moisturizer that works best for your skin type. I like using Palmer's Coconut Body Oil and Jergens Oil Infused Skin Firming Lotion. Another great product is an in-shower body lotion. I love using the Jergens one, especially in the wintertime.

Shaving, IPL, Tanning

During the warmer months, having a tan is a must for me. While I miss my tanning bed days, I recognize that it's not healthy to lay under the UV lights to achieve a sun-kissed glow. Luckily these days, self-tanner is a dime a dozen. Having a lot of choice is both good and bad. Good because there are many different price points and methods. Bad because so much choice can get overwhelming.

I've always believed that beauty doesn't have to break the bank. Over the years, I've used many different self-tanners. My favorites are b.tan, Jergens natural glow firming daily moisturizer, and Tanologist daily glow. My current favorite is Jergens natural glow instant sun mousse.

To achieve a long-lasting faux tan, it's important to exfoliate well and shave before applying. When it comes to shaving, I only use men's razors. I've found that the razors marketed for women have unnecessarily frills along with a hefty price tag. My husband and I have been members of Dollar Shave Club for almost 10 years. They offer quality products at an affordable price.

Shaving takes a lot of time and effort. I remember being a young girl who couldn't wait to start shaving. It was almost a right of passage. I was always in such a hurry to grow up, and I begged and pleaded to be able to start shaving. Fast forward a few decades, and I now understand what a chore shaving can truly be.

For the past three years, I've used the Kenzzi IPL. While this has dramatically slowed the rate of hair growth, I find that I still have to shave.

For the Feet

If you struggle with calluses or dry skin on the feet, you're not alone. My trick to keeping feet soft and sandal-ready is to use a pumice stone in the shower. After getting dressed, I put lotion or Vaseline on my feet, and then put on a pair of socks. This isn't an overnight cure, but rather a regular routine.

The Cure for Cellulite

Sorry, there isn't one, but there are steps you can take to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Here's what has worked for me:

Exercise and a Healthy Diet

Cellulite occurs when accumulated fat deposits push up in between the fibrous connective tissue that lies under the skin. This gives that dimpled, rumpled look on the thighs or other areas of the body. Knowing this, it makes sense that exercising and reducing body fat can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. This has been the case for me. As I've lost weight, through nutrition and exercise, I've noticed less cellulite on my thighs. This was most apparent in my Instagram yoga photos. Years ago, I would smooth the skin on my thighs through photo editing. As I lost weight, I stopped having to do that. While I still have some cellulite on my thighs, it is less noticeable now than several years ago.

Included in my weekly fitness routine is foam rolling. Not only does this help when my legs and feet are achy, but I'm convinced it's helped with the cellulite issue as well.


Above I mentioned a few firming lotions that I regularly use. This isn't a coincidence. I actively seek out body lotions and self-tanner, when possible, that include skin firming compounds. Nivea and Jergens are my favorite brands.

Some people claim dry brushing helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. This hasn't been my experience.

A few months ago, I started incorporating Gua Sha into my routine. This method comes from Chinese medicine. You basically use a tool to smooth the skin, promoting lymphatic drainage and reducing puffiness. There are a host of benefits to Gua Sha, with some claiming that it helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

I was initially interested after watching Mia Maples try it with her mom for 30 days. They only did their faces, and while the results were subtle, they looked promising. After more research, I decided I wanted to give this a try. My goals were to tone up my face and increase lymphatic drainage. I found a few more videos on YouTube that raved about Gua Sha reducing cellulite, so I figured that would be an added bonus.

While I've only been incorporating this method for a short period of time, I truly enjoy it. The whole process only takes me about 30 minutes and feels amazing. It's too soon to make any bold claims, but this might be something you want to look into to see if it would be right for you.

© 2024 Alyssa


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