Annoying Alarm Clocks for Those That Can't Wake Up
Same Ole Same Ole
Personally I think we get used to the same old sound of our alarm clocks. They become part of our regular background noise, and our brains tend to tune them out.
For instance: When you move from the peaceful quietness of the country to a busy city, at first the noise of the traffic can be quite bothersome, but after awhile you become accustomed to it.
Wake Up!
Are you immune to your alarm clock? Are you tired of calling the boss over and over again with the same old excuse about how your alarm clock didn't go off? Maybe it's time to get a new alarm clock that will not only wake you up but will make you jump out of bed as soon as it goes off. How about an alarm clock that is so annoying it would wake a bear out of hibernation.
Heavy Sleeper or Light Sleeper
What kind of sleeper are you?
Alarms That Don't Work
Many people today use their cell phone alarms to wake them or try to wake them up. I find that over time these don't seem to work all that well, at least not in my house.
My husband and two of my sons use their Blackberry or iPhone alarms. The first one goes off at 5:30 a.m., the second one at 6:00, and the third starts going off at 6:30. All of them are different alarms and frankly it drives me crazy as all of them just keep sleeping. The alarms never get shut off until I go and wake them all up. So in theory I suppose the alarms work via one person that is awake in the house, which always seems to be me.
This has lead me to a bit of researching on alarm clocks. I've found a few that I think may do the trick, and thought I'd share with you what I've found. I am actually thinking of purchasing one or two of these alarm clocks so maybe you could help me choose.
The Sonic Bomb Vibrating Alarm Clock
Sonic bomb .... wow this one sounds like it could wake up an entire city. This alarm clock is supposed to be louder than a jackhammer. I know when I hear a jackhammer it definitely gets under my skin, I hate the sound. The vibrating part sounds cool and requires no quarters. You can either put the vibrating part under your pillow or under your mattress, which then causes the entire bed to shake. Do you really want to wake up every morning thinking that you're in an earthquake? This one is definitely a possibility.
Let's see da bomb in action
Look at that cute little face.
Clocky Alarm clock on wheels
Could be a fun way to wake up or not. You hit the snooze on this baby and the clock jumps off the nightstand and rolls somewhere within your room or house. The alarm keeps going and going until you get out of bed, find the alarm clock, and turn it off. My dogs would have a great time chasing this one down.
With my guys they'd just let the batteries run out and not bother looking for the clock. It would be hiding somewhere in a pile or under the bed never to be seen again.
Loud Enough To Raise the Dead!
Screaming Meanie Timer and Alarm Clock
The name pretty much says it all with this alarm. There are three volume settings, which are: 70 dB, 90 dB and 120 dB.
The reviews that this alarm has gotten are excellent in the fact that anyone who has bought it wakes up.
This would be fun to do.
This is my favorite.
What do you think?
Which alarm clock do you think would be the best one to purchase?