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A fairly new bit of technology is being rolled out by yontoo layers. The software allows you to customise your facebook landing page or indeed all your pages.
You can use the stock images provided or use your own designs or pictures of loved ones,pets,or places.
I think the loved one option would be great on facebook for say relations that have moved abroad.
The pets option is not for me as I am surrounded by them. he he
OK here is the clever bit, Although the image appears to be on your facebook it actually runs in your browser. Warning not all browsers are supported.
No technical expertise is needed to install the software so no issues their.
Here is the big plus it is free although it is supported by adverts, Or you can pay a couple of bucks for an advert free service. (I did).
Here we get to the very interesting bit. It is rumoured that all social networks will be going this way soon, Bearing in mind there is no interaction between your social media and the software it would seem a no brainer it will take off. The possibilities would seem endless.Myspace,Beebo,Twitter,Plurk and so on.
So don't say I did not warn you.
Lets get down to brass tacks me being me thought everyone will want to look at hydraulic pumps,scrap metal grabs ,concrete pulverizers etc.
It would seem not so. HmmmmpH.
I emailed pagerage a few times with my wild computer aided design demolition equipment drawings. Seems they were not impressed.he he
So knock yourselves out they are no affiliation to me, And even if you just want to add pictures of your loved ones on facebook it is worth a trial. I can not tell you it is virus free etc etc but I am using it myself.
So without further a do I will bore the bejeebas out of you with some of my designs.
Ripper tooth
Ripper tooth
Above is a ripper tooth designed with computer aided design software. This one is on 80 mm pins and would normally be fitted to a twenty tonne backhoe. They are usually used for ripping out rock from quarries where the point is used to get into cracks in the rock. They are also used in demolition for ripping up slabs.
To be honest this is a fairly easy thing to design but for some reason I really like the look of it.
Here it has been added in pagerage as my facebook page.
facebook for hydraulic engineers
custom facebook profiles
Above is a hydraulic pump created in turbocad professional v 15. The pump uses the gears tool in turbocad which slows the average laptop to a crawl.
Here it is shown in pagerage and applied to my facebook
Orbit gum
Orbit chewing gum
Above is a drawing of Orbit gum created in turbocad professional. I can not imagine anyone wanting to set is there facebook page except for me maybe he he
Grab a facebook profile yes/no
Facebook landing page
One of my old favourites a recycling grab designed in a cad program. Here it is shown as my profile page on facebook.
cnc router
Scrap metal shear
facebook customised page
One of my golden oldies. The shear actually weighs two tonnes. Although in turbocad it weighs nothing. Here it is set as my facebook page
welding in turbocad
Oxygen acetylene welding
Welding torch designed in a cad program and set as my facebook page
Hydraulic shear set as a facebook profile
Active search results
- Active Search Results Search Engine
Active Search Results (ASR) is an independent Internet Search Engine using a proprietary search engine ranking technology. All search results are provided by ASR's internal indexes and databases without relying on outside resources or third party sea
Payback time
- Wisdom-soft Downloads
This software has been very useful. The free version is as good as anything out there
- http://www.pagerage.com/#bc1=1&bc3=1&bc2=1
Custom facebook profile and landing pages
My pagrerage blog
- PageRage
Some of my designs for facebook profiles. I need to alter the backdrops to enable better viewing of text.
A bit more payback for all her help
- A Writer\'s Edge ... Georganna Hancock ... @GLHancock
San Diego freelance writer and editor Georganna Hancock provides writing help, editing fiction and nonfiction, and website content. She offers editing services for books and other manuscripts, copywriting, website content and writing help. Free sampl
Sad end to a proud ship
A grab under design in turbocad
- AutoScreenRecorder_06 Mar. 11 14.07.avi - YouTube
Turbocad layers. At last some decent audio.